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chaptur 1: Jenerel prinsipples
Make shore der nife is sharpe. Blunt nife no good for deliket serjery, to hard to cut fings. allways keep sum hot water dere. Noboddy no y dis nesssesessery, but Graz'Akh lern dat dis is vytal for der proper serjery. make Shore dat der majickal deevise what goes ping is werking to, dat also vary importent.
Chaptur 2: Gass-troll-o-gee
Serjery on dis bit is hard. Youse makes der cut on der wrong spot and youse roo-in a perfickly good meel. Der best plays for der cut is on der belly. Youse make shore youse gives it a good stab. Der funny balloon fing is der stumeck. Youse can leeve dat, it dont tayst good ennyway. Der bigg skwashy fing is der liver. Sum say it good if it dun rite, Graz'Akh say to much trubble to do liver. Graz'Akh fink it best to leeve der liver til it look funny or it go funny cullers.
cHaptur 3: amp-You-tay-sHun
dis is eezy. Sum say dat youse need to youse der small nife for der soft bits and der saw for der boney bits. Graz'Akh fink dat der big ax is kwicker and mayks a cleener cut. Dat y Graz'Akh allways use der big ax for der amp-you-fingy.
chaptur 4: rayshal diffrenses
Graz'Akh lern dat it importent for der serjen to no der speshal karacter fingies of der payshint. bozmer dont like youse hold der nives near dem, so youse mayk shore to giv dem a good wollop wif der anasfettic. olt mer r all scaredy and dey crys a lot, so Graz'Akh recomend youse gives dem a good wollop wif anasfettic to. Impeereals r a-okay so just give dem a softy wollop. orc take a lot of wollop for anasfettic to werk, Graz'Akh not like serjery on orc, Graz'Akh get tired by der time he start cuting. Graz'Akh not do serjery on nord. nord allways got dem big ax wif dem and dey makes Graz'Akh nervuss. daddy Graz'Akh killed by nord wif ax, Graz'Akh fink better just leeve nords alone. Graz'Akh never seen dunnmer but Graz'Akh jenerrelly recomend a good solid wollop wif der anasfettic ennyway.
Chaptur5: proper Anasfettic youse
Graz'Akh c menny serjen not youse anasfettic proper. Graz'Akh say allways rememmember der free goods. one is der good grip on der anasfettic. to is der good stanss wif der legs a part. Free is der good swing. Youse gots to b shore youse dont swing to hard or to softy. youse swing to hard and deys not wayk up. Der family not like dat, Graz'Akh had to run vary fast wunce wen he swing to hard. youse swing to softy and deys not anasfetticked. Der anasfettic vary importent, uderwise dey is all der screeming and der flayling wile youse is doing der cuting and dat mayk it vary hard to do der cuting good.

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Last-modified: 2009-02-03 (火) 11:21:45