

FormID: 01004AA7 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsEScampSkin 0 Scamp skin must be removed from the specimen while it is still bound on the mortal plane.
__Scamp skinは、死体がまだがmortal planeに存在を留めている間に採取しなければなりません。
FormID: 01004AA7 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsEScampSkin 1 It is an unpleasant business for both the scamp and skin-farmer, and alchemists have trouble keeping the substance in stock.
FormID: 01004AA8 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsEVampireDust 0 Of interest only to necromancers and alchemists, vampire dust is collected solely from the withering corpses of slain vampires.
__死霊術師か錬金術師くらいしか興味を持たないであろう話ですが、vampire dustはvampireを倒して亡骸からの採取する以外に入手方法がありません。
FormID: 01004AA9 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsEVoidSalts 0 Void salts are rare crystalline precipitates with modest magical properties collected from the evanescent remains of a slain storm atronach.
__Void saltsとは、storm atronachの死体から蒸発した残留物から採取される適度に魔力を保持した水晶状の沈殿物で、貴重な素材です。
FormID: 01004AAC LoreDialogueQuest LoreApparatusMortar 0 The Mortar and Pestle is a bowl and grinding tool for mechanically reducing raw materials into the powders or pulps used in alchemical preparations.
__Mortar and Pestleは、錬金術の調合素材となる粉やパルプを作成するために素材を細かく砕くのに使う、鉢と摺りこぎのセットです。
FormID: 01004AAD LoreDialogueQuest LoreApparatusRetort 0 An retort is a vessel with a beaked cap or head used in alchemical processes to transform, purify, or refine raw materials into...
FormID: 01004AAD LoreDialogueQuest LoreApparatusRetort 1 ...the sublime substances used in alchemical preparations.
FormID: 01004AB1 LoreDialogueQuest LoreDaedraAtronachFlame 0 The flame atronach is a powerful Daedric summoning associated with elemental fire.
__flame atronachは炎の元素と結びついた、強大な召喚Daedraです。
FormID: 01004AB1 LoreDialogueQuest LoreDaedraAtronachFlame 1 Crystalline elemental fire compounds called fire salts may be salvaged from the remains of banished fire atronachs.
__炎の元素が含まれたfire saltsと呼ばれる水晶状の塊は、fire atronachが現世から消失する時の残留物から回収する事が可能です。
FormID: 01004AB2 LoreDialogueQuest LoreDaedraAtronachFrost 0 The frost atronach is a powerful Daedric summoning associated with elemental frost.
__frost atronachは氷の元素と結びついた、強大な召喚Daedraです。
FormID: 01004AB2 LoreDialogueQuest LoreDaedraAtronachFrost 1 Crystalline elemental frost compounds called frost salts may be salvaged from the remains of banished frost atronachs.
__氷の元素が含まれたfrost saltsと呼ばれる水晶状の塊は、frost atronachが現世から消失する時の残留物から回収する事が可能です。
FormID: 01004AB3 LoreDialogueQuest LoreDaedraAtronachStorm 0 The storm atronach is a powerful Daedric summoning associated with elemental lightning.
__storm atronachは雷の元素と結びついた、強大な召喚Daedraです。
FormID: 01004AB3 LoreDialogueQuest LoreDaedraAtronachStorm 1 Crystalline elemental shock compounds called void salts may be salvaged from the remains of banished storm atronachs.
__雷の元素が含まれたvoid saltsと呼ばれる水晶状の塊は、storm atronachが現世から消失する時に残留物から回収する事が可能です。
FormID: 01004AB5 LoreDialogueQuest LoreDaedraGoldenSaint 0 These magical winged females are spawn of Sheogorath. Their hearts have modest magical properties.
FormID: 01004AB7 LoreDialogueQuest LoreDaedraHunger 0 The hunger is one of the many voracious servants of the Daedra Lord Boethiah. Their tongues have modest magical properties.
__hungerは、Daedra LordのBoethiahに仕える貪欲な召使いの一種です。彼らの舌は適度な魔力を保持しています。
FormID: 01004AB9 LoreDialogueQuest LoreDaedraScamp 0 The scamp is a weak, cowardly servant of Mehrunes Dagon.
__scampはMehrunes Dagonに仕える、ひ弱で臆病な召使いです。
FormID: 01004AB9 LoreDialogueQuest LoreDaedraScamp 1 Scamps may be summoned by conjurers, and their skin is sought by alchemists for its magical properties.
