

FormID: 010119B1 VHIngredientSorterScript Messagebox 8 2 No
FormID: 010119B2 VHIngredientSorterScriptDUPLICATE000 Messagebox 7 1 Yes
FormID: 010119B2 VHIngredientSorterScriptDUPLICATE000 Messagebox 7 2 No
FormID: 010119B2 VHIngredientSorterScriptDUPLICATE000 Messagebox 7 0 Sort ingredients?
FormID: 010119B3 VHIngredientGiverScript Messagebox 8 1 Yes
FormID: 010119B3 VHIngredientGiverScript Messagebox 8 0 Return ingredients?
FormID: 010119B3 VHIngredientGiverScript Messagebox 10 0 You must hire the Alchemist for this function to work!
FormID: 010119B3 VHIngredientGiverScript Messagebox 8 2 No
FormID: 01011FA4 VHQGearChangeScript Messagebox 7 0 When this activator is used. All the players inventory items are swapped with the contents of the chest by the door. This will allow you to set up home and outdoor gear and change quickly between them. This message will not display again
FormID: 01011FA4 VHQGearChangeScript Message 7 0 When this activator is used. All the players inventory items are swapped with the contents of the chest by the door. This will allow you to set up home and outdoor gear and change quickly between them. This message will not display again
FormID: 0101338B VHRulaTemplarChestScript Message 43 0 Rula's team are working at the moment, they should be available in %.0f day(s)
FormID: 0101338B VHRulaTemplarChestScript Message 626 0 Rula will only look for only one ingredients at a time
FormID: 0101338B VHRulaTemplarChestScript Message 644 0 The Service will take %.0f day(s) to complete
FormID: 0101338B VHRulaTemplarChestScript Message 24 0 Please add a single ingredients to the chest
FormID: 0101338B VHRulaTemplarChestScript Messagebox 657 0 You're ingredients are ready for collection but you do not have enough gold to pay for them, rula will now sell the ingredients elsewhere
FormID: 0101338B VHRulaTemplarChestScript Messagebox 652 0 You're Ingredients are ready for collection. We will now take payement
FormID: 0101338B VHRulaTemplarChestScript Messagebox 673 0 You're Ingredients are ready for collection. We will now take payement
FormID: 0101338B VHRulaTemplarChestScript Messagebox 678 0 You're ingredients are ready for collection but you do not have enough gold to pay for them, rula will now sell the ingredients elsewhere
FormID: 0101338B VHRulaTemplarChestScript Message 640 0 This service will cost you %.0f Septims
FormID: 0101558D VHQPitStairs03SCRIPT Message 9 0 The stairs are lowered remotely.
FormID: 0101558E VHArcheryRangeScript Message 130 0 Number of goblins slain in this session: %.0f
FormID: 0101558E VHArcheryRangeScript Messagebox 32 4 Beat the Clock
FormID: 0101558E VHArcheryRangeScript Messagebox 32 5 Time Trial
FormID: 0101558E VHArcheryRangeScript Message 66 0 Hits So Far: %.0f
FormID: 0101558E VHArcheryRangeScript Messagebox 32 1 End Practice
FormID: 0101558E VHArcheryRangeScript Messagebox 32 0 Please select practice model
FormID: 0101558E VHArcheryRangeScript Messagebox 32 3 Free Practice
FormID: 0101558E VHArcheryRangeScript Messagebox 32 2 Static Practice
FormID: 01015A99 StaticPracticeQuestScript Message 35 0 Hits So Far: %.0f
FormID: 0101704F SkillBookSortScript Messagebox 6 1 Yes
FormID: 0101704F SkillBookSortScript Messagebox 6 0 Sort Books?
FormID: 0101704F SkillBookSortScript Messagebox 6 2 No
FormID: 010178F4 VHQACFreePracticeScript Message 71 0 Number of goblins slain in this session: %.0f
FormID: 01017E13 VHArcheryRangeEPScript Messagebox 5 0 You have selected to end practice at this time
FormID: 01017E14 VHArcheryRangeSPScript Messagebox 7 0 You have selected the static practice mode. Aim at the target at the end of the hall. Each Strike will be recorded.
FormID: 01017E15 VHArcheryRangeFPScript Messagebox 5 0 You have selected the Free practice mode. A series of Creatures will appear, use your skill to kill them. As one dies it will be replaced by another. Slowly the difficulty level will increase.
FormID: 0101E87D VHCDiamasScript Messagebox 51 0 Diamas will be paid at this time
FormID: 0101E87D VHCDiamasScript Messagebox 56 0 You are unable to pay Diamas. As he a result he has now left your employ.
FormID: 0101E87D VHCDiamasScript Messagebox 44 0 You are due to pay Officer Diamas %.0f G.P. in two days. Please make sure you have the money to pay him or he will leave your employ
FormID: 0101E87D VHCDiamasScript Messagebox 47 0 You are due to pay Officer Diamas %.0f G.P. tomorrow. Please make sure you have the money to pay him or he will leave your employ
FormID: 010280F1 VHQ000QuestScript Messagebox 12 0 The NPC Palonirya who is essential to this questline appears to be dead in the save game you are using. Due to this you cannot play Bloodlines. Please load a save game in which the Divine Elegance Owner is alive.
FormID: 0102BBB5 VHQ001AugerDoor Messagebox 4 0 The door appears to be barred from the outside. I will have to wait to be rescued
FormID: 0103549C VHQ000VHDoor Messagebox 5 0 The door appears to be locked.
FormID: 0103F1BA VHQ002DiceRoller Messagebox 46 0 You scored a %.0f, the house scored a %.0f. YOU LOSE and ARE NOW IN DEBT!!!
