

FormID: 0106DC8B SLFurnitureCatScript Messagebox 215 0 In this mode you can fine-tune the placeholder's position and angle. The placeholder will move/rotate as you do the same. Press the RUN KEY to temporarily 'freeze it'. ACTIVATE the placeholder to end this mode.
__このmodeではplaceholderの位置と角度をfine-tune(微調整)出来ます。placeholderはあなたの操作に合わせて動いたり回転します。現在の状態で'freeze it(停止する)'際はRUN(走行)キーを押し、modeを終了する際はplaceholderをACTIVATEして下さい。
FormID: 0106DC8B SLFurnitureCatScript Messagebox 249 0 The placeholder's position and angle are 'frozen' - moving won't change its position or angle. Press the RUN KEY again to return to fine-tune mode.
FormID: 0106DC8B SLFurnitureCatScript Messagebox 288 0 In this mode you can change the placeholder's distance from you. Hold the RUN KEY while looking down to move the placeholder toward you. Hold the RUN key while looking up to move the placeholder away from you. An animated arrow will indicate in which direction the placeholder will move. ACTIVATE the placeholder or tap the SNEAK KEY twice to end this mode.
FormID: 0106DC8B SLFurnitureCatScript Messagebox 293 0 The main mode for moving a furniture placeholder. It will move with you, staying in front of you at the same distance it was when you activated it. For wall-mounted furniture, you must DRAW A WEAPON if you want a placeholder's vertical position to follow yours. ACTIVATE the placeholder or tap the SNEAK KEY twice to end this mode.
__furniture placeholderを動かすmain modeです。これはあなたの正面、最初にactivateした時と同じ距離の位置を維持しながら動きます。wall-mouted(壁掛け)家具を垂直に位置調整したい場合はDRAW A WEAPON(抜刀)状態にして下さい。このmodeを終了するにはplaceholderをACTIVATEするかSNEAK(隠密)キーを2度押して下さい。
FormID: 0106DC8B SLFurnitureCatScript Message 339 0 Hold SHIFT while looking up or down to adjust distance.
FormID: 0106DC8B SLFurnitureCatScript Messagebox 363 0 This mode is available only for wall-mounted furniture. The placeholder will move up or down as you change your vertical angle. ACTIVATE any other wall-mounted furniture to copy its vertical position. ACTIVATE the placeholder to end this mode.
FormID: 0106DC8B SLFurnitureCatScript Messagebox 394 0 You are about to put the furniture back in your inventory. All items placed on or inside it will be moved to your inventory.
FormID: 0106DC8B SLFurnitureCatScript Messagebox 518 0 A furniture placeholder is placed in front of you. Activate it to see the main menu.
__あなたの目の前にfurniture placeholderが配置されました。main menuに入るにはActivateして下さい。
FormID: 0106DC8B SLFurnitureCatScript Messagebox 525 0 Wow! Real furniture is here and you can freely arrange any collectible cards into it. To manipulate the furniture's doors (if it has any), activate it and in menu select 'No'.
FormID: 0106DC8C SLFurnitureInvScript Messagebox 54 0 You obtained Furniture Catalogue along with the furniture.
__家具と一緒にFurniture Catalogue(家具カタログ)を入手しました。
FormID: 0106DC8C SLFurnitureInvScript Message 72 0 The placeholder of this type of furniture is already in use.
FormID: 0106DC8D SLFurniturePhdrScript Message 16 0 You haven't finished manipulating with another placeholder yet.
FormID: 0106DC8E SLFurnitureTriggerScript Message 43 0 Unable to collect some of the item(s). Please do it manually.
FormID: 0106DC8F SLBookShelf1Script Message 15 0 You can't manipulate with furniture that isn't yours.
FormID: 0106DC8F SLBookShelf1Script Message 33 0 Unable to put this furniture in your inventory.
FormID: 0106DC90 SLCardRack1Script Message 15 0 You can't manipulate with furniture that isn't yours.
FormID: 0106DC90 SLCardRack1Script Message 33 0 Unable to put this furniture in your inventory.
FormID: 0106DC91 SLDisplayCase1Script Message 32 0 Unable to put this furniture in your inventory.
FormID: 0106DC91 SLDisplayCase1Script Message 50 0 You can't manipulate with furniture that isn't yours.
FormID: 0106DC92 SLDisplayCase2Script Message 32 0 Unable to put this furniture in your inventory.
FormID: 0106DC92 SLDisplayCase2Script Message 50 0 You can't manipulate with furniture that isn't yours.
FormID: 0106DC93 SLDisplayCase3Script Message 32 0 Unable to put this furniture in your inventory.
FormID: 0106DC93 SLDisplayCase3Script Message 50 0 You can't manipulate with furniture that isn't yours.
FormID: 0106DC94 SLShelf1Script Message 15 0 You can't manipulate with furniture that isn't yours.
FormID: 0106DC94 SLShelf1Script Message 36 0 Unable to put this furniture in your inventory.
FormID: 0106DC95 SLShelf2Script Message 15 0 You can't manipulate with furniture that isn't yours.
