FormID: 030215E9 bgZMG1SubAnvil 5 0 Carahil asked me to find a [QUOTE]lost amulet[QUOTE], which was thrown overboard some years ago.
FormID: 030215E9 bgZMG1SubAnvil 25 0 Astia Inventus told me that the ship was dangerously close to Lighthouse back then.
__Astia Inventusによると、その船はあやうく灯台に衝突するところだったらしい。
FormID: 030215E9 bgZMG1SubAnvil 30 0 Ulfgar Fog-Eye told me that the crew tried to toss a lot of junk overboard, as to save their ship. Most of it was rescued later, but not everything. Doesn't sound like they had thrown individual pieces of jewelry into the water.
__Ulfgar Fog-Eyeが語ったところによると、船員たちは船を守るために沢山の不用品を船外に投げ捨てたとのことだ。投げ捨てた品々の大半は後日回収されたが、回収されなかった品もある。察するに、宝石を一個ずつ別々に投げ捨てたという状況ではないようだ。
FormID: 030215E9 bgZMG1SubAnvil 35 0 Wilherm the Worm told me that the ship nearly grounded close to the lighthouse.
__Wilherm the Wormによると、その船は危うく灯台と接触事故を起こすところだったという。
FormID: 030215E9 bgZMG1SubAnvil 40 0 Heinrich Oaken-Hull told me that while he was away as the accident happened, afterwards he made great profits with Potion of the Seas.
__Heinrich Oaken-Hullは事故当時不在にしていたが、後でPotion of the Seas(水中呼吸の魔法薬)を売って大儲けしたとのことだ。
FormID: 030215E9 bgZMG1SubAnvil 45 0 Mirabelle Monet told me that it was a busy night back then, but not for her. And that most [QUOTE]rescued[QUOTE] equipment later rusted to dust, due to wooden crates not being able to withhold water.
__Mirabelle Monetの話によれば事故当日は慌ただしい夜だったらしい。もっとも、水揚げされた品々の大半は錆びて使い物にならなくなってしまったようだが。木箱では浸水を防げなかったのだ。
FormID: 030215E9 bgZMG1SubAnvil 50 0 Timothee LaRouche said that the ship got into trouble [QUOTE]where the ocean ground descends[QUOTE].
__Timothee LaRoucheによると、その船は「海底が一段と深くなっている場所」で事故に見舞われたとのことだ。
FormID: 030215E9 bgZMG1SubAnvil 55 0 Newheim the Portly told me that the harbor bay was already picked clean of any leftovers.
__Newheim the Portlyによると、湾からは既に全ての品が回収済みで何も残っていないとのことだ。
FormID: 030215E9 bgZMG1SubAnvil 60 0 I've met a fellow Maormer underwater. He says he knows where the relic is.
FormID: 030215E9 bgZMG1SubAnvil 60 1 I've met a strange mer, underwater. He says he knows where the relic is.
FormID: 030215E9 bgZMG1SubAnvil 65 0 Erriellus agreed to bring me to the relic.
FormID: 030215E9 bgZMG1SubAnvil 70 0 I've found the relic Carahil asked for.
FormID: 030215E9 bgZMG1SubAnvil 100 0 Carahil was pleased to get the ring back, therefore agreeing to a Guild Guide.
__アミュレットを取り戻たことによりCarahilは喜んでGuild Guideの設置に協力してくれることとなった。