

FormID: 0114AF3D 1emmQuest1 AAA002Sereniskull3 3 I threw the bones in a chest before I ran off, but I kept the skull. I thought I might have some usage for it. And indeed I had!
FormID: 0114AF3D 1emmQuest1 AAA002Sereniskull3 4 If you want to return the skull to where it belongs, you should probably put it in that chest together with the bones it once was attached to.
FormID: 0114AF3D 1emmQuest1 AAA002Sereniskull3 5 Now, if you should decide to enter the Plundered Mine, there is a very small favor I would like to ask you.
__そうね。もしもPlundered Mineに行くつもりがあるなら、ちょっとしたお願い事があるのだけれど。
FormID: 0114AF3F 1emmQuest1 AAA002Sereniskull4 0 I think I lost something in that mine. A Potion of Goblin Essence. I just might have happened to drop it in the same chest as the bones.
__あの鉱山に忘れものをしたと思うのよ。Potion of Goblin Essenceという魔法薬をね。たぶん、骨が入っているチェストに落っことしちゃったんだと思うわ。
FormID: 0114AF3F 1emmQuest1 AAA002Sereniskull4 1 I need that potion back. It was doing wonders for me in my research of the northern Cyrodiil goblin culture.
FormID: 0114AF3F 1emmQuest1 AAA002Sereniskull4 2 Don't look so surprised. Goblins are actually very... interesting. It's just a shame that they don't seem to fully appreciate my research.
FormID: 0114AF3F 1emmQuest1 AAA002Sereniskull4 3 Anyway, if you bring me my potion, I promise I will reward you.
FormID: 0114CAA8 1emmQuest1 AAA002Goblinpotion 0 You have my potion? Excellent! This will mean a lot to my research of the Cyrodiil goblin culture.
FormID: 0114CAA8 1emmQuest1 AAA002Goblinpotion 1 I know I promised you a reward, and I will surely reward you. However, I can not do it at once. There's some... work I have to do first.
FormID: 0114CAA8 1emmQuest1 AAA002Goblinpotion 2 Return here a bit later, maybe tomorrow, and I will have something for you that I think you might really like.
FormID: 0118383A 1emmQuest1 AAA002Goblinpotion 0 Where is my potion? Don't tell me that you forgot to bring it to me!
FormID: 0114C3D4 1emmQuest1 AAA002Goblinpotion 0 I think I might have dropped it in the chest together with the bones of the dead adventurer. It's at the lower level of the Plundered Mine.
__多分、冒険者の遺骨と一緒のチェストに落としちゃったんだと思うわ。Plundered Mineの低層にあるはずよ。
FormID: 0114CAAD 1emmQuest1 AAA002Viljaspells2 0 That's the spirit! I just knew I could count on you!
FormID: 0114CAAD 1emmQuest1 AAA002Viljaspells2 1 I have a batch of Spotted Lavender Sprig that I would like you to bring to my daughter Falanu in Skingrad for me.
__Skingradにいる娘のFalanuにSpotted Lavender Sprigを届けて欲しいんだ。
FormID: 0114CAAD 1emmQuest1 AAA002Viljaspells2 2 In return, she is going to give me a certain potion, which I want you to bring here.
FormID: 0114CAAD 1emmQuest1 AAA002Viljaspells2 3 By the time you return, I should have taught Vilja some basic spellcasting. Nord or not, she isn't exactly silly.
FormID: 0114CAB4 1emmQuest1 AAA002FalanuDelivery 0 A delivery from my mother? How nice! Thank you for bringing me the ingredients.
FormID: 0114CAB4 1emmQuest1 AAA002FalanuDelivery 1 Now I am sure she wants something in return, right? A special potion, I would guess? No worries, I have it here.
FormID: 0114CAB4 1emmQuest1 AAA002FalanuDelivery 2 A beauty cream fresh from the city of Vivec in Morrowind. It's supposed to be really good.
FormID: 0114CAB4 1emmQuest1 AAA002FalanuDelivery 3 However, tell her to be a bit cautious. The last batch of the same cream had a strange side effect.
FormID: 0114CAB4 1emmQuest1 AAA002FalanuDelivery 4 But it really shouldn't be a problem. I'm sure my old mother would look smashing in whiskers.
FormID: 0114CAB9 1emmQuest1 AAA002Viljaspells3 0 Oh, you don't need to warn me! I'm old enough to take care of myself, and I wouldn't try any cream that Falanu has sent me without testing it first.
FormID: 0114CAB9 1emmQuest1 AAA002Viljaspells3 1 As soon as you have left, I will summon a scamp and see what happens when it puts on the cream.
