L10N/Integration_TSL/0.993/Dialogue/bgPDQ1Sheep のバックアップ(No.1)


FormID: 03134730 bgPDQ1Sheep GREETING 0 What were you thinking!
FormID: 03134730 bgPDQ1Sheep GREETING 1 These were my sheep illusions! Those demented are bad enough when they had enough sleep. Which they hardly achieved with sheep, and not at all without.
FormID: 03134730 bgPDQ1Sheep GREETING 2 Hey, you're away while the rest of us have to live with their mood. Don't cross me like this again!
FormID: 03134730 bgPDQ1Sheep GREETING 3 It was a pretty complicated spell. Nothing I can just shake out of my sleeve. Oh well.
FormID: 03134731 bgPDQ1Sheep bgPDQ1SheepTopic 0 They're cute. I can imagine feeding them to Letifer Orca plants, or cut out their intestines and strangle them together.
FormID: 03134732 bgPDQ1Sheep bgPDQ1SheepTopic 0 Just make them go away! That can't be too hard. They're sheep illusions for Arden Sul's sake!
FormID: 03134733 bgPDQ1Sheep bgPDQ1SheepTopic 0 I wish I had something to count at night. Only the wind and stars to comfort me.
FormID: 03134734 bgPDQ1Sheep bgPDQ1SheepTopic 0 I never had much dealings with sheep. Where I'm from there were kagoutis, guars and other scaly beings. Ever wore Netch leather? Give me wool every day!
FormID: 03134735 bgPDQ1Sheep bgPDQ1SheepTopic 0 Tee hee.
FormID: 03134736 bgPDQ1Sheep bgPDQ1SheepTopic 0 Whatever any mortal requires of us, we will not fight sheep. That is below even our standard. And mind you, we Mazken defend mortals from grave perils like Baliwogs.
FormID: 03134737 bgPDQ1Sheep bgPDQ1SheepTopic 0 What exactly are [QUOTE]sheep[QUOTE]? Some kind of... rabbits? No, I think those were shmeerp. Mundane animals are confusing.
FormID: 03134738 bgPDQ1Sheep bgPDQ1Success 0 Finally! Those little critters were really getting annoying. How can anyone find sleep when such symbols of lies are around? As if the world would be an idyllic place where such creatures could survive!
FormID: 03134738 bgPDQ1Sheep bgPDQ1Success 1 They're meat and wool, nothing else. Cattle to be locked away, not happily walking through our quarters. Finally I'll be able to work again.
FormID: 03134738 bgPDQ1Sheep bgPDQ1Success 2 Thank you. Have some ham.
FormID: 03134738 bgPDQ1Sheep bgPDQ1Success 3 And now let's only hope that Thollorn doesn't try to eat all illusion residues. Bosmer.

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