

FormID: 02007D76 DSPIPBQuest GREETING 0 What is it Captain?
FormID: 02013434 DSPIPBQuest GREETING 0 What you want from me little one?
FormID: 02013437 DSPIPBQuest DSPIPBCromFight 0 Har har, you think you can take her?
FormID: 02013437 DSPIPBQuest DSPIPBCromFight 1 Crom think otherwise!
FormID: 0201F7ED DSPIPBQuest aaaJNFDSPISmuggling 0 Arr, a good way earn a bit of extra Gold. Ye should talk to Bodley, he hangs around the Smugglers Dock near Bravil.
__アー、多少の稼ぎになる良い方法があります。Bodleyと話した方がいい、奴はBravil近くのSmugglers Dockにいるよ。
FormID: 0201F7ED DSPIPBQuest aaaJNFDSPISmuggling 1 Of course ye'll be needin' to get yer Ship there. Fer that ye'll be needin' a detailed Map of the Rivers. Parley with other Captains
FormID: 0201F7ED DSPIPBQuest aaaJNFDSPISmuggling 2 when yer sailing around, one of 'em might know where ye can get yer hands on a good Map. If ye don't have one already of course.
FormID: 0202FBEB DSPIPBQuest GREETING 0 Avast Captain, we have been doing our decent share of raiding the seas
FormID: 0202FBEB DSPIPBQuest GREETING 1 do you not think its time we got ourselves a safe haven to loot from?
FormID: 0202FBF3 DSPIPBQuest DSPIHideout 0 Aye Captain, ye should pay Jimmy Swit a visit,
__ヘイ船長、Jimmy Switを訪ねるべきだ、
FormID: 0202FBF3 DSPIPBQuest DSPIHideout 1 no one has more experience of the sea than him
FormID: 0202FBF3 DSPIPBQuest DSPIHideout 2 he'll likely know a good place to set up base.
FormID: 0202FBF3 DSPIPBQuest DSPIHideout 3 Last I heard he could be found in Cape Yakudra.
__最近、Cape Yakudraに彼がいると聞きました。
FormID: 0202FBF5 DSPIPBQuest DSPIPBRetired 0 Had enough I guess, theres only so much sailing a man can do.
FormID: 0202FBF6 DSPIPBQuest DSPIHideout 0 Ah seeking a place to make port eh?
FormID: 0202FBF6 DSPIPBQuest DSPIHideout 1 I may very well know a place,
FormID: 0202FBF6 DSPIPBQuest DSPIHideout 2 some of Facundo's Vintage rum might loosen my tongue...
__Facundo's Vintage rumがあれば私の舌が滑るかもな...
FormID: 0202FBF6 DSPIPBQuest DSPIHideout 3 None of that common stuff though, the vintage stuff!
FormID: 0202FBF9 DSPIPBQuest DSPIPBHChoice 0 Ah, now that sets a fire in a mans belly
FormID: 0202FBF9 DSPIPBQuest DSPIPBHChoice 1 Aye, I know a place, out in the Abecean sea this place be,
__ああ、知ってるぞ、そこはAbecean seaの外海にあり、
FormID: 0202FBF9 DSPIPBQuest DSPIPBHChoice 2 I'll cut ye a deal, ye take me on as ye quartermaster,
FormID: 0202FBF9 DSPIPBQuest DSPIPBHChoice 3 and i'll show you this island
FormID: 020302EE DSPIPBQuest GREETING 0 What do ye want from this old sailor?
FormID: 020302F0 DSPIPBQuest DSPIPBAgreed 0 In the past it was the hideout of the swine known as Grogor the Bloody,
__昔、ここはGrogor the Bloodyという豚野郎の隠れ家(Hideout)でな、
FormID: 020302F0 DSPIPBQuest DSPIPBAgreed 1 no one has heard of him in many a year, there's a good bet this place be deserted
FormID: 020302F0 DSPIPBQuest DSPIPBAgreed 2 I'll show ye the way there now...
