FormID: 0100D691 RoS03 10 0 Marilmon has stated that a band of Imperial soldiers have been sighted marching towards Fort Pelagius, with orders to wipe the Temple of Mad out. The acolytes are preparing to defend the Shrine, and he has asked that I assist.
__Marilmonは、帝国の軍隊がTemple of Madの破壊を命じられ、Fort Pelagiusに向かって行進するのが見受けられたと述べた。Acolyteたちは神殿の防衛準備をしており、私の助けを請願してきた。
__MarilmonはTemple of Mad壊滅の命を受け、帝国の軍隊がFort Pelagiusに向かって行進してくる所を観測したと告げた。Acolyteたちは聖堂の防衛準備をしており、彼も私の助けを請願してきた。
__MarilmonはTemple of Mad壊滅の命を受け、帝国の軍隊がFort Pelagiusに向かって行進してくる所を観測したと告げた。Acolyteたちは聖堂の防衛準備をしており、彼もこちらに助けを請願してきた。
FormID: 0100D691 RoS03 40 0 I've spoken with Marilmon, who's stated that the acolytes are ready for battle. The Legion should be arriving at any time.
FormID: 0100D691 RoS03 70 0 The Legion forces are retreating with news of terrible losses at my hands. I should speak with Marilmon and tell him it's over.
FormID: 0100D691 RoS03 100 0 Marilmon thanked me for my aid. Now, the Shrine will return to normal activities.