FormID: 01002F45 MS47 MS47RefusalMoney 0 That's just not reasonable.
FormID: 01002F46 MS47 MS47Refusal 0 Fine. Be that way. It would be best if you left this town and never came back.
FormID: 0100342F MS47 MS47MoneyReconsider 0 He's a wizard who took up residence in the ruins of Fort Caractacus a couple of years ago.
FormID: 0100342F MS47 MS47MoneyReconsider 1 He's caused us no end of trouble with his magical experiments, but nothing as bad as this.
FormID: 0100342F MS47 MS47MoneyReconsider 2 We've tried to find him, but had no luck. If he's still living in the fort, he's hiding from us, and no wonder.
FormID: 0100342F MS47 MS47MoneyReconsider 3 If you could find him and get him to remove this cursed invisibility, we will all be in your debt.
FormID: 01003430 MS47 MS47MoneyNoDeal 0 Fine. Be that way. It would be best if you left this town and never came back.