

FormID: 0202AAE3 0HOD04WKAlter1oldScript Messagebox 26 1 Dragon
FormID: 0202AAE3 0HOD04WKAlter1oldScript Messagebox 29 0 Which Statue do you put on the Pedistal?
FormID: 0202AAE3 0HOD04WKAlter1oldScript Messagebox 29 1 Nerevarine
FormID: 0202AAE3 0HOD04WKAlter1oldScript Messagebox 32 0 Which Statue do you put on the Pedistal?
FormID: 0202AAE3 0HOD04WKAlter1oldScript Messagebox 32 1 Mara
FormID: 0202AAE3 0HOD04WKAlter1oldScript Messagebox 32 2 Nerevarine
FormID: 0202AAE3 0HOD04WKAlter1oldScript Messagebox 35 0 Which Statue do you put on the Pedistal?
FormID: 0202AAE3 0HOD04WKAlter1oldScript Messagebox 35 1 Dragon
FormID: 0202AAE3 0HOD04WKAlter1oldScript Messagebox 35 2 Nerevarine
FormID: 0202AAE4 0HOD04WKAlter1Script Message 15 0
FormID: 0202AAE4 0HOD04WKAlter1Script Message 16 0
FormID: 0202AAE4 0HOD04WKAlter1Script Message 27 0
FormID: 0202AAE4 0HOD04WKAlter1Script Message 28 0
FormID: 0202AAE4 0HOD04WKAlter1Script Message 40 0
FormID: 0202AAE4 0HOD04WKAlter1Script Message 41 0
FormID: 0202AAE4 0HOD04WKAlter1Script Message 55 0
FormID: 0202AAE4 0HOD04WKAlter1Script Message 56 0
FormID: 0202AAE4 0HOD04WKAlter1Script Messagebox 69 0 Inscribed on the pedestal: In love I crawl with scented breath / Blood covers me in hate, but none my own / Wear me alone to see the throne
FormID: 0202AAE4 0HOD04WKAlter1Script Messagebox 71 0 There are a bunch of runes written on this altar.
FormID: 0202B441 0HOD02DragonFlame2 Message 4 0 Flame 2 Triggered by player
FormID: 0202B441 0HOD02DragonFlame2 Messagebox 8 0 I've lit the last Dragon Flame. That Gong seemed to go off in the main Hub of this mad place.
__最後のDragon Flame(竜の火)を灯した。この迷宮のmain Hub(大広間)に響く鐘の音も鳴り止んだようだ。
__最後のDragon Flame(竜の火)を灯した。この迷宮の大広間に響く鐘の音も鳴り止んだようだ。
FormID: 0202B442 0HOD02DragonFlame3 Messagebox 10 0 I've lit the last Dragon Flame. That Gong seemed to go off in the main Hub of this mad place.
__最後のDragon Flame(竜の火)を灯した。この迷宮のmain Hub(大広間)に響く鐘の音も鳴り止んだようだ。
__最後のDragon Flame(竜の火)を灯した。この迷宮の大広間に響く鐘の音も鳴り止んだようだ。
FormID: 0202B938 0HOD02ARDoorDragonScript Message 5 0 Testing door opening
FormID: 0202B97F 0HOD04WKAlter2Script Message 13 0
FormID: 0202B97F 0HOD04WKAlter2Script Message 14 0
FormID: 0202B97F 0HOD04WKAlter2Script Message 28 0
FormID: 0202B97F 0HOD04WKAlter2Script Message 29 0
FormID: 0202B97F 0HOD04WKAlter2Script Message 41 0
FormID: 0202B97F 0HOD04WKAlter2Script Message 42 0
FormID: 0202B97F 0HOD04WKAlter2Script Message 54 0
FormID: 0202B97F 0HOD04WKAlter2Script Message 55 0
FormID: 0202B97F 0HOD04WKAlter2Script Messagebox 69 0 Inscribed on the pedestal: I rip and tear, my damage shown / From here to there, on ground or air / Wear me alone for glories told
FormID: 0202B97F 0HOD04WKAlter2Script Messagebox 71 0 There are a bunch of runes written on this altar.
