

FormID: 010BE633 1emmQuest1 9997Worry24 0 Ten thousand! But... I know you cannot afford this! It's very kind of you, but... Give me five thousand Gold instead. That will do just fine.
__10,000 Goldもくれるの!?でも…でも、あなたじゃそんなには出せないでしょ?気持ちはとっても嬉しいけれど、5,000 Goldで十分よ。
FormID: 010BE634 1emmQuest1 9997Worry24 0 Ten thousand Gold! That's generous of you. Thank you!
__10,000 Goldもくれるの!?太っ腹ね。ありがとう!
FormID: 010BE639 1emmQuest1 9997Worry25 0 I can't believe what I hear! You have plenty of money, that I know. How on earth can you be this mean, when I'm doing my very best for you?
FormID: 010BE638 1emmQuest1 9997Worry25 0 I can't believe what I hear! You are far from broke, and I really needed that money. Obviously, you must find me pretty useless!
FormID: 010BE637 1emmQuest1 9997Worry25 0 Right... I really needed that money. Else I wouldn't have asked.
FormID: 010BE636 1emmQuest1 9997Worry25 0 Right... I really needed the money, but I know you are almost broke, so... Guess I will have to survive anyway.
FormID: 010BF3EA 1emmQuest1 9997Worry31 0 I'm not surprised to hear that. She is a beautiful lady. I just hope that she values you the way you deserve.
FormID: 010BF3EB 1emmQuest1 9997Worry32 0 I see. Guess I misunderstood then... Anyway, this makes things easier. We can be good friends, all of us.
FormID: 010BF3EC 1emmQuest1 9997Worry33 0 Hmm... maybe you'd better not tell me. At least not until we have known each other a bit longer.
FormID: 010BF3EF 1emmQuest1 9997Worry34 0 Alright! Pardon me for asking then!
FormID: 010BF3FC 1emmQuest1 9997Worry41 0 Good! He is a nice man.Very unlike Runar! I hope you will be happy together