

FormID: 011349C0 1emmQuest1 ViljaMorrowind 0 At times I miss Morrowind so much.
FormID: 011349C1 1emmQuest1 ViljaMorrowind 0 I wish we could visit Morrowind together. I'll always consider it my second home.
FormID: 011349C2 1emmQuest1 ViljaMorrowind 0 Morrowind is truly so lovely.
FormID: 01193C90 1emmQuest1 ViljaMorrowind 0 I used to fight nix-hounds and Alits all the time when I lived in Morrowind.
__Morrowind に住んでいた頃、いつも Nix-Hound や Alit と戦っていたものよ。
FormID: 01193C91 1emmQuest1 ViljaMorrowind 0 I'm worried about Morrowind. People are saying that the daedra overran the town of Ald'ruhn. I hope that my friends in Balmora are okay...
__Morrowind の事が気にかかるわ。 Ald'ruhn は Daedra に制圧されたって噂だし…。 Balmora に住んでいる友達も無事でいてくれたら良いのだけど。
FormID: 01193C92 1emmQuest1 ViljaMorrowind 0 There are rumours that the man-god Vivec has gone missing. Some believe he has been taken by the daedra!
__現人神の Vivec 様が失踪したって噂よ。 Daedra に連れ去られたのだと信じてる人もいるわ。
FormID: 011349B8 1emmQuest1 ViljaMorrowind 0 It's a fine place.
FormID: 011349B9 1emmQuest1 ViljaMorrowind 0 Dark Elves like me left Morrowind and the whole priest-ridden Tribunal nightmare...
__私みたいなDark ElfはTribunalによる悪夢のような支配を嫌ってMorrowindを離れたわ。
FormID: 01140321 1emmQuest1 ViljaMorrowind 0 Morrowind is still living in the Second Era. I can't believe how they treat Khajiit and Argonians. Here, we are Imperial citizens, nothing less.
__MorrowindはいまだにSecond Eraの頃同然よ。彼らのKhajiitやArgonianに対する扱いは信じられないわ。ここでは種族に関わらず同じ帝国民として平等な立場なのにね。
FormID: 011349BA 1emmQuest1 ViljaMorrowind 0 Not much to tell about me, really. I'm from Morrowind originally.
FormID: 011349BB 1emmQuest1 ViljaMorrowind 0 Lots of us Dark Elves came to Cyrodiil to get away from the Temple. We're sick of living under the thumb of the priests, and scraping by on the dole.
__Templeから逃れるため、沢山のDark ElfがCyrodiilにやって来たわ。僧侶たちの指示に従って暮らすのにも、寄付をせびられるのにも飽き飽きしていたのよ。
FormID: 011349BC 1emmQuest1 ViljaMorrowind 0 I'm from Morrowind, north coast of Vvardenfell, near Khuul. Sometimes I miss home, but not too much.
FormID: 01140329 1emmQuest1 ViljaMorrowind 0 I can't go back to Morrowind.
FormID: 011349BD 1emmQuest1 ViljaMorrowind 0 When I was younger, and living in Vvardenfell, my parents instilled in me the code of an-eye-for-an-eye.
FormID: 011349BE 1emmQuest1 ViljaMorrowind 0 Don't speak to me of that place. It was another lifetime, it was before I became what I am now.
FormID: 011349BF 1emmQuest1 ViljaMorrowind 0 You know, that's what I like about you. You're such a good listener. Thanks. I feel so much better now.
FormID: 0113509D 1emmQuest1 7emmUsRWAleswell 0 Good idea! Aleswell has such a lovely view over the Imperial City. Let's go.
__名案だわ!Aleswellから見るImperial Cityの風景は素晴らしいものね。行きましょう!
FormID: 0113509F 1emmQuest1 7emmUsRWPellsGate 0 Sure! There's such a beautiful waterfall close to Pells Gate. We might have to kill a minotaur or two, but... I guess it'll be worth the effort.
__いいわよ!Pells Gateの近くには素敵な滝があるの。まぁ、Minotaurの一匹や二匹退治しないといけないかもだけど…それでも行ってみる価値はあるわ!
FormID: 011372C2 1emmQuest1 7emmUsRWOldBridge 0 Yes... that's a lovely place. We'll have to watch out for highwaymen, though.
FormID: 011394F4 1emmQuest1 7emmUsRWGottshawInn 0 What a lovely idea! Then we can have a drink together as well.
FormID: 011394F6 1emmQuest1 7emmUsRWFaregyl 0 What a lovely idea! Then we can have a drink together as well.
FormID: 01139BCE 1emmQuest1 7emmUsRWImpBrInn 0 That sounds like a good idea! We could even have a drink there. I know the innkeeper, she is nice.
FormID: 0113A97D 1emmQuest1 7emmUsRWCloudTemple 0 Alright, let's go... I believe the view from there will be fantastic.
