L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Dialogue/bgMQ7Secrets-08 のバックアップ(No.1)


FormID: 0315A0AA bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7CTeledri1 0 Mir Corrup is a quite place. Has been for quite some time. Well, it is more lively now than in the past decades, but still Mir Corrup is nothing like Cyrod oder Anvil.
FormID: 0315A0AA bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7CTeledri1 1 It is relatively safe here. Well, you shouldn't anger the Eternal Guardians outside of the city. And if a snow storm approaches, you shouldn't stay outdoors. There's a reason Mir Corrup has several places to spend some hours.
FormID: 0315A0AA bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7CTeledri1 2 Mir Corrup also is somewhat of an experiment. Altmers living next door to Maormer. Ohmes and Ohmes-raht as fully integrated citizen. And of course a few Daedric beings associated with the Stranded Light, like myself.
FormID: 0315A0AA bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7CTeledri1 3 There is a certain strain. In some meetings people are tense, uneasy. It gets better by each day, though.
FormID: 0315A0AB bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7CTeledri2 0 Oh, don't ask. It is embarassing.
FormID: 0315A0AB bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7CTeledri2 1 Tesserayiel's idea. [QUOTE]Don't wear your helmet, that makes people uneasy.[QUOTE], and Kanaane added [QUOTE]you could also be mistaken for the Eternal Guardian![QUOTE]
FormID: 0315A0AB bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7CTeledri2 2 So at first I just didn't wear a helmet. Then Velerya began pointing out that my hair looked like a stack of hay that was hit by a falling star. So she sent me to Beramkne to get my hair done.
FormID: 0315A0AB bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7CTeledri2 3 Result? Oh dear. At least mortals laugh now instead of cowering in fear.
FormID: 0315A0AB bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7CTeledri2 4 I liked it more when they cowered in fear.
FormID: 0315A0AC bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7CTeledri3 0 What do you wish to hear? That I was on Vvardenfell several times, had fun mutilating would be adventurers and razing small towns?
FormID: 0315A0AC bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7CTeledri3 1 Yes, I've been sent to Morrowind. Several times. In times long past. It has been centuries since I've stepped foot into the lands of the Dunmer.
FormID: 0315A0AC bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7CTeledri3 2 We can't all be like Tesserayiel. Some of us do have a dark past. I may be one of them, but I am not anymore.
FormID: 0315A0AC bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7CTeledri3 3 Is that clear?
FormID: 0315AE7A bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7CFirstande1 0 It's in love with a baliwog, stupid thing!
FormID: 0315AE7A bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7CFirstande1 1 A queen is way over its limits, but it is too stupid to understand that. So it won't go away.
FormID: 0315AE7B bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7CFirstande2 0 Ruling over all Baliwogs, of course!
FormID: 0315AE7C bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7CFirstande3 0 Just about everything! Just ask, and be blessed by an answer that will shake your worldview downside up!
FormID: 0315AE7C bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7CFirstande3 1 Of course question and answer have to be in Baliwog speech. Such little details are important.
FormID: 0315AE7C bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7CFirstande3 2 Words are just a vessel for wisdom, and the vessel must fit. Human speech is just not fitting. It can't hold true knowledge. It is like a shadow of truth, then.
FormID: 0315AE7C bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7CFirstande3 3 Grmuuurbl brrooorl gruuuf?
FormID: 0315AE7C bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7CFirstande3 4 Hrmooorbl bruushl llarrgl!
FormID: 0315BC6B bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7DFinish0 0 Are you sure?
FormID: 0315BC6C bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7DFinish1a 0 Then go ahead and find him or her or it or whatever. Time's ticking!
FormID: 0315BC6D bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7DFinish1b 0 Alright. Then let me have your notes!
FormID: 0315BC6D bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7DFinish1b 1 You made notes, haven't you?
FormID: 0315BC6E bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7DFinish2 0 Hm. Let me see.
FormID: 0315BC6E bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7DFinish2 1 Quite short, aren't they?
FormID: 0315BC6E bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7DFinish2 2 Oh well. Those Stranded Light Daedra may not have been running around hacking people to pieces, well some theatened to do so, but, erm, they are quite tight lipped.
FormID: 0315BC6E bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7DFinish2 3 Take this robe. More I cannot spare. I doubt our project will be a hit.
FormID: 0315BC6F bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7DFinish2 0 Hm. Let me see.
FormID: 0315BC6F bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7DFinish2 1 Oh yes, that's something!
FormID: 0315BC6F bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7DFinish2 2 Good work. That will make an interesting book! Hm. To be honest I had hoped for more, but considering how tight-lipped those Daedra are, I may have been too optimistic.
FormID: 0315BC6F bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7DFinish2 3 Take this robe. And this little stone. It seems to be magical, but I can't really figure out what it does. Best not to have it around in my shop anyway.
FormID: 0315BC70 bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7DFinish2 0 Hm. Let me see.
FormID: 0315BC70 bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7DFinish2 1 Oh yes, that's a lot!
FormID: 0315BC70 bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7DFinish2 2 Good work. That's exactly what I was looking for! Very, very nicely done. Never thought it possible to get as much, uhm, confessions out of those tight-lipped Daedra.
FormID: 0315BC70 bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7DFinish2 3 Take this robe. And this little stone. It seems to be magical, but I can't really figure out what it does. Best not to have it around in my shop anyway.
FormID: 0315BC70 bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7DFinish2 4 Oh. And this little sword. Never know when it may come in handy.
FormID: 0315BC71 bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7DFinish3 0 The robe was a present from a local Dunmer. I've succeeded in getting a book she thought was impossible to get.
FormID: 0315BC71 bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7DFinish3 1 The stone? Crazy story. There was a battle between an imperial battlemage, of course not THE imperial battlemage, and some kind of Altmer wizard just outside of my door.
FormID: 0315BC71 bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7DFinish3 2 The stone just rolled in, and no one wanted it back. I'm no mage, so it is just a creepy piece of stone for me.
FormID: 0315BC72 bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7DFinish3 0 The robe was a present from a local Dunmer. I've succeeded in getting a book she thought was impossible to get.
FormID: 0315BC72 bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7DFinish3 1 The stone? Crazy story. There was a battle between an imperial battlemage, of course not THE imperial battlemage, and some kind of Altmer wizard just outside of my door.
FormID: 0315BC72 bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7DFinish3 2 The stone just rolled in, and no one wanted it back. I'm no mage, so it is just a creepy piece of stone for me.
FormID: 0315BC72 bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7DFinish3 3 The sword? It is one of three identical swords, forged in Yokuda before it sank. It is enchanted by the arts that created it, as far as I can tell. A rare piece of craftmanship. A blade sharp enough to cut air.
FormID: 0315BC72 bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7DFinish3 4 Legendary as they may be, they tend to get 'lost' if not wielded. I am no warrior, so I am not the right wielder. Considering that you know how to talk, and how to fight, you're a lot more suitable.
FormID: 0315BC72 bgMQ7Secrets bgMQ7DFinish3 5 Well, better you than any barbarian who doesn't know how to talk. A sword like this could cause a lot of damage if it falls into the wrong hand.

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