

FormID: 011501B5 1emmQuest1 88886Heneric 0 So do I. She may be sort of a lunatic. But she's a nice lunatic. Much nicer than her daughter!
FormID: 011501B6 1emmQuest1 88886Henerid 0 I see what you mean! But, look at it like this: At least we don't have to listen to her singing.
FormID: 011501B6 1emmQuest1 88886Henerid 1 If she used to sing lullabies for her daughter Falanu, I can understand why Falanu developed some darker sides of her nature.
FormID: 0115088F 1emmQuest1 88886duna 0 Yes, very proud indeed. And some of them are very beautiful, too, with those red eyes.
FormID: 01150890 1emmQuest1 88886dunb 0 That's not totally fair, you know. At least not for Cyrodiil Dunmers.
FormID: 01150890 1emmQuest1 88886dunb 1 As for Morrowind Dunmers I guess the life conditions, especially for Ashlanders, have made them into what they are.
FormID: 01150891 1emmQuest1 88886dunc 0 Stern and stubborn sounds very accurate, yes. Especially when it comes to Dunmers from Morrowind.
FormID: 01150891 1emmQuest1 88886dunc 1 I suppose the life conditions, especially for the Ashlanders, have made them that way.
FormID: 01150892 1emmQuest1 88886dund 0 How dare you? I bet I know many more Dunmers than you do, and they are really nice people. Although stern and stubborn, of course.
FormID: 01150896 1emmQuest1 88886Skoa 0 Hmm... You say so? I'm not too sure... I think it's a dangerous drug. But, I could be wrong, of course, I have no first hand experience of it.
FormID: 01150897 1emmQuest1 88886Skob 0 Yes, I thought you would say so. And you're probably right... I wouldn't want to become a Skooma addict - would you?
FormID: 0115089E 1emmQuest1 88886beshepherd 0 Yes, that might be nice. Now, there is absolutely no need for you to point out that you are obviously already practicing your leadership on me.
FormID: 0115089D 1emmQuest1 88886besmi 0 A smith? Good... then I'm sure you don't mind when I ask you to repair my things.
FormID: 0115089C 1emmQuest1 88886beinn 0 Yes, it must be quite fun to meet so many people all the time. Of course, being able to swing a glass of Mead isn't a bad thing, either.
FormID: 01150F76 1emmQuest1 2emmF4UseShield 0 Sure.
FormID: 01150F75 1emmQuest1 2emmF4UseParalyze 0 Alright.
FormID: 01150F77 1emmQuest1 2emmF4UseAll 0 Ha! I just love to practice spellcasting!
FormID: 01152AC6 1emmQuest1 4emmC5DoNoBoozeHere 0 Oh. Then, let's go somewhere else.
FormID: 0115387E 1emmQuest1 7emmUsDineOutBonusDrink 0 Thank you, but I think I'd better not... I'm already a bit tipsy. And you... you are a sweetheart.
FormID: 01153877 1emmQuest1 7emmUsDineOutBonusDrink 0 Sure. I'll wait here while you go and get me one.
FormID: 01152ACC 1emmQuest1 7emmUsDineOutBonusDrink 0 Sure. I'll wait here while you go and get me one.
FormID: 01152ACE 1emmQuest1 7emmUsDineOutLovely 0 Absolutely lovely. Maybe we can do this soon again?
FormID: 011553D0 1emmQuest1 7emmUsRWVilLead 0 Absolutely! What a lovely suggestion.
FormID: 011553D8 1emmQuest1 3emm10Anvil 0 Of course! Just follow me and I'll bring you there.
FormID: 011553E3 1emmQuest1 3emm10Bravil 0 Of course! Just follow me and I'll bring you there.
FormID: 011553E4 1emmQuest1 3emm10Bruma 0 Of course! Just follow me and I'll bring you there.
FormID: 011553E5 1emmQuest1 3emm10Chey 0 Of course! Just follow me and I'll bring you there.
