L10N/Loadingscreens_AddOn/1.1/Descriptions/Data-03 のバックアップ(No.1)


FormID: 01011986 NanoScreenLegion 0 The Imperial Legion is the Empire's proud army. It evolved at the beginning of the Second Era from the Alessian Army.
FormID: 0101205A NanoScreenAlchemy2 0 If you're on the hunt for ingredients for mightier potions, it's worthwile to check up the Mages Guilds or the Market District of the Imperial City.
FormID: 0101205B NanoScreenGuildPortier 0 You can find a smith in each house of the Fighter's Guild who repairs your armor for a good price.
FormID: 0101205C NanoScreenRothwardon1 0 Rothwardons are versatile fighters who feel fine in each armor type and wield every weapon masterly.
FormID: 0101205D NanoScreenWaterfront1 0 The Waterfront is Cyrodiil's largest trading center, daily many ships from all provinces dock here.
FormID: 0101205E NanoScreenWaterfront2 0 Shipping on the Niben is safe, but who moves too far from the coast has to brace himself for pirate attacks.
FormID: 0101205F NanoScreenWayshrine 0 IIf you prayed at a wayshrine of one of the Nine Divines you then can receive his blessing in the chapels, too.
FormID: 01012060 NanoScreenDungeon2 0 Long times ago, the forts served as protection from attacks of neighbor provinces.
FormID: 01012061 NanoScreenDungeon3 0 Gangs of thieves often expand the deserted forts to real strongholds that are hard to be infiltrated.
FormID: 01012062 NanoScreenGreatForest2 0 In the southern Great Forest there are many charming clearances between age-old redwood trees.
FormID: 01012063 NanoScreenSmith 0 Smiths are held in high esteem because they help many people with their work.
FormID: 010134DD NanoScreenBrotherhood1 0 It is told that the Dark Brotherhood was founded in the Second Era by members of the Morag Tong, the assassins guild from Morrowind.
FormID: 010134DE NanoScreenBrotherhood2 0 The symbol of the Dark Brotherhood is a black hand. It stands for its five highest members.
FormID: 010134DF NanoScreenImp 0 Imps possess strong elemental spells. Because they additionally attack in groups, they can become a great danger although they are so small.
FormID: 010134E0 NanoScreenMudCrab 0 Mud Crabs are on the menu of all of Tamriel's poorer people.
FormID: 010134E1 NanoScreenPantherRiver 0 The Panther River is avoided by most ships because of its sharp rocks.
FormID: 010134E2 NanoScreenSilverfish 0 In the sourrounding of the sluggish Silverfish River are some snug hamlets.
FormID: 010134E3 NanoScreenSun 0 Generally the sun is seen as huge hole in Oblivion and gate to Aetherius, the plane of magic.
FormID: 010134E4 NanoScreenThiefBeggar 0 It is said that the harmless-looking beggars are the secret henchmen of the Gray Fox and are protected by the Thieves Guild.
FormID: 010134E5 NanoScreenTraining 0 Train your skills regularly. Who knows what you can reach by doing so?
FormID: 010134E6 NanoScreenTroll 0 It is known that Trolls regenerate fast, but not so much that they are prone to fire.
FormID: 010134E7 NanoScreenVampire 0 Not every vampire is a cruel beast. In fact, several vampires are living among us without being recognized, as integrated member of society.
FormID: 010134E8 NanoScreenWoodelf1 0 The fine-boned Wood Elves are cunning traders and deft thieves.
FormID: 010134E9 NanoScreenDreugh 0 During their youth the usually aquatically dreugh move on the land for one year. These period is known as Karvinasim.
FormID: 010134EA NanoScreenMinotaur 0 The extremely strong Minotaurs can be found mainly in the mountains and forests.
FormID: 010134EB NanoScreenMoons 0 Masser and Secunda are the remnants of the God Lorkhan who betrayed the other Gods aeons ago.
FormID: 010134EC NanoScreenOgre 0 Ogres are hardboiled creatures that redeem their lack of intelligence with unbelievable punches.
FormID: 010134ED NanoScreenCastle 0 The castles of Cyrodiil hide many secret passages and dark mysteries.
FormID: 010134EE NanoScreenDaedric 0 The unbelievable strong daedric weapons are feared and desired by all mortals.
FormID: 010134EF NanoScreenDaedroth 0 The crocodile-like Daedroth can cast strong shields and fire balls.
FormID: 010134F0 NanoScreenDwemer 0 Dwemer weapons and armor can nowadays only be found in old caves and ruins because the knowledge of their fabrication was lost with the Dwemer's demise.
FormID: 010134F1 NanoScreenElven 0 Most Ayleid weapons you can find are despite their age in an excellent condition.
FormID: 010134F2 NanoScreenGlass 0 Glass armor and weapons are mostly applied by rangers and thieves - if they can get them.
FormID: 010134F3 NanoScreenIC 0 Since the time of St. Alessia no foreign power was able to capture the Imperial City.
