

FormID: 010519C1 WFMQ19S 0 0
FormID: 010519C1 WFMQ19S 10 0 Perhaps there is a back way in. Perhaps someone could be 'persuaded' to let Elvetta out. I'd better investigate the possibilities. I could always fight it out but the bounty could be astronomical, and the damage irreparable. I need a different approach to an all-out assault on the Legion.
FormID: 010519C1 WFMQ19S 10 1 Perhaps there is a back way in. Perhaps someone could be 'persuaded' to let Elvetta out, but with Fracus dead the Legion isn't likely to listen to me. I'd better investigate the possibilities. I could always fight it out but the bounty could be astronomical, and the damage irreparable. I need a different approach to an all-out assault on the Legion.
FormID: 010519C1 WFMQ19S 100 0
FormID: 010519C1 WFMQ19S 15 0 Perhaps there is a back way in. Perhaps someone could be 'persuaded' to let Elvetta out. I'd better investigate the possibilities. I could always fight it out but the bounty could be astronomical, and the damage irreparable. I need a different approach to an all-out assault on the Legion. Lucky for me I grabbed the key to the Legion Jail Cells when I had the chance. I'm sure that will come in handy.
__おそらく監獄には裏口から侵入可能だ。またはElvettaを釈放するよう誰かを[QUOTE]説得[QUOTE]出来るのかもしれない。色々な可能性を検討すべきだ。衛兵を倒して無理矢理中に入る事も出来るが、莫大な懸賞金が掛けられるのは避けられないし、取り返しの付かない事になりかねない。何にせよ、衛兵を皆殺しにする以外の解決策を取らねばならないだろう。幸いにもLegion Jail Cell(監獄の鍵)は持っている。これが役に立ちそうだ。
FormID: 010519C1 WFMQ19S 15 1 Perhaps there is a back way in. Perhaps someone could be 'persuaded' to let Elvetta out, but with Fracus dead the Legion isn't likely to listen to me. I'd better investigate the possibilities. I could always fight it out but the bounty could be astronomical, and the damage irreparable. I need a different approach to an all-out assault on the Legion. Lucky for me I grabbed the key to the Legion Jail Cells when I had the chance. I'm sure that will come in handy.
__おそらく監獄には裏口から侵入可能だ。またはElvettaを釈放するよう誰かを[QUOTE]説得[QUOTE]出来るのかもしれないが、Fracusが死んだ今となっては聞き入れてくれる者がいるかどうか疑問だ。色々な可能性を検討すべきだ。衛兵を倒して無理矢理中に入る事も出来るが、莫大な懸賞金が掛けられるのは避けられないし、取り返しの付かない事になりかねない。何にせよ、衛兵を皆殺しにする以外の解決策を取らねばならないだろう。幸いにもLegion Jail Cell(監獄の鍵)は持っている。これが役に立ちそうだ。
FormID: 010519C1 WFMQ19S 20 0 The key to the jail cells. This will make my job a whole lot easier.
FormID: 010519C1 WFMQ19S 26 0
FormID: 010519C1 WFMQ19S 30 0
FormID: 010519C1 WFMQ19S 35 0
FormID: 010519C1 WFMQ19S 40 0
FormID: 010519C1 WFMQ19S 50 0 I have gotten Elvetta out of the Cell. Now to get her back home.
FormID: 010519C1 WFMQ19S 60 0 I have paid for Elvetta's release.
FormID: 010519C1 WFMQ19S 70 0 Elvetta is free. I'd better inform Stilus.
FormID: 010519C1 WFMQ19S 75 0 Elvetta has died. Not good.
FormID: 010519C1 WFMQ19S 80 0 I have reported to Stilus that Elvetta is free.
FormID: 010519C1 WFMQ19S 90 0 I have informed Stilus that Elvetta is dead. As I imagined, he is not happy.

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Last-modified: 2009-03-07 (土) 10:29:53