

FormID: 00000804 kCWWQuestScript Messageboxex 287 0 Your crime (%0.0f bounty) has been witnessed by: %r%z
__犯罪 ( 賞金 %0.0f ) は目撃されていた: %r%z
__以下の人物にあなたの犯罪( 賞金 %0.0f )が目撃された: %r%z
FormID: 00000804 kCWWQuestScript Messageboxex 290 0 Your crime (%0.0f bounty: %z) has been witnessed by: %r%z
__犯罪 ( 賞金 %0.0f : %z )は目撃されていた: %r%z
__以下の人物にあなたの犯罪( 賞金 %0.0f : %z )が目撃された: %r%z
FormID: 00000804 kCWWQuestScript Messageex 295 0 There were %0.0f witness(es) to your crime (%0.0f bounty).
__賞金 %0.0f 相当の目撃者がいた ( 賞金 %0.0f )。
__あなたの犯罪の目撃者は %0.0f 人いる ( 賞金 %0.0f )
FormID: 00000804 kCWWQuestScript Messageex 298 0 There was a witness to your crimme (%0.0f bounty).
__目撃者が一人いた ( 賞金 %0.0f )。
__あなたの犯罪の目撃者は1人だ( 賞金 %0.0f )。
FormID: 00000805 kCWWAbilityScript Messageboxex 56 0 %n, a witness to one of your crimes (%0.0f bounty), has died.
__目撃者 %n が死んだ ( 賞金 %0.0f )。
FormID: 00000805 kCWWAbilityScript Messageex 59 0 A witness to one of your crimes (%0.0f bounty), has died.
__目撃者が死んだ ( 賞金 %0.0f )。
FormID: 00000805 kCWWAbilityScript Messageboxex 64 0 %n, a witness to one of your crimes (%0.0f bounty), has decided not to report it.
__目撃者 %n は通報するのをやめた ( 賞金 %0.0f )。
FormID: 00000805 kCWWAbilityScript Messageex 67 0 A witness to one of your crimes (%0.0f bounty), has decided not to report it.
__目撃者は通報するのをやめた ( 賞金 %0.0f )。
FormID: 00000805 kCWWAbilityScript Messageboxex 98 0 You were not able to prevent %n from reporting your crime (%0.0f bounty).
__%n の通報を防げなかった ( 賞金 %0.0f )。
FormID: 00000805 kCWWAbilityScript Messageex 101 0 You were not able to prevent a witness from reporting your crime (%0.0f bounty).
__目撃者の通報を防げなかった ( 賞金 %0.0f )。

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Last-modified: 2010-06-21 (月) 20:38:00