

FormID: 010505C8 WFMQ04S 0 0
FormID: 010505C8 WFMQ04S 10 0 This job is going to stink, quite literally. Spending the day crawling through the sewers wasn't really on my wish list. But I am getting ahead of myself, I will need to start in the Old Silver Mine first. Varo's Knights are getting into the sewers through there somehow. If I can find out how then at least I'll have a starting point for my trek through the sewers. It has to be done, so the sooner I get started, the sooner I can finish. I mustn't forget to stop by Tubbia's Treatments on my way out of the Slums.
__この仕事は、文字通りの汚れ仕事になりそうだ。一日中下水道の中をうろつきまわるような真似など本来ならばまっぴらごめんだが、そうも言っていられない。まずはOld Silver Mineに向かおう。Varo's KnightsがMine(鉱山)のどこからsewer(下水道)に侵入しているのか分かり次第、下水道の探索を始められる。出来るかぎり急ぎ、さっさと終わらせたい。あと、Slumを出る前にTubbia's Treatmentsに立ち寄るのも忘れてはいけない。
FormID: 010505C8 WFMQ04S 100 0
FormID: 010505C8 WFMQ04S 20 0 So this is where they enter the sewers. Interesting. I wonder how they were able to keep it hidden from the miners. Was it part of some secret escape route designed years ago? Did they just happen upon some old smuggler's path? Either way, they obviously find it useful these days. It is a perfect way to enter and leave the city without anyone knowing it. Porventia mentioned a recent shipment. Any chance they left a trail of bread crumbs for me to follow. Nice dream, but I doubt it.
FormID: 010505C8 WFMQ04S 30 0 So this is where they keep their shipments. A gem dealer? Why not, who would think to look here? I doubt the Legion is going to search every legitimate shop just to find tax evaders. Come to think of it, who cares? I found a stockpile of supplies I can help myself to. I feel like a kid in a candy store. I do need to hurry though. I better grab what I can and go back the way I came before someone finds me here. This would not be good place for me to get caught.
FormID: 010505C8 WFMQ04S 40 0 Not a bad day after all. I completed the job, and earned an advancement. Now that my evaluation period is over, I will be reporting to Marvel Noland. I can probably find him in The Thirsty Peasant. When I am ready, I should report to Marvel and find out what my next mission is. In a strange way I am going to miss dealing with Fiorde. He wasn't a bad guy for a drunken womanizer. I don't think he could care less about the rebellion, but he certainly is entertaining.
__結果的には始めに思ったほどひどい体験ではなかった。仕事を無事完了し、昇進を許された。これで試用期間は終わりだという。今後はMarvel Nolandに仕事の報告をする事になる。たぶん彼はThirsty Peasantにいると思われる。準備が出来たらMarvelに言って、次の仕事をもらおう。おかしな話だが、Fiordeと仕事をする事がなくなるのは寂しく感じる。彼は酒好きの女たらしではあったが、決して悪い男ではなかったと思う。彼がrebellionの事を気にかけていないとは決して思わないが、そんな事とは関係なく、彼は愉快な男なのだ。

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Last-modified: 2009-12-22 (火) 23:34:25