L10N/Elsweyr_the_Deserts/2010July/Dialogue/ANQHouseDune のバックアップ(No.1)


FormID: 010B427F ANQHouseDune ANQHouseInquiry 0 Yes, I do have a lovely house for sale here in the upper district of Dune. It is the one with the blue awnings up on the north side.
FormID: 010B4282 ANQHouseDune ANQHouseBuyDune 0 Very good. Here is the deed to the house and your front door key.
FormID: 010B4282 ANQHouseDune ANQHouseBuyDune 1 The place is currently empty but you should be able to buy some furnishings for it from Ri'Thibb's Clutter Shack in the Market District.
FormID: 010B4286 ANQHouseDune ANQHouseDecline 0 Yes, yes. Now begone. I'm far too busy to waste any more time talking to the likes of you.
FormID: 010B4289 ANQHouseDune ANQHouseTooMuchDune 0 I see. This adventuring thing doesn't seem to be going that well for you, maybe you should look for a proper job.

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