FormID: 0103F1BA VHQ002DiceRoller Messagebox 41 0 You scored a %.0f, the house scored a %.0f. YOU LOSE!!!
FormID: 0103F1BA VHQ002DiceRoller Messagebox 33 0 You scored a %.0f, the house scored a %.0f. YOU WIN!!!
FormID: 0103F1C1 VHQ002FightRoom Messagebox 5 0 The door appears to be barred from below. I will have to find another way to open it
FormID: 0103F1D6 VHQ002PrivateWellDoorScript Messagebox 9 0 This way is barred by order of the Count
FormID: 0103F1DD VHQ002FightCellDoor Messagebox 5 0 The door appears to be barred
FormID: 0103F1ED VHQ002FightCellDoorDUPLICATE000 Messagebox 5 0 The door appears to be barred
FormID: 01046D09 VHQ002DiceRollerTest Messagebox 33 0 You scored a %.0f, the house scored a %.0f. YOU LOSE!!!
FormID: 01046D09 VHQ002DiceRollerTest Messagebox 29 0 You scored a %.0f, the house scored a %.0f. YOU WIN!!!
FormID: 01046D0D VHQ002DoorCloseScript Messagebox 3 0 This way is barred
FormID: 01046D11 VHQ002PressurePlateScript Messagebox 152 0 Stop Fighting!! You have Killed your opponent.
FormID: 01046D11 VHQ002PressurePlateScript Messagebox 162 0 Stop Fighting!! You have defeated your opponent. Please return to your room and refresh
FormID: 01046D11 VHQ002PressurePlateScript Messagebox 124 0 Stop Fighting!! You have defeated your opponent. Please return to your room and refresh
FormID: 01046D11 VHQ002PressurePlateScript Messagebox 191 0 Stop Fighting!! You have Killed your opponent.
FormID: 01046D11 VHQ002PressurePlateScript Messagebox 199 0 Stop Fighting!! You have defeated your opponent. Please return to your room and refresh
FormID: 01046D11 VHQ002PressurePlateScript Messagebox 139 0 Stop Fighting!!You have passed out, when you awake you are in an unfamiliar cell
FormID: 01046D11 VHQ002PressurePlateScript Message 179 0 Stop Fighting!!You have passed out, when you awake you are in an unfamiliar cell
FormID: 01046D11 VHQ002PressurePlateScript Messagebox 58 0 Stop Fighting!!You have passed out, when you awake you are in an unfamiliar cell
FormID: 01046D11 VHQ002PressurePlateScript Messagebox 71 0 Stop Fighting!! You have Killed your opponent.
FormID: 01046D11 VHQ002PressurePlateScript Messagebox 8 0 Fight Started
FormID: 01046D11 VHQ002PressurePlateScript Messagebox 102 0 Stop Fighting!!You have passed out, when you awake you are in an unfamiliar cell
FormID: 01046D11 VHQ002PressurePlateScript Messagebox 115 0 Stop Fighting!! You have Killed your opponent.
FormID: 01046D11 VHQ002PressurePlateScript Messagebox 13 0 Fighter is not ready yet!
FormID: 01046D11 VHQ002PressurePlateScript Messagebox 227 0 Stop Fighting!! You have Killed your opponent.
FormID: 01046D11 VHQ002PressurePlateScript Messagebox 236 0 You cannot be allowed to escape
FormID: 01046D11 VHQ002PressurePlateScript Messagebox 85 0 Stop Fighting!! You have defeated your opponent. Please return to your room and refresh
FormID: 01046D11 VHQ002PressurePlateScript Message 216 0 Stop Fighting!!You have passed out, when you awake you are in an unfamiliar cell
FormID: 01048F7D VHQ002LairDoorCloseScript Messagebox 3 0 I should recover my gear first
FormID: 01053492 VHQ003TombActivate Messagebox 9 0 The tomb appears to be empty, but there are signs that it has been opened recently.
FormID: 010551E2 VHQ004QuestScript Messagebox 156 0 You don't yet have the required Processed Mort Flesh
FormID: 01057539 VHQBloodAltar Messagebox 11 0 The Altar is now inactive
FormID: 0105DE47 VHQBloodKeyDoor03 Messagebox 15 0 The owners of this cave do not wish any visitors. Go Away!
FormID: 0105DE47 VHQBloodKeyDoor03 Messagebox 11 0 St Alessia has returned!
FormID: 0105DE47 VHQBloodKeyDoor03 Messagebox 7 0 St Alessia has left the building!
FormID: 0105DE47 VHQBloodKeyDoor03 Messagebox 5 0 This Door requires a special key
FormID: 0105E447 VHQTombstoneActivatorV9Script Messagebox 2 0 Here rests Zam Hackblett, A son of Verona, he lost his way but returned home in the end
FormID: 0105E448 VHQTombstoneActivatorV9ScriptDUPLICATE000 Messagebox 2 0 Here rests Zam Hackblett, Son of verona, he lost his way but return home in the end
FormID: 0105F346 VHQOblivionDoor Messagebox 8 0 This way is now closed
FormID: 010620D5 VHQ002PressurePlateScripttest Messagebox 71 0 Stop Fighting!! You have Killed your opponent.
FormID: 010620D5 VHQ002PressurePlateScripttest Messagebox 85 0 Stop Fighting!! You have defeated your opponent. Please return to your room and refresh
FormID: 010620D5 VHQ002PressurePlateScripttest Messagebox 13 0 Fighter is not ready yet!

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Last-modified: 2008-06-05 (木) 18:51:05