FormID: 0114CAB9 1emmQuest1 AAA002Viljaspells3 2 I'm not stupid, and even if I am in Cyrodiil, I have heard the rumors about the Vivec furry dunmer upperclass ladies.
FormID: 0114CAB9 1emmQuest1 AAA002Viljaspells3 3 Still... I appreciate your thoughtfulness, of course. And I think you deserve an extra reward for it.
FormID: 0114CAB9 1emmQuest1 AAA002Viljaspells3 4 Let me see... I found some good ingredients yesterday, and made a few delicious potions. Here, they are all yours!
FormID: 0114CABB 1emmQuest1 AAA002Viljaspells4 0 Yes, isn't it! And now... I have taught Vilja two valuable spells. A common shield spell and a paralyze spell.
FormID: 0114CABB 1emmQuest1 AAA002Viljaspells4 1 I'm sure the paralyze one will be particularly useful. If she doesn't run into enemies, I'm sure it will calm down unwanted admirers quite a bit.
FormID: 0114CABD 1emmQuest1 AAA002Myreward 0 Of course I haven't forgotten about your reward! Here you are! A potion of Melting Daedra Heart Essence!
__もちろん、あんたへのお礼は忘れてないよ!はいどうぞ!Melting Daedra Heart Essenceから作った魔法薬だ。
FormID: 0114CABD 1emmQuest1 AAA002Myreward 1 I haven't forgotten how much you seem to appreciate it's distinct scent, and I'm sure you will enjoy this particular flavor.
FormID: 0114CABD 1emmQuest1 AAA002Myreward 2 It's particularly useful when someone has fainted - they always regain consciousness instantly when sniffing at this mixture.
FormID: 0114CABD 1emmQuest1 AAA002Myreward 3 And if you put a tiny drop of it behind your ears, it will attract both male and female to you.
FormID: 0114CABD 1emmQuest1 AAA002Myreward 4 In fact, it will probably attract sheep and boars to you as well, but I think that has to be considered as a minor but not unpleasant side effect.
FormID: 0114CAC5 1emmQuest1 AAA002Viljaspells5 0 Heneri says I have a natural talent for spellcasting. She has taught me how to cast a shield spell on myself.
FormID: 0114CAC5 1emmQuest1 AAA002Viljaspells5 1 But the best of all is that she has taught me how to paralyze! So now I can paralyze enemies before I beat them up. Great, isn't it!
FormID: 0114CAC5 1emmQuest1 AAA002Viljaspells5 2 Of course, I will not use my new spell unless you want me to. We can discuss my fighting instructions later.
FormID: 0114CAC5 1emmQuest1 AAA002Viljaspells5 3 But first, I think we should head for Bruma. I believe Sereni has a reward for us as well.
FormID: 0114F3CA 1emmQuest1 8887Opinions 0 Tell me honestly... Why did you join the Dark Brotherhood?
__正直に教えてね。…どうしてDark Brotherhoodなんかに入ったの?
FormID: 0114F3DE 1emmQuest1 8887Opinions 0 Have you ever considered working for the Dark Brotherhood?
__今までDark Brotherhoodに入って働こうと思った事はある?
FormID: 0114F3D4 1emmQuest1 8887Opinions 0 How do you feel about thievery?
FormID: 0114F3E5 1emmQuest1 8887Opinions 0 Which is your favorite city in Cyrodiil?
FormID: 0114F3F6 1emmQuest1 8887Opinions 0 What are your thoughts on necromancy?
FormID: 0114F3FD 1emmQuest1 8887Opinions 0 What are your thoughts on Khajiits?
FormID: 011501AE 1emmQuest1 8887Opinions 0 What do you think of Heneri?
FormID: 0115088A 1emmQuest1 8887Opinions 0 What are your thoughts on Dunmers?
FormID: 01150893 1emmQuest1 8887Opinions 0 What are your thoughts on Skooma?
FormID: 01150898 1emmQuest1 8887Opinions 0 What would you rather be - an innkeeper, a smith or a shepherd?
FormID: 01162877 1emmQuest1 8887Opinions 0 What would you rather do with your life? Join the Imperial Legion, become a pirate or get involved in the Cyrodiil politics?
__あなただったらどんな人生を送りたい?Imperial Legionに入る?海賊になる?それともCyrodiilの政治に首を突っ込んでみる?
FormID: 0116287E 1emmQuest1 8887Opinions 0 How would you like to spend your spare time?
FormID: 01179AAC 1emmQuest1 8887Opinions 0 Tell me honestly... what do you think of Runar?

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Last-modified: 2012-01-18 (水) 05:50:20