FormID: 01004ABB LoreDialogueQuest LoreDaedraDremora 0 The Dremora are a class of intelligent, powerful war spirits in the service of the Daedra Lord Mehrunes Dagon.
__DremoraはDaedra LordのMehrunes Dagonに仕える知的階級に属する者たちで、旺盛な戦闘意欲を兼ね備えています。
FormID: 01004ABB LoreDialogueQuest LoreDaedraDremora 1 Daedra hearts have modest magical properties.
__Dremora heartsは適度な魔力を保持しています。
FormID: 01004ABD LoreDialogueQuest LoreDaedraXivilai 0 The Xivilai are like the Dremora in personality and temperament, except that they hate subordination, and are liable to disloyalty and betrayal.
FormID: 01004ABF LoreDialogueQuest LoreDaedraSpiderDaedra 0 These semi-intelligent creatures can be very dangerous. They have the ability to paralyze and cast shock spells at their opponent.
FormID: 01004ABF LoreDialogueQuest LoreDaedraSpiderDaedra 1 They also call forth a spiderling whose duty is only to paralyze the opponent so they can deal with it without getting attacked.
FormID: 01004AC1 LoreDialogueQuest LoreDaedra 0 There is a large variety of daedric creatures who can be summoned or who inhabit the Oblivion realms.
__召喚可能なもの、Oblivionの領域に生息しているものを含め、daedric creaturesには非常に多様な種類があります。
FormID: 01004AC1 LoreDialogueQuest LoreDaedra 1 Although many creatures are registered in our books, it is possible that there exist many yet undiscovered species.
FormID: 01004AC1 LoreDialogueQuest LoreDaedra 2 Those that are known in Tamriel are the following :
FormID: 01004AC1 LoreDialogueQuest LoreDaedra 3 Daedroth, scamp, clannfear, elemental atronach, dremora, golden saint, hunger, spider daedra, ogrim, winged twilight and spider daedra.
__Daedroth、scamp、elemental atronach、dremora、golden saint、hunger、spider daedra、ogrim、winged twilight、そしてspider daedraです。
FormID: 01004AC4 LoreDialogueQuest LoreDaedraOgrim 0 Ogrim are massive, powerful, dimly intelligent servants of the Daedra Lord Malacath.
__Ogrimは、知性はわずかですが巨躯と剛腕を兼ね備えた生物です。Daedra LordのMalacathに仕えています。
FormID: 01004AC4 LoreDialogueQuest LoreDaedraOgrim 1 Daedra hearts have modest magical properties, but you have to dig through a lot of Daedra to get at an ogrim's heart.
__そのDaedra heartsは適度に魔力を保持してしますが、ogrim's heartを入手するためには数多くのDaedraの中を分け入って行かねばなりません。
FormID: 01004AC5 LoreDialogueQuest LoreDaedraWingedTwilight 0 The winged twilight are the female-formed Daedric messengers of the Daedra Lord Azura. Daedra hearts have modest magical properties.
__winged twilightはDaedra Lord Azuraの使者で、女性の姿をしています。そのDaedra heartは適度に魔力を保持しています。
FormID: 01004AC8 LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponTypes 0 In Cyrodiil, short blades include the dagger and shortsword. Long blades include the cutlass, longsword, katana, claymore, and dai-katana.
__Cyrodiilにおいて、short blades(短剣類)に含まれるのはdagger(ダガー)とshortsword(ショートソード)になります。Long blades(長剣類)にはcutlass(カトラス)、longsword(ロングソード)、katana(刀)、claymore、そしてdai-katana(大刀)が含まれます。
FormID: 01004AC8 LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponTypes 1 Blunt weapons include the club, staff, mace, and warhammer. Axes include the war axe and battle axe.
__そしてBlunt weapon(打撃武器)にはclub(棍棒)、staff(杖)、mace(メイス)、warhammer(戦槌)が含まれます。Axes(斧類)にはwar axe(戦斧)とbattle axe(闘斧)があります。
FormID: 01004AC8 LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponTypes 2 Marksman weapons include short bow and long bow. Use of each weapon type relies on a different skill.