FormID: 011553E6 1emmQuest1 3emm10Chorrol 0 Of course! Just follow me and I'll bring you there.
FormID: 011553E7 1emmQuest1 3emm10Ley 0 Of course! Just follow me and I'll bring you there.
FormID: 011553E8 1emmQuest1 3emm10Skin 0 Of course! Just follow me and I'll bring you there.
FormID: 011553EA 1emmQuest1 3emm10ICStables 0 Of course! Just follow me and I'll bring you there.
FormID: 01155410 1emmQuest1 3emm10ICPalace 0 Of course! Just follow me and I'll bring you there.
FormID: 01155424 1emmQuest1 3emm10ICTalos 0 Of course! Just follow me and I'll bring you there.
FormID: 01155438 1emmQuest1 3emm10ICMarket 0 Of course! Just follow me and I'll bring you there.
FormID: 0115545A 1emmQuest1 3emm10ICTemple 0 Of course! Just follow me and I'll bring you there.
FormID: 0115546E 1emmQuest1 3emm10ICElven 0 Of course! Just follow me and I'll bring you there.
FormID: 0115547E 1emmQuest1 3emm10IcArbo 0 Of course! Just follow me and I'll bring you there.
FormID: 01155480 1emmQuest1 3emm10ICWaterfr 0 Of course! Just follow me and I'll bring you there.
FormID: 011568FB 1emmQuest1 AAA002GoblResearch 0 As I mentioned earlier, I am eagerly studying the northern Cyrodiil goblin culture.
FormID: 011568FB 1emmQuest1 AAA002GoblResearch 1 As I'm sure you can understand, being on friendly terms with the goblins helps a lot when trying to learn more about their habits.
FormID: 011568FB 1emmQuest1 AAA002GoblResearch 2 Therefore, I have been collecting Goblin essence - it's quite nasty work. But, no goblins have come to harm!
__だからこそ、私はこれまでGoblin Essenceを集めたきた。本当に嫌ったらしい作業だったけれど、Goblin達は一匹たりとも傷つけはしなかったわ。
FormID: 011568FB 1emmQuest1 AAA002GoblResearch 3 Instead I have been sneaking around in their homes, collecting old dirty loincloths and socks. From those, I have extracted my Goblin Essence.
__彼らの住処に忍び込み、汚れた腰巻や靴下を集めてGolin Essenceを抽出したの。
FormID: 011568FB 1emmQuest1 AAA002GoblResearch 4 On my visit to the Plundered Mine, I lost my bottle of Goblin Essence. Now that I have it back, I have finally been able to do what I have planned...
__Plundered Mineに行った時にGoblin Essenceを失くしてしまったわ。取り返さないといけない。ようやく計画が最終段階まで来たっていうのに…。
FormID: 011568FB 1emmQuest1 AAA002GoblResearch 5 I have merged Goblin Essence with a few amulets,and I am sure that the wearer of such an amulet will be able to move around in their homes as a kin.
__私はね、Goblin Essenceを数個のアミュレットの中に封じ込めて、装着者がGoblin達の群れの中を自由に歩き回れるようにするつもりだったのよ。
FormID: 01157D88 1emmQuest1 7emmUsDineHomeBonusdrink 0 Lovely...
FormID: 01159206 1emmQuest1 3emm10Home 0 That sounds like an excellent idea.
FormID: 011598E9 1emmQuest1 ViljaChorrol 0 It's surely a good place to stay.
FormID: 011598EB 1emmQuest1 ViljaChorrol 0 A lovely town, indeed. Alas, I got fired from my work there, so I had to leave the place.
FormID: 011598E7 1emmQuest1 ViljaChorrol 0 Chorrol is a wonderful town.
FormID: 011598EC 1emmQuest1 ViljaChorrol 0 It's a fine place.

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Last-modified: 2012-01-18 (水) 05:50:20