L10N/Chapter_2_The_Society_Of_The_Atronach/1.0/Books/aaaSOTA08PirateCaptainJournal のバックアップ(No.1)


aaaSOTA08PirateCaptainJournal Edit

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<font face=5>Entry 1<br>
Blast the Imperial Legion; "work" is near impossible to get done with those damn Guards hanging around at every turn...you'd think robbing a rich man that walked down the street flaunting his wealth would be simple enough...<br>
"Halt! Criminal!"...by the GOD'S I am sick of listening to that again and again...I think I've really done it this time though; the Legion hasn't stopped looking for me the past three days...hopefully they won't check this cave on the island...I hear them go by a few times, but I simply growl like a vicious animal and they think twice about entering...<br>
...the biggest problem is living off this fungus that tastes like old feet...smells twice as bad too...<br>
Entry 2<br>
Well, it's been two days since I've seen a Guard, so I ventured out into the sunlight once more...my eyes certainly didn't thank me for that...instead of immediately going back to my life as a pickpocket, I decided to go for a little walk...I mulled over my life while listening to the gentle sound of ships swaying in the wake of the Imperial City Waterfront...<br>
And it hit me...why am I wasting my life on such tiny prizes like necklaces and rings when I could just as easily be drowning in spoils, and with no Imperial Legion to bother me either?!<br>
These people that lift crates off ships, put crates back ON ships...they have no idea how simple it would be to just take over the ship, sail it somewhere secluded, dump the bodies of the crew, and make away with everything on board...I think I'm definitely onto something...<br>
Entry 3<br>
Under the veil of darkness- <font face=1>(This has been hastily scrawled out) <font face=5>-what am I, a poet? It got dark, I picked up my weapon, I got to work...I just climbed aboard the ship at night, thankfully getting past a Guard that was too involved in the tankard of ale he was drinking to even notice the gold I stole from his pocket on my way onto the ship...<br>
I laid low for a while, and by morning, the ship had set sail...I made sure we were clear of the city limits, and then got to work...these crew members, all green to the core...a simple tap on the shoulder and a slit of the throat, and they were all fish food...I sailed the ship into a small cove just south of Leyawiin and started unloading the loot...and, to top it off, I have my own ship now...but I can't sail this big thing around by myself...I'll have to start looking for a crew of my own...<br>
Entry 4<br>
I made sure there were no markings left on the ship to identify it, and sailed into Leyawiin to look for a crew...my word the pickings are slim...but, I suppose I was lucky enough to turn up on a night when the local bar was full of rowdy men...they'll take some training...but they'll do...<br>
Entry 5<br>
I trained them up at the cove I hide my loot at, and it was very slow to begin with...I'm amazed they didn't wind up killing each other when I finally game them their swords...wouldn't know which end to hold, I swear...but, the itch to rob again is greater than ever, and I think it's time we pulled our first job...<br>
Entry 6<br>
Success! Aha! It was even more simple than I had ever imagined! Sure, there wasn't much to steal, mostly cloth and costume jewelry, but the crew gave up easily (not that it mattered; we killed them anyway)...to top it off, we sold the ship as scrap wood, and made quite a bit of coin...<br>
Entry 7<br>
It's been two days, and we've decided that it's time again to take another shipment for ourselves...thankfully, in this time, the crew's abilities have somewhat sharpened, which can only be an improvement...we leave at sundown...<br>
<font face=1>(This next entry has spots of blood covering it)<br>
<font face=5>Entry 8<br>
Damn those stupid imbeciles! Why did I ever trust them with a pointed object?!<br>
Everything was going fine, then that stupid Palius went and decided to kill one of the crew members ahead of time...only that while he was slashing away, the stupid bastard got me in the eye with his sword! Yes, well...he got my eye...I got his heart...<br>
Entry 9<br>
I've had to halt our little "enterprise" to get to grips with being half blind...using a sword is not as simple as it once was...although, among the assorted glass loot of our last ship, I found myself a behemoth of a weapon...a Glass Warhammer...it has amazing force, and such grace as it whips through the air, destroying everything in it's path...perhaps I'm not a swordsman anymore...besides...it's easier to use with only one eye...point and swing...what could be so difficult?<br>
Entry 10<br>
Well, I've grown confident with my new weapon, and I feel it's about time we got back to work...the men have become restless...my sources tell me of a Cargo Liner heading for Elsweyr...they never told me what was on it...but I bet that it will be easy pickings, seeing as barely any crew member will dare to sail these waters while I am around...it's time for us to go to work...

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