__そしてMarksman weapon(射撃武器)にはshort bow(短弓)とlong bow(長弓)があります。違った種類の武器を上手く使いこなすには、それぞれ異なるスキルが必要になります。
FormID: 01004AC8 LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponTypes 3 Other provinces of the Empire have other varieties of weapons and materials.
FormID: 01004AD4 LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponTypesClub 0 The club is usually a crude, improvised one-handed blunt weapon common among less technologically sophisticated cultures.
FormID: 01004AD4 LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponTypesClub 1 It's also a cheap and effective militia weapon used with a light shield in Cyrodiil and the other Western provinces.
__安価でlight shield(軽量盾)と併用すれば効果的な武器となるため、Cyrodiilや他の西部属州でも活用されています。
FormID: 01004AD5 LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponTypesCutlass 0 Cutlasses are mostly used by the Imperial navy and other military ships from the other provinces.
__Cutlass(カトラス)はImperial navy(帝国海軍)や他の属州における武装船の装備としてよく使われています。
FormID: 01004AD7 LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponTypesDaiKatana 0 These exotic two-handed, single-edged long blades of Akaviri design are neither common nor popular for military or private use.
FormID: 01004AD7 LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponTypesDaiKatana 1 They are superb examples of weaponcraft, but expensive and subtle in technique.
FormID: 01004AD8 LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponTypesKatana 0 These exotic one-handed single-edged long blades of Akaviri design are neither common nor popular for military or private use.
FormID: 01004AD8 LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponTypesKatana 1 They are superb examples of weaponcraft, but expensive and subtle in technique.
FormID: 01004AD9 LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponTypesLongbow 0 A powerful but demanding weapon, the long bow is historically associated with Altmer aristocrats and Bosmer hunters.
__強力かつ使用者への要求水準が高いlong bow(長弓)は、Altmerの貴族やBosmerの狩人と歴史的に関連付けて語られます。
FormID: 01004ADA LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponTypesLongsword 0 The longsword is the standard officer's weapon in the Legions, and a noble's weapon in Cyrodiil and the other western provinces.
FormID: 01004ADB LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponTypesMace 0 The mace is a favored weapon of the knight, combined with a standard shield.
__mace(メイス)はstandard shield(標準サイズの盾)と組み合わせて使用される、騎士の武器です。
FormID: 01004ADC LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponTypesShortbow 0 The silver short bow is the standard weapon of Legionary missile troops and scouts.
__silver short bowはLegionary missile troops(帝国射撃隊)および偵察隊の標準兵装です。
FormID: 01004ADD LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponTypesShortsword 0 Cheap iron and steel shortswords are standard issue for Legion troopers. The Imperial shortsword is a superior Legion guardsman's weapon.
__安価なiron(鉄)やsteel(鋼鉄)のshortswords(ショートソード)はLegion troopers(帝国騎兵隊)の標準兵装です。Imperial shortswordは上位のLegion guardman(帝国衛兵)の武器です。
FormID: 01004ADE LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponTypesWarAxe 0 A bewildering variety of one-hand axe styles are found in Cyrodiil.
FormID: 01004ADE LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponTypesWarAxe 1 The steel war axe is double-bladed; the iron war axe is single-bladed; the glass, ebony, and daedric war axes are single-bladed with balancing spikes
__steel war axeは両刃で、iron war axeは片刃です。glass、ebony、daedricのwar axeはバランスド・スパイクが付いた片刃タイプです。
FormID: 01004ADF LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponTypesWarhammer 0 Heavy two-handed hammers were developed to counter the defensive protection of the heavily armored Western knight.
__重量級のtwo-handed hammer(両手持ち戦槌)は、西部地方の重装騎士の守備に対抗するために発達しました。
FormID: 01004ADF LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponTypesWarhammer 1 The iron warhammer has a single head with a balancing spike to penetrate plate armor.
__iron warhammerは頭部が1箇所で、板金鎧を貫くためのバランスド・スパイクが付けられています。
FormID: 01004ADF LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponTypesWarhammer 2 The steel warhammer, on the other hand, has two heavy heads, and is designed to batter or knock down an armored opponent.
__それに対してsteel warhammerは頭部が2箇所持ち、防御を固めた相手を叩きのめすための設計になっています。
FormID: 01004AE1 LoreDialogueQuest LoreArmorTypes 0 Shields are basic armor protection, but limit you to one-handed weapons.