FormID: 0202C0C8 0HOD04WKAlter3Script Message 13 0
FormID: 0202C0C8 0HOD04WKAlter3Script Message 14 0
FormID: 0202C0C8 0HOD04WKAlter3Script Message 26 0
FormID: 0202C0C8 0HOD04WKAlter3Script Message 27 0
FormID: 0202C0C8 0HOD04WKAlter3Script Message 41 0
FormID: 0202C0C8 0HOD04WKAlter3Script Message 42 0
FormID: 0202C0C8 0HOD04WKAlter3Script Message 54 0
FormID: 0202C0C8 0HOD04WKAlter3Script Message 55 0
FormID: 0202C0C8 0HOD04WKAlter3Script Messagebox 68 0 Inscribed on the pedestal: Far I travel, but alone I die / Only at rest do I touch the ground / Wear me to see the face of the gods
FormID: 0202C0C8 0HOD04WKAlter3Script Messagebox 70 0 There are a bunch of runes written on this altar.
FormID: 0202C0CA 0HOD04WKAlter4Script Message 13 0
FormID: 0202C0CA 0HOD04WKAlter4Script Message 14 0
FormID: 0202C0CA 0HOD04WKAlter4Script Message 26 0
FormID: 0202C0CA 0HOD04WKAlter4Script Message 27 0
FormID: 0202C0CA 0HOD04WKAlter4Script Message 39 0
FormID: 0202C0CA 0HOD04WKAlter4Script Message 40 0
FormID: 0202C0CA 0HOD04WKAlter4Script Message 52 0
FormID: 0202C0CA 0HOD04WKAlter4Script Message 53 0
FormID: 0202C0CA 0HOD04WKAlter4Script Messagebox 68 0 Inscribed on the pedestal: The seat of kings am I / All bow to me, their lives depend / Only the wise will use me well / Wear me to see the face of God
FormID: 0202C0CA 0HOD04WKAlter4Script Messagebox 70 0 There are a bunch of runes written on this altar.
FormID: 0202D84B 0HOD04WKPlaqueEndScript Messagebox 3 0 With the Spell, I can read it. The inscription reads: 'For Love and Death shall the door swing wide.'
FormID: 0202D84B 0HOD04WKPlaqueEndScript Messagebox 8 0 The plaque is written in strange runes.
FormID: 0202D860 HODTriggerWKEndScript Message 9 0
FormID: 0202D860 HODTriggerWKEndScript Message 10 0
FormID: 0202F57F 0HOD04WKDoorMain Messagebox 7 0 A strange spell blocks the door. We're trapped.
FormID: 0202FD14 0HOD02WhiteKingDoorScript Messagebox 5 0 The door swings open freely now.
FormID: 0202FD14 0HOD02WhiteKingDoorScript Messagebox 11 0 There is no visible way to open the door.
FormID: 02031A69 HODHealthFountain01SCRIPT Message 15 0 The liquid is gone.
FormID: 02031B68 0HOD04WKArmorNPCScript Messagebox 22 0 test dying
FormID: 02031C4F 0HOD02MaraFlame1Script Messagebox 22 0 There is an alter here with an empty bowl in the center. I can barely make out some sort of ancient incense inside...
FormID: 020326B9 0HOD02MaraFlame2Script Messagebox 32 0 There is an alter here with an empty bowl in the center. I can barely make out some sort of ancient incense inside...
FormID: 02033A99 HODStairs01SCRIPT Message 10 0 The stairs are raised remotely.
FormID: 02034960 0HOD02MaraGate2 Messagebox 4 0 The gate won't budge.
FormID: 02035723 HODMaraEndScript Messagebox 4 0 A plaque adorns the statue: My flame heals all.
FormID: 02035723 HODMaraEndScript Message 11 0 Player hit Mara
FormID: 02035723 HODMaraEndScript Message 14 0 Player healed Mara
FormID: 0203615E HODCaveSecretDoor01SCRIPT Message 12 0 The wall won't shift.
FormID: 02036FF5 HODTriggerPlayerDeath Message 2 0
FormID: 02036FF5 HODTriggerPlayerDeath Message 3 0
FormID: 020394AA 0HODWhiteKingNoOpenScript Messagebox 5 0 The door is jammed shut. I can't open it.
