L10N/Companion_Vilja/3.0.1/Dialogue/1emmQuest1-13 のバックアップ(No.1)


FormID: 010B344C 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 I read one of Casta Scribonia's books not long ago. But I must admit that I didn't understand a thing!
FormID: 010CCEDE 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 I forgot what I was about to say.
FormID: 010CCEDD 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 I bet I could run faster than you. If I really try, that is.
FormID: 010CCEDC 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 I never have time to write in my diary.
FormID: 011200A9 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 Honestly, some bandits are so silly! They always hang around in the same old places! You might as well have your bow ready when you walk up to them!
__正直、野盗って馬鹿だよね…いつも同じような廃墟にたむろしてばかり。通過するときにちゃんと [QUOTE]挨拶[QUOTE] してあげてね。
FormID: 01170419 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 My mom always says wizards are a nuisance. Can't live with them, can't live without them, can't tie them to a stake without people complaining!
FormID: 0117041B 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 It's good to see new stores springing up in Cyrodiil which also cater for the female figure. However, I've yet to see a good daedric corset.
FormID: 011409FF 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 There should be some kind of security block on scrolls. Once I activated one by accident. Lightning bolts can be really devastating inside a shop.
FormID: 0111F9CB 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 I think the best place for swimming is that little Creek behind Pells Gate.But you sometimes have to teach a few wizards a lesson first.Peeping toms!
FormID: 0111F9C7 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 They say that diamonds are a girl's best friend, but in my opinion, the girl's best friend is a fiery sword with soul-trap.
FormID: 0111F9BF 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 I know my braids seem old-fashioned, but I think the effect is quite charming. And once I was able to use one braid to strangle a spriggan to death.
FormID: 01170420 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 Leather armour, in my opinion, flatters everybody, what do you think?
FormID: 01170421 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 I don't like glass armour. What a horrible green! And it chafes!
FormID: 01170AF5 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 A girl can look good in fur armour, right until she meets a bandit with a halfway decent weapon! I know fur doesn't chafe, but an axe certainly does!
FormID: 01174193 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 I hate wearing a helmet. It ruins my hair completely.
FormID: 01174194 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 I can't understand why any girl would want to wear a daedric helmet. They are downright ugly, don't you think so, too?
FormID: 0111F2DE 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 I don't know, I see a lot of ships, but I can't find herring anywhere.
FormID: 010B3446 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 Wilbur at the Count's Arms knows a lot about fine wines. When I was working there, he tried to teach me a little, but, honestly, I still prefer mead!
FormID: 010B3452 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 Aleswell has such a lovely view over the Imperial City!
FormID: 010B0B46 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 It's so good to be here in Anvil. I so enjoy looking at all those beautiful ships.
FormID: 010B0B44 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 This is such a beautiful city. Don't you think so, too?
FormID: 010B0B42 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 What a horrible weather we have today!
FormID: 010B0B41 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 I really enjoy the snow here in Bruma. Don't you?
FormID: 010D90E5 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 I never forget the first potion I made. It was supposed to restore health. But my father almost died of it.
FormID: 0103A42F 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 I'm not too sure about my weapons... Back in Morrowind, I always used a spear, but here in Cyrodiil I haven't been able to find one. Why is that?
FormID: 0117041A 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 My mom says it's very important to keep your teeth in good shape. I think she would be most impressed by your tusks!
FormID: 0103A430 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 Can you explain to me why on Nirn an axe would be considered as [QUOTE]blunt[QUOTE]? It beats me for sure! If I am to use an axe, I definitely want a sharp one
FormID: 0108222B 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 Everyone is talking, but no one has anything to say.
FormID: 0117041F 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 You should hear some of the songs my father sings after a schnaps or two. They are naughty!
FormID: 0108222A 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 I don't feel like talking. Why don't you talk for a change??
FormID: 010AE1D5 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 I really like your outfit - it matches your eyes so well.
FormID: 0108222C 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 I think you should change your outfit. It isn't becoming at all!
FormID: 010388CB 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 I might swim more if it weren't for the slaughterfish. Sharp teeth, and some carry disease.
FormID: 0107F903 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 Have you met Azzan at the Anvil Fighters' Guild? I think he is cute!
FormID: 0107F902 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 Have you met Azzan at the Anvil Fighters' Guild? I think he is cute!
FormID: 01082229 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 They say that black horses are the fastest, but I always preferred the white ones. They are stronger, I think.
FormID: 01082228 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 Last year I tried to dye my hair chestnut brown. But something went wrong, and it looked all greenish.
FormID: 0107F8FB 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 Aren't you horribly afraid of those vampires? I am...
FormID: 0107F8F9 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 Have you heard the story about the ghost who walks the shores of Niben Bay at night? The people in Bravil call him The Forlorn Watchman.
FormID: 0107F8F8 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 I seriously believe that you need to take a bath!
FormID: 0107F904 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 I seriously believe that you need to take a bath!
FormID: 0107F8FC 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 When I was a child I used to dream about going to Cyrodiil. And now I'm here. Strange, isn't it.
FormID: 0107F8FA 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 You should taste my strawberry pie! It's absolutely delicious.
FormID: 010E798E 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 I have always enjoyed swimming. But in Solstheim the water is way too cold.
FormID: 0107F901 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 I've tried so hard to get better at spellcasting. But I just don't seem to have that in me...
FormID: 0107F8FD 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 I like swimming. But those slaughterfishes really scare me!
FormID: 0107F900 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 My mom always said I should stay away from girls like you.
FormID: 0107F8FF 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 My mom always said I should stay away from guys like you.
FormID: 0107F8FE 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 I don't like heavy armor... It makes me feel so... fat.
FormID: 0110E11E 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 You can't be too careful out in the wilderness. Almost any creature you find is liable to give you a disease.

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