__わかった、行きましょう。 晴れてるといいけど…
FormID: 0113B052 1emmQuest1 7emmUsRWWaterfalls 0 What a lovely idea! It is such a beautiful place... but we better watch out for nasty critters.
FormID: 0113B054 1emmQuest1 7emmUsRWWatersedge 0 Yes, that might be nice. Hope it won't start to rain, though.
__うん、楽しみだね! 雨が降りませんように…!
FormID: 0113B056 1emmQuest1 7emmUsRWHarluns 0 Yes, that's a nice place. Let's go there.
FormID: 0113B058 1emmQuest1 7emmUsRWWeynon 0 Yes, that's a nice place.
FormID: 0113C4DB 1emmQuest1 3emm10ShowWay 0 Alright... So where do you want me to take you?
FormID: 0113C4ED 1emmQuest1 3emm10FG 0 Of course! Just follow me and I'll bring you there.
FormID: 0113C4EF 1emmQuest1 3emm10FG 0 Of course! Just follow me and I'll bring you there.
FormID: 0113C4F0 1emmQuest1 3emm10FG 0 Of course! Just follow me and I'll bring you there.
FormID: 0113C4F1 1emmQuest1 3emm10FG 0 Of course! Just follow me and I'll bring you there.
FormID: 0113C4F2 1emmQuest1 3emm10FG 0 Of course! Just follow me and I'll bring you there.
FormID: 0113C4EE 1emmQuest1 3emm10FG 0 I've hardly been here before we met, but I do believe I know the way to the Fighters Guild.
__あなたと会う前、ここに来た事はほとんどなかったわ。でも、Fighters Guildへの行き方なら分かると思う。
FormID: 0113C4F3 1emmQuest1 3emm10FG 0 I've hardly been here before we met, but I do believe I know the way to the Fighters Guild.
__あなたと会う前、ここに来た事はほとんどなかったわ。でも、Fighters Guildへの行き方なら分かると思う。
FormID: 0113C4F4 1emmQuest1 3emm10MG 0 Of course! Just follow me and I'll bring you there.
FormID: 0113C4F5 1emmQuest1 3emm10MG 0 Of course! Just follow me and I'll bring you there.
FormID: 0113C4F6 1emmQuest1 3emm10MG 0 Of course! Just follow me and I'll bring you there.
FormID: 0113C4F7 1emmQuest1 3emm10MG 0 Of course! Just follow me and I'll bring you there.
FormID: 0113C4F8 1emmQuest1 3emm10MG 0 Of course! Just follow me and I'll bring you there.
FormID: 0113C4F9 1emmQuest1 3emm10MG 0 I've hardly been here before we met, but I'm pretty sure I can find the way to the Mages Guild.
__あなたと会う前、ここに来た事はほとんどなかったわ。でも、Mages Guildなら間違いなく見つけられると思う。
FormID: 0113C4FA 1emmQuest1 3emm10MG 0 I've hardly been here before we met, but I'm pretty sure I can find the way to the Mages Guild.
__あなたと会う前、ここに来た事はほとんどなかったわ。でも、Mages Guildなら間違いなく見つけられると思う。
FormID: 0113D2BD 1emmQuest1 3emm10Store 0 This isn't a good time, the shop might be closed.
FormID: 0113C503 1emmQuest1 3emm10Store 0 Lelle's Quality Merchandise is at the harbor. It's not the best shop in Cyrodiil, but it's the only one in Anvil.
__Lelle's Quality Merchandiseは港の方にあるわ。Cyrodiilで一番の店!…ってわけじゃないけれど、Anvilではあそこ以外に無いのよね。
FormID: 0113C504 1emmQuest1 3emm10Store 0 I've hardly been here before I met you, but I guess I could pick up the scent of a good shop.
FormID: 0113C505 1emmQuest1 3emm10Store 0 I've hardly been here before I met you, but I guess I could pick up the scent of a good shop.
FormID: 0113C506 1emmQuest1 3emm10Store 0 Let's go to Nord Winds - I'm sure you'll like Olfland and Skjorta. I've spent many good hours chatting with them.
__Nord Windsに行きましょ。Olfandの事もSkjortaの事もきっと気に入ると思うわ。あの夫婦とは何度も楽しく雑談して過ごしたものよ。
FormID: 0113C507 1emmQuest1 3emm10Store 0 Let's go and see Borba, then. She's a fine lady - I'm sure you'll like her.
FormID: 0113C508 1emmQuest1 3emm10Store 0 Of course! Just follow me and I'll bring you there.
FormID: 0113C509 1emmQuest1 3emm10Store 0 Let's go to the Colovian Traders.
__それじゃ、Colovian Tradersに行きましょう。

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Last-modified: 2012-03-09 (金) 19:30:57