FormID: 010134F4 NanoScreenMithril 0 The Mithril armor is preferably used by Nord barbarians because it's so light and robust.
FormID: 010134F5 NanoScreenSpriggan 0 In the vernacular Spriggans are called the peaceful [QUOTE]Guards of Nature[QUOTE] but they attack everyone daring to penetrate into their woods.
FormID: 010134F6 NanoScreenMasser 0 The Khajiit worship the different phases of the Masser moon like Gods which show astonishing parallels to the Nine Divines.
FormID: 010134F7 NanoScreenBreton1 0 Bretons have inherited their strong magic powers from a blend of Ayleids with a human race.
FormID: 010134F8 NanoScreenOrcish 0 The traditional orcish armor astonishes through well handled, wild patterns.
FormID: 010134F9 NanoScreenFireAtronach 0 Fire Atronachs are among the few creatures adventurers like to meet in the dark...
FormID: 01013BCD NanoScreenFrostAtronach 0 The huge frost atronachs can't alone cast frost spells, but also they can heal themselves which makes them very tough enemies.
FormID: 010142A1 NanoScreenFryingPan 0 The true warrior doesn't need a sword.
FormID: 010142A2 NanoScreenCheydinhal1 0 Since about half a century an unusual high number of Dark Elves move from Morrowind to Cheydinhal.
FormID: 010142A3 NanoScreenCheydinhal2 0 in the western part of Cheydinhal you can find many traders and guild delegations.
FormID: 010142A4 NanoScreenCheydinhal3 0 The river Corbolo divides Cheydinhal into a marekt and a chapel district.
FormID: 01014978 NanoScreenCheydinhal4 0 In the Newland Lodge dominates harsh contact, after all it's a Dark Elf tavern.
FormID: 01014979 NanoScreenCheydinhal5 0 Towards evening the romantic charm of Cheydinhal unfolds.
FormID: 0101497A NanoScreenCheydinhal7 0 [QUOTE]That many of the rough, unpleasant people are Orcs should be no surprise to you.[QUOTE] - Alessia Ottus, Guide to Cheydinhal
FormID: 0101497B NanoScreenCheydinhal6 0 The fact that the count is a mope diminishes the wealth and beauty of Cheydinhal not a bit.
FormID: 0101504F NanoScreenAnvil1 0 From the lighthouse you have a nice view over Anvil.
FormID: 01015050 NanoScreenAnvil2 0 Daily many ships put in the Anvial harbour from all of Tamriel's provnces, whereby the city got very rich.
FormID: 01015051 NanoScreenAnvil3 0 The Fighters Guild in Anvil houses a large training center for its recruits.
FormID: 01015052 NanoScreenAnvil5 0 The statue of a mermaid shows how closely Anvil is linked to the sea.
FormID: 01015053 NanoScreenAnvil6 0 Over the way of the chapel there is a nice ambulatory that invites to meditate and saunter.
FormID: 01015054 NanoScreenAnvil4 0 You can find many beautiful houses in western Anvil.
FormID: 01015728 NanoScreenAnvil7 0 [QUOTE]The docks are rotten and in ill-repair, and all manner of smells issue forth from the holds of ships and ramshackled warehouses.[QUOTE] - Alessia Ottus, Guide to Anvil
FormID: 01000ED4 NanoScreenLevitation 0 Levitation spells were forbidden in Cyrodiil in 3E 421 through the Levitation Act.
FormID: 01000ED5 NanoScreenParadise1 0 If you enter remote regions you should absolutely watch the flora. Many useful ingredients can only be found there.
FormID: 01015DFD NanoScreenLeyawiin1 0 [QUOTE]If it weren't for the raffish rabble of Argonian and Khajiit descent, Leyawiin would be a pleasant and safe place to visit[QUOTE] - Alessia Ottus, Guide to Leyawiin
FormID: 01015DFE NanoScreenLeyawiin2 0 The proprietor of [QUOTE]Southern Books[QUOTE] might be the only book-trading Orc of Tamriel...
FormID: 01015DFF NanoScreenLeyawiin3 0 The muggy climate in Leyawiin fosters the growth of Aloe Vera and Bog Beacon.
FormID: 01015E00 NanoScreenLeyawiin4 0 The proximity to the sea lets Leyawiin be flooded every now and then.
FormID: 01015E01 NanoScreenLeyawiin5 0 The guilds gather around a large place in south-western Leyawiin.
FormID: 01015E02 NanoScreenLeyawiin7 0 In northern Leyawiin some neat shops and inns have established.
FormID: 010164D6 NanoScreenLeyawiin6 0 The many colours let visitors think of Leyawiin as a very happy city.
FormID: 010164D7 NanoScreeWillowthewisp 0 Will-o'-the-wisps are very mean enemies - they are immune to normal weapons and absorb your health and some attributes.
FormID: 01016BAB NanoScreenMythicDawn 0 With the appointment to an Acolyte a member of the Mythic Dawn receives a special armor spell.

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