FormID: 01004AE1 LoreDialogueQuest LoreArmorTypes 1 For body armor, get a cuirass first for the chest, then greaves for the legs, helm for the head, and boots for the feet.
FormID: 01004AE1 LoreDialogueQuest LoreArmorTypes 2 Add left and right pauldrons for upper arms and gauntlets or bracers for lower arms.
FormID: 01004AE1 LoreDialogueQuest LoreArmorTypes 3 Balance protection against weight; you can't fight if you're exhausted by the weight of your armor.
FormID: 01004AE3 LoreDialogueQuest LoreArmorStyles 0 The heavy armor styles, called 'Legion' or 'knight' style require great strength and endurance.
__heavy armorを着用した'Legion式'、'Knight式'の戦闘をこなすには、相当な腕力と持久力が必要になります。
FormID: 01004AE3 LoreDialogueQuest LoreArmorStyles 1 The light armor styles, called 'militia' favor speed and agility.
__対して、light armorを着用した'militia式'の戦闘には、速力と敏捷性が必要です。
FormID: 01004AE7 LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponRepair 0 Nothing to it. Just get yourself an armorer's hammer and start banging away.
__特別なことはありません。armorer's hammerを用意して叩きつけるだけです。
FormID: 01004AE7 LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponRepair 1 Of course, you don't literally use the hammer on a blade's edge. Unless you're a barbarian.
FormID: 01004AE7 LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponRepair 2 The 'armorer's hammer' is just a package deal, a complete portable kit for maintaining your armor and weapons in the field.
__'armorer's hammer'は、野外で防具や武器を修理する為の携帯道具一式です。
FormID: 01004AE7 LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponRepair 3 And my advice is pay a smith to do your repairs unless you have a decent skill as an armorer.
FormID: 01004AE9 LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponMaterials 0 Weapons popular in Cyrodiil can be categorized according to their material and craft.
FormID: 01004AE9 LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponMaterials 1 In approximate order of value and utility, the types are: iron, steel, silver, elven, dwarven, glass, ebony, and daedric.
FormID: 01004AF2 LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponMaterialsDaedric 0 Daedric weapons are made from raw ebony which has been refined using the craft and magical substances of the lesser minions of Oblivion.
__Daedricの武器はraw ebonyから作られます。raw ebonyはOblivionの下級住民の存在を繋ぎ止めている魔力を用いる技術によって精錬されます。
FormID: 01004AF2 LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponMaterialsDaedric 1 The process isn't a pleasant one for the Daedra involved.
FormID: 01004AF2 LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponMaterialsDaedric 2 The weapons retain echoes of preternaturally prolonged suffering endured during manufacture.
FormID: 01004AF2 LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponMaterialsDaedric 3 Daedric weapons are the most rare and expensive weapons known in Tamriel.
__Daedric weaponsはTamrielにおいて最も高価で貴重な武器なのです。
FormID: 01004AF3 LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponMaterialsElven 0 These elegant and exotic weapons were designed by the Ayleids, the fallen elven race in Cyrodiil.
FormID: 01004AF3 LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponMaterialsElven 1 In terms of quality, they are not as good as the dwarven weapons, but they are significantly better than silver.
FormID: 01004AF4 LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponMaterialsGlass 0 These light and elegant weapons of High Elven design feature extravagant use of rare metals and cutting edges made from rare crystalline materials.
__これらのHigh Elf式のデザインが特徴的な軽量かつ優美な武器は、希少な鉱石を贅沢に使い、切っ先にも希少な結晶を用いて製作されています。
FormID: 01004AF4 LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponMaterialsGlass 1 Duelists and assassins appreciate the delicate balance and sinister sharpness of glass weapons.
FormID: 01004AF5 LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponMaterialsIron 0 For centuries, cheap and serviceable iron and iron-reinforced weapons have been produced in quantity for the Legions.
FormID: 01004AF5 LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponMaterialsIron 1 These and similarly made iron weapons are in use throughout the Empire.
FormID: 01004AF6 LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponMaterialsSilver 0 High-quality steel is plated or filigreed with silver because of the arcane effects of the metal on the flesh of magical and supernatural creatures.
FormID: 01004AF6 LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponMaterialsSilver 1 Well-heeded aristocrats and bravos also sport such weapons for their distinctive elegance.
