

FormID: 010C0FCF ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantSell 0 Thank you peddler, here is your silver.
FormID: 010C0FD0 ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantTradeTopic 0 Hello merchant. Do you have any barrels of salted fish for sale?
__こんにちは、商人さん。売り物にsalted fish(塩漬けの魚)はあるかな?
FormID: 010C0FD1 ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantNo 0 Too bad. Should you ever have any in stock, please return.
FormID: 010C0FD2 ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantSell 0 Yes, this is just what I need. Here is your silver.
FormID: 010C0FD3 ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantTradeTopic 0 This one is looking for salted fish to sell in the markets of Dune. Has it any to sell?
__俺はDuneの市場で売るsalted fish(塩漬け魚)を探してる。あんた、持ってるか?
FormID: 010C0FD4 ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantNo 0 Ok, never mind. If it gets some we speak again.
FormID: 010C0FD5 ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantSell 0 Some silver for this one and fish for me.
FormID: 010C0FD6 ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantTradeTopic 0 Hello muthsera. I am in need of some more iron ore for the forge. Have you any to sell?
FormID: 010C0FD7 ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantSell 0 Thank you muthsera. This is exactly what I need.
FormID: 010C0FD8 ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantSell 0 A good trade. Here are your silver bars.
__いい取引だったよ。さあ、silver barを持って行ってくれ。
__取引成立だな。ほら、silver barだ。
FormID: 010C0FD9 ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantTradeTopic 0 I am in need of some iron ore. Have you any in stock?
FormID: 010C0FDA ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantNo 0 That's a shame. Return to me if you find any.
FormID: 010C0FDB ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantTradeTopic 0 I wish to purchase some pineapples. Do you have any barrels for sale?
FormID: 010C0FDC ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantTradeTopic 0 I need some more juicy pineapples for this dry, dry land. Have you any to sell?
FormID: 010C0FDD ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantSell 0 Perfect. My customers will be most pleased.
FormID: 010C0FDE ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantSell 0 Nice, ripe and juicy. These will sell well here in Orcrest.
FormID: 010C0FDF ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantNo 0 Should you ever acquire any, please return. I will pay you well.
FormID: 010C0FE0 ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantNo 0 No? Pity. If you ever find some think of me.
FormID: 010C0FE1 ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantTradeTopic 0 Ah, a peddler, just what I was looking for! Do you have any candles for sale? I need to replenish the castle's stock.
FormID: 010C0FE2 ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantTradeTopic 0 The temple is interested in buying candles. We distribute them from here to the many shrines. Do you have any?
FormID: 010C0FE3 ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantNo 0 I hear there is a candlemaker in Corinthe. Perhaps you could travel down there and fetch me some.
FormID: 010C0FE7 ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantSell 0 Excellent! These will help us keep the halls of Riverhold shining bright.
FormID: 010C0FE8 ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantSell 0 May the Twin Moons light your way through the dark. Thank you for these candles.
FormID: 010C0FEB ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantTradeTopic 0 Orcrest's clothier was recently stabbed to death in a bar fight. I want to snap up his business, but I need some clothes. Have you any sacks for sale?
FormID: 010C0FEC ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantSell 0 By the sands, what luck! I will seize the market with these!
__By the Sands(砂粒にかけて)!なんてラッキーなんだ!これで市場は僕の思いのままだね!
FormID: 010C0FED ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantTradeTopic 0 Have you any sacks of clothes to sell? I have a buyer up in Cyrodiil.
FormID: 010C0FEE ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantNo 0 Ok, good day to you then.
FormID: 010C0FEF ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantSell 0 Thank you. This is a fair deal.
FormID: 010C0FF0 ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantTradeTopic 0 Could do with some more goat's milk for cheesemaking. You sellin?
__チーズを作りたいんだけど、goat's milk(山羊乳)はあるかな?
__チーズ用のgoat's milk(山羊乳)があると助かるが。売ってるか?
FormID: 010C0FF1 ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantNo 0 Well, ok, get yeself out of here then.
FormID: 010C0FF2 ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantSell 0 Thank ye, just what I be needin.
FormID: 010C0FF3 ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantTradeTopic 0 I'm waiting on a delivery of clay pots from my cousin Hzahbi in Corinthe. Are you the peddler he hired?
FormID: 010C0FF4 ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantNo 0 Oh well. Maybe you should go speak with him then, the deliveries are behind schedule.
FormID: 010C0FF5 ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantSell 0 At last! I have a buyer in Bravil waiting for those.
FormID: 010C0FF6 ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantTradeTopic 0 Have you any trade goods to sell? We're on a run to Black Marsh, and looking to buy crates of iron tools and implements.
__何か売り物は持っているのかい?私達はBlack Marshに急ぐところさ。鉄器とか備品一式が要り用でね。
FormID: 010C0FF7 ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantNo 0 No? Perhaps you could run up to the city and ask the traders. Iron tools are in short supply in Argonia.
FormID: 010C0FF8 ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantSell 0 Yes, this is a fair deal. Here is your silver for the crate.
FormID: 010C0FF9 ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantTradeTopic 0 I'm looking to buy iron implements to sell in the markets of Leyawiin. Have you any crates for sale?
FormID: 010C0FFA ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantSell 0 Mmm, yes, these seem to be in good order. Here is your silver.
FormID: 010C0FFC ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantTradeTopic 0 Yeah, need more ale. You selling the stuff or what?
FormID: 010C0FFD ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantNo 0 Then piss off, muck wipe!
FormID: 010C0FFE ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantSell 0 This stuff is swine's piss! But yeah, wadda I care. This lot would lick a sewer for some grog. Take ya silver and get outta here.
FormID: 010C0FFF ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantTradeTopic 0 I'm looking to buy some ale to replenish our cellars. Are you selling?
FormID: 010C1000 ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantNo 0 Ok then, take a break from work, and enjoy the delights of our Feast Hall instead
FormID: 010C1001 ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantSell 0 Yes, this is good ale. Here is your silver.
FormID: 010C182E ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantTradeTopic 0 I am always in need of more yarn for my work. Have you any to sell?
FormID: 010C182F ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantTradeTopic 0 This one buys wool yarn for the carpet weavers. Has it any to sell?
FormID: 010C1830 ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantSell 0 This is fine wool for my weaving. Here is your silver.
FormID: 010C1831 ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantSell 0 This will fetch me a good price with the carpet weavers.
FormID: 010C1832 ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantTradeTopic 0 I'll buy barrels of tomatoes and corn. Do you have any with you?
FormID: 010C1833 ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantSell 0 Thank you merchant, here are your silver bars.
__ありがとう、商人さん。さあ、silver barをどうぞ。
__どうも商人さん。ほら、silver barだよ。
FormID: 010CE2D9 ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantTradeTopic 0 Sorry, but I can't trade with you without a permit. You will need to go speak to Zayiq Cherim about that.
FormID: 010CE2DA ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantTradeTopic 0 Sorry. This one may not trade with it for it has no trade permit. It must go speak with Zayiq Cherim about that.
__ごめんね。許可がなきゃ取引は無理なんだ。Zayiq Cherimに相談するといいよ。
FormID: 010CE2DB ANQMerchantsGuild02 ANQMerchantTradeTopic 0 You are just a peddler. I do not grant trade permits to such lowly traders. Try the other cities instead. Good day.

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Last-modified: 2011-03-22 (火) 02:15:27