FormID: 020394AC 0HOD02WhiteAlterGiveGloves Messagebox 3 0 Through the Eyes of the King shall the treasure be revealed.
__Eyes of the Kingを装着すれば財宝の在り処が分かるだろう。
FormID: 020395B3 HODArmorSmackdownScript Message 8 0
FormID: 020395B3 HODArmorSmackdownScript Message 9 0
FormID: 0203A28F 0HOD4HeartAddScript Messagebox 35 0 The Heart feels warm when I put it in the skeleton, but nothing else happens.
FormID: 0203B6D8 0HOD02ICBookStoreDoorScript Messagebox 6 0 Damn! The door is sealed shut by a strange rune.
FormID: 02041231 HOD02AltarofMara Messagebox 10 0 Offend not against the peace of Mara!
FormID: 02041231 HOD02AltarofMara Messagebox 12 0 Make a pilgrimage to the shrine of Mara, and henceforth receive a blessing at Mara's holy altars.
FormID: 02041231 HOD02AltarofMara Messagebox 15 0 You've already been blessed this day.
FormID: 02041231 HOD02AltarofMara Messagebox 17 0 Mara smiles upon you!
FormID: 02041231 HOD02AltarofMara Messagebox 41 0 There are runes scratched into the stone behind the altar. With the spell cast, I can make out: The Eyes of the King Shall See.
FormID: 02041231 HOD02AltarofMara Messagebox 43 0 There are runes scratched into the stone behind the altar. I can't read them.
FormID: 02041A6C 0HOD02MaraPortalToHubScript Messagebox 6 0 SHOW THE SYMBOL AND PASS
FormID: 02041A6C 0HOD02MaraPortalToHubScript Messagebox 6 1 Show Mara's Symbol
__Mara's Symbolを見せる
FormID: 02041A6C 0HOD02MaraPortalToHubScript Messagebox 6 2 Do Nothing
FormID: 02041A6C 0HOD02MaraPortalToHubScript Messagebox 9 0 SHOW THE SYMBOL AND PASS
FormID: 02041A6C 0HOD02MaraPortalToHubScript Messagebox 9 1 Do Nothing
FormID: 02043A1A 0HOD04SummerTeleport Messagebox 2 0 Debug: Here comes Summer
FormID: 02043A1A 0HOD04SummerTeleport Messagebox 5 0 Debug: Summer should be here
FormID: 02046844 0HOD02PlaqueDragonScript Messagebox 3 0 It reads: One will light for the Goddess pure, One for the heat of the Dragon's lure, One white for the King of All, One black for the Enemy's fall, with Breath in hand you light the four, then pass through ways and Dragon's door .
__そこにはこう書かれている。「一つ、Maraの純潔にかけて灯せよ。一つ、Dragonの熾烈なる誘惑にかけて灯せよ。一つ、諸王の王たる白にかけて灯せよ。一つ、怨敵たる黒の打倒にかけて灯せよ。汝、其の手の息吹を以て四つの火を灯せし時、道は拓かれDragon's doorへと辿り着かん。」
__そこにはこう書かれている。「一つ、Maraの純潔にかけて灯せよ。一つ、Dragonの熾烈なる誘惑にかけて灯せよ。一つ、諸王の王たる白にかけて灯せよ。一つ、怨敵たる黒の打倒にかけて灯せよ。汝、其の手の息吹を以て四つの火を灯せし時、道は拓かれDragon's Doorへと辿り着かん。」
FormID: 02046844 0HOD02PlaqueDragonScript Messagebox 5 0 The plaque is written in Yurn's runes.
FormID: 0204708B 0HODShadowBladeScript Messagebox 3 0 Adding sword
FormID: 02049610 0HOD04DeadYurnScript Messagebox 3 0 Yup, it hit.
FormID: 02049610 0HOD04DeadYurnScript Messagebox 7 0 One hit two hit
FormID: 02049610 0HOD04DeadYurnScript Messagebox 9 0 Yup, it hit.

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Last-modified: 2011-06-26 (日) 15:19:20