FormID: 01004AF7 LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponMaterialsSteel 0 Imperial steel weapons are standard issue for the elite units of the Legions.
__Imperial steelの武器はLegionのエリート部隊の標準兵装です。
FormID: 01004AF7 LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponMaterialsSteel 1 Nobles, merchant-traders, and professional mercenaries prefer the higher quality materials and craftsmanship of Imperial steel.
__高品質で手の込んだImperial steelの武器は、貴族、交易商人、プロの傭兵たちに愛好されています。
FormID: 01004AF7 LoreDialogueQuest LoreWeaponMaterialsSteel 2 Various other weapons of exotic design, like katanas made in the Akaviri style, are also made of high-quality steel.
FormID: 01004AF9 LoreDialogueQuest LoreNineDivines 0 The official religion of the Empire, the Imperial cult, worships the Nine Divines.
__帝国の国教は、Nine Divinesを信奉するImperial cultです。
FormID: 01004AF9 LoreDialogueQuest LoreNineDivines 1 The Nine Divines are the Aedra Akatosh, Dibella, Arkay, Zenithar, Mara, Stendarr, Kynareth, and Julianos.
__Nine Divinesとは、AedraのAkatosh、Dibella、Arkay、Zenithar、Mara、Stendarr、Kynareth、Julianosに、
FormID: 01004AF9 LoreDialogueQuest LoreNineDivines 2 The divine god-hero Tiber Septim, founder and patron of the Empire, is the newest Divine.
__最も新しく迎え入れられた英雄神にして帝国の保護者、Tiber Septimを加えた神々を指します。
FormID: 01004B00 LoreDialogueQuest LoreNineDivinesJulianos 0 Julianos, God of Wisdom and Logic, is the deity of literature, law, history, sorcery, enchantment, and alchemy.
FormID: 01004B00 LoreDialogueQuest LoreNineDivinesJulianos 1 Monastic orders founded by Tiber Septim and dedicated to Julianos are the keepers of the Elder Scrolls.
__Tiber Septimによって設立されたMonastic orders(修道騎士団)はJulianosを信奉しており、Elder Scrollsを保護しています。
FormID: 01004B01 LoreDialogueQuest LoreNineDivinesKynareth 0 Kynareth, Goddess of Air, is the deity of the heavens, the winds, the elements, and the unseen spirits of the air.
FormID: 01004B01 LoreDialogueQuest LoreNineDivinesKynareth 1 Patron of sailors and travelers, Kynareth is invoked for auspicious stars at birth and for good fortune in daily life.
FormID: 01004B02 LoreDialogueQuest LoreNineDivinesMara 0 Mara, Goddess of Love, is the Mother-Goddess, patron of the bountiful earth, and source of mortal compassion and understanding.
FormID: 01004B02 LoreDialogueQuest LoreNineDivinesMara 1 She is associated with Nir of the 'Anuad', the female principle of the cosmos that gave birth to creation.
FormID: 01004B03 LoreDialogueQuest LoreNineDivinesStendarr 0 Stendarr, God of Justice and Mercy, is the patron of righteous might and merciful forbearance.
FormID: 01004B03 LoreDialogueQuest LoreNineDivinesStendarr 1 He is the inspiration of magistrates and rulers, the patron of the Imperial Legions, and the comfort of the law-abiding citizen.
FormID: 01004B04 LoreDialogueQuest LoreNineDivinesTiberSeptim 0 Tiber Septim, Talos, the Dragonborn, Heir to the Seat of Sundered Kings, is the greatest hero-god of Mankind.
__Talos、DragonbornのTiber Septimは退位した王達の後継者であり、人類にとってのもっとも偉大な英雄神です。
FormID: 01004B04 LoreDialogueQuest LoreNineDivinesTiberSeptim 1 He is worshipped as the protector and patron of just rulership and civil society.
FormID: 01004B05 LoreDialogueQuest LoreNineDivinesZenithar 0 Zenithar, Trader God, and Patron of Work and Commerce, is the deity of wealth, labor, commerce, and communication.
FormID: 01004B05 LoreDialogueQuest LoreNineDivinesZenithar 1 His priests have shown that the way to peace and prosperity is through earnest work and honest profit, not through war and bloodshed.

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Last-modified: 2010-01-11 (月) 16:22:42