FormID: 020302F6 DSPIPBQuest GREETING 0 Just as I remember it, i'll stay up in the house up the top,
FormID: 020302F6 DSPIPBQuest GREETING 1 I think we can do some upgrades to this place
FormID: 020302F6 DSPIPBQuest GREETING 2 come see me if ye want to organise anything
FormID: 020302F7 DSPIPBQuest DSPIPBRetired 0 Guess ye should know the truth,
FormID: 020302F7 DSPIPBQuest DSPIPBRetired 1 that scum Grogar decided he wanted a bigger cut of the loot
FormID: 020302F7 DSPIPBQuest DSPIPBRetired 2 he organised the Crew into a mutiny
FormID: 020302F7 DSPIPBQuest DSPIPBRetired 3 and left me afloat in a rowboat out at sea
FormID: 020302F7 DSPIPBQuest DSPIPBRetired 4 luckily I was picked up by a merchant Crew that didn't recognise me
FormID: 020302F7 DSPIPBQuest DSPIPBRetired 5 they took me to Cape Yakudra, where I decided it was time to retire from Piracy
__彼らはCape Yakudraまで俺を届けてくれた。いい機会だから海賊人生から足を洗おうと決めたのさ。
FormID: 020302F9 DSPIPBQuest DSPIPBRTrait 0 Well I recognise me old Ship on the rocks out there,
FormID: 020302F9 DSPIPBQuest DSPIPBRTrait 1 the fool must have crashed it bringing it in, stranding himself
FormID: 020302F9 DSPIPBQuest DSPIPBRTrait 2 guess he got his due in the end eh?
FormID: 02030851 DSPIPBQuest DSPIPBUpgrade 0 Yar, there be plenty of things we can do to this place,
FormID: 02030851 DSPIPBQuest DSPIPBUpgrade 1 what takes ye fancy?
FormID: 02030858 DSPIPBQuest DSPIPBUHSmith 0 We could do with a smith round here
FormID: 02030858 DSPIPBQuest DSPIPBUHSmith 1 to repair weapons and armour,
FormID: 02030858 DSPIPBQuest DSPIPBUHSmith 2 Ye'll have to find one to hire, maybe in one of the port towns
FormID: 02030859 DSPIPBQuest DSPIPBUHCook 0 Aye, a cook would indeed be handy,
FormID: 02030859 DSPIPBQuest DSPIPBUHCook 1 unless you want to live off stale bread
FormID: 02030859 DSPIPBQuest DSPIPBUHCook 2 There might be one available in one of the towns
FormID: 0203085A DSPIPBQuest DSPIPBUDocks 0 Aye that be a good idea, if ye want to gather a fleet
FormID: 0203085A DSPIPBQuest DSPIPBUDocks 1 your gonna need room for all the ships to moor
FormID: 0203085A DSPIPBQuest DSPIPBUDocks 2 give us a thousand gold coins and i'll organise the buildin of bigger docks here
FormID: 0203085B DSPIPBQuest DSPIPBUGrog 0 Y'ARGH! Ye be a pirate after me own heart!
__ヤッホー! おめえは俺好みの海賊だ!
FormID: 0203085B DSPIPBQuest DSPIPBUGrog 1 I did a bit of brewing in me younger days,
FormID: 0203085B DSPIPBQuest DSPIPBUGrog 2 if ye can raid one of the Facundo brewery ships
__もし、Facundoの酒輸送船(Facundo brewery ships)を襲ったなら、
FormID: 0203085B DSPIPBQuest DSPIPBUGrog 3 and bring back the equipment, I could distill some rum for us!
FormID: 0203085C DSPIPBQuest DSPIPBULivestock 0 Aye, we be needing a better food supply at this place,
FormID: 0203085C DSPIPBQuest DSPIPBULivestock 1 Brought me some livestock yet?

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Last-modified: 2010-03-14 (日) 23:22:51