

FormID: 01051061 WFMQ09S 0 0
FormID: 01051061 WFMQ09S 10 0 I have been asked to find the Varo's Family Signet Ring. If it has never been found despite others having searched for it, it seems unlikely I shall fare better but I'll wait and see. However, since the others were simple messengers, it is also unlikely they lack the skills needed to do a proper search of the area.
__Varo家のSignet Ring(印章指輪)を探せとの指示を受けた。これまでにも捜索の手は入っているようだが誰も成功していないらしく、成り行きを見守る以上の事は出来ない可能性が高そうだ。他の挑戦者たちが子供の使いレベルで探し物も満足に出来ないような能力の低い者ばかりだとすれば(そんな期待は出来そうにないけれど)まだ可能性はあるのだが。
FormID: 01051061 WFMQ09S 100 0
FormID: 01051061 WFMQ09S 20 0 I have found the key to a chest in which the Signet Ring can be found. There is no chest here. I should search the manor thoroughly, the chest must be in there somewhere.
__Signet Ringが入ったchestを開ける鍵を見つけた。しかしここにchestは無い。邸宅を一通り探してみよう。どこかにあるはずだ。
FormID: 01051061 WFMQ09S 25 0 I have found a chest that I cannot unlock. It seems to me could well contain the ring I seek. Annoyingly the chest needs a key. I have not seen a key here. Perhaps I should try the grave.
FormID: 01051061 WFMQ09S 30 0 I have found the chest said to contain the ring but it is empty. I must report this to Marvel.
FormID: 01051061 WFMQ09S 35 0 I have found the key to the ring chest. I should return to the manor and see if it opens the chest I found there.
FormID: 01051061 WFMQ09S 40 0 I have completed the job, which is good news. However I don't believe that Varo's Knights have the ring. If they have, surely they would have displayed it already. And the box with the ring was still locked. Something does not feel right about this.
__任務を完了した。これは良いニュースだ。Varo's Knightsが指輪を入手済みだとは思えない。そもそも入手しているのならとっくの昔に発表している事だろう。それに指輪の入っていた箱は施錠されたままだった。どうもこの件は奇妙に感じるが。

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Last-modified: 2009-02-22 (日) 23:42:24