FormID: 0106DC95 SLShelf2Script Message 36 0 Unable to put this furniture in your inventory.
FormID: 0106DC96 SLShelf3Script Message 15 0 You can't manipulate with furniture that isn't yours.
FormID: 0106DC96 SLShelf3Script Message 36 0 Unable to put this furniture in your inventory.
FormID: 01070C69 SLCardsaScript Message 906 0
FormID: 01070C69 SLCardsaScript Message 907 0
FormID: 01070C69 SLCardsaScript Message 914 0
FormID: 01070C69 SLCardsaScript Message 915 0
FormID: 01070C69 SLCardsaScript Message 923 0
FormID: 01070C69 SLCardsaScript Message 924 0
FormID: 01070C69 SLCardsaScript Message 932 0
FormID: 01070C69 SLCardsaScript Message 933 0
FormID: 01070C69 SLCardsaScript Message 941 0
FormID: 01070C69 SLCardsaScript Message 942 0
FormID: 01072214 SLColAlbum1Script Messagebox 15 0 Another album is opened. Please close it first.
FormID: 01072214 SLColAlbum1Script Messagebox 37 0 Return to game to view album options. You can also assign album to one of the hotkeys to gain quick access to albums' menu.
FormID: 010728EC SLColAlbum2Script Messagebox 15 0 Another album is opened. Please close it first.
FormID: 010728EC SLColAlbum2Script Messagebox 37 0 Return to game to view album options. You can also assign album to one of the hotkeys to gain quick access to albums' menu.
FormID: 010728EE SLColAlbum3Script Messagebox 15 0 Another album is opened. Please close it first.
FormID: 010728EE SLColAlbum3Script Messagebox 37 0 Return to game to view album options. You can also assign album to one of the hotkeys to gain quick access to albums' menu.
FormID: 010728F0 SLColAlbum4Script Messagebox 15 0 Another album is opened. Please close it first.
FormID: 010728F0 SLColAlbum4Script Messagebox 37 0 Return to game to view album options. You can also assign album to one of the hotkeys to gain quick access to albums' menu.
FormID: 010728F2 SLColAlbum5Script Messagebox 15 0 Another album is opened. Please close it first.
FormID: 010728F2 SLColAlbum5Script Messagebox 37 0 Return to game to view album options. You can also assign album to one of the hotkeys to gain quick access to albums' menu.
FormID: 010728F4 SLColAlbum6Script Messagebox 15 0 Another album is opened. Please close it first.
FormID: 010728F4 SLColAlbum6Script Messagebox 37 0 Return to game to view album options. You can also assign album to one of the hotkeys to gain quick access to albums' menu.
FormID: 010728F6 SLColAlbum7Script Messagebox 15 0 Another album is opened. Please close it first.
FormID: 010728F6 SLColAlbum7Script Messagebox 37 0 Return to game to view album options. You can also assign album to one of the hotkeys to gain quick access to albums' menu.
FormID: 010736A0 SLCardsavScript Messagebox 128 0 Album is opened. Do you want to close it?
FormID: 010736A0 SLCardsavScript Messagebox 128 1 Yes
FormID: 010736A0 SLCardsavScript Messagebox 128 2 No
FormID: 010736A0 SLCardsavScript Messagebox 130 0 This album contains %g card(s). What do you want to do?
__このアルバムには %g 枚のカードが含まれています。どうしますか?
FormID: 010736A0 SLCardsavScript Messagebox 130 1 Move cards between your inventory and album
FormID: 010736A0 SLCardsavScript Messagebox 130 2 Show list of cards missing in album
FormID: 010736A0 SLCardsavScript Messagebox 130 3 Move all cards from your inventory to album
FormID: 010736A0 SLCardsavScript Messagebox 130 4 Move all cards from album to your inventory
FormID: 010736A0 SLCardsavScript Messagebox 130 5 View album
FormID: 010736A0 SLCardsavScript Messagebox 130 6 Nothing
FormID: 010736A0 SLCardsavScript Messagebox 183 0 Please do not sit, swim, ride a horse or sneak.
FormID: 010736A0 SLCardsavScript Message 234 0 You have no cards in album.
FormID: 010736A0 SLCardsavScript Messagebox 634 0 No card moved from inventory to album.
FormID: 010736A0 SLCardsavScript Messagebox 637 0 %g card(s) moved from inventory to album. It contains %g card(s) now.
__inventoryから %g 枚のカードがアルバムに保存されました。アルバム内の現在のカード数は %g 枚です。
FormID: 010736A0 SLCardsavScript Messagebox 642 0 No card moved from album to inventory.
FormID: 010736A0 SLCardsavScript Messagebox 644 0 %g card(s) moved from album to inventory.
__アルバムから %g 枚のカードがinventoryに移されました。
FormID: 01025EF7 SLFactionQ02 80 0 Messagebox 0 0 Next time I arrive at Chorrol, I should ask Orenthil if he has any new tasks for me.

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Last-modified: 2010-07-31 (土) 14:48:43