

FormID: 010746D3 1emmQuest2 10 0 In order to collect the correct ingredients for her sister, Vilja needs a book, Tamriel Flora Illustrated, with pictures of flowers and ingredients. We'll have to search the book stores in order to find this.
__彼女のお姉さんの為に適切な素材を集めよう。そのためにはまず、Tamriel Flora Illustratedという図鑑が必要だ。とりあえず書店を探してみよう。
FormID: 010746D3 1emmQuest2 20 0 Vilja was very happy for the book Tamriel Flora Illustrated that I gave to her. Hopefully, she will now be able to find more of the ingredients she needs.
__Tamriel Flora Illustratedを見つけることができて彼女はとても喜んでいた。うまくいけばこれで彼女は適切な素材を見つけることができるだろう。
FormID: 010746D3 1emmQuest2 30 0 In order to find all the ingredients, Vilja needs to look at a picture of the ingredient [QUOTE]Shy Root of Hunger[QUOTE]. She suggests that we should ask for it at the First Edition bookshop in the Market District.
__次の素材を見つけるためには、 ViljaはShy Root of Hungerについて書かれた資料が必要だと言った。彼女の意見に従ってMarket DistrictのFirst Edition書店を訪ねてみよう。
FormID: 010746D3 1emmQuest2 35 0 Phintias at First Edition didn't have any picture of the Shy Root of Hunger. He suggested that we ask around at alchemist stores instead.
__First EditionのPhintiasはShy Root of Hungerについての図鑑はここにはないと言った。錬金術の店を探してみてはどうかと提案された。
FormID: 010746D3 1emmQuest2 40 0 I have a picture of the Shy Root of Hunger. I'm sure this will make Vilja happy.
__Shy Root of Hungerの図鑑を手に入れた。Viljaは喜んでくれるだろう。
FormID: 010746D3 1emmQuest2 50 0 Vilja was very pleased over the picture of the Shy Root of Hunger. Her search for ingredients will be much easier now.
__Shy Root of Hungerの図鑑を見つけたので、Viljaにとても感謝された。彼女の素材集めはまた一歩前進しそうだ。
FormID: 010746D3 1emmQuest2 60 0 Vilja claims that she needs the book [QUOTE]Ten Commands: Nine Divines[QUOTE] in order to proceed. And she made it quite clear that she expects me to get the book for her!
__Viljaが素材を探しを進めるために必要なTen Commands: Nine Divinesと呼ばれる書物を欲しがっている。彼女の期待に答えてあげよう。
__Viljaが素材探しを進めるために必要なTen Commands: Nine Divinesと呼ばれる書物を欲しがっている。明らかに彼女は私に期待している!
FormID: 010746D3 1emmQuest2 65 0 Vilja was very pleased that I had got the book [QUOTE]Ten Commands: Nine Divines[QUOTE] for her. I hope it will be helpful.
__ViljaにTen Commands: Nine Divinesを渡すと、とても喜んでくれた。役に立つといいのだが。
FormID: 010746D3 1emmQuest2 70 0 Great! I managed to get Vilja the book she requested, and now she says it was crap. Well, hopefully she will still find her ingredients.
__素晴らしい!私はViljaにゴミをプレゼントした! うまくいけば彼女はいまだに素材集め中だ!
__おいおい!Viljaが欲しがっていた本を苦心の末に手に入れたが、彼女によればそれはゴミだったようだ。 う〜む、願わくば、彼女には真に必要なものを見つけて欲しいものだ。
FormID: 010746D3 1emmQuest2 80 0 Crap! Vilja tasted one of the ingredients she had collected and it turned out to be severely poisonous. I need to find her a potion that will cure poison, and it could be that I have to buy one in an alchemist store rather than making one.
FormID: 010746D3 1emmQuest2 85 0 The potion of Cure Poison that I gave Vilja seems to slowly help - hopefully she will soon be well again.
FormID: 010746D3 1emmQuest2 90 0 Vilja has now recovered from the poison and is ready to continue!

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Last-modified: 2012-08-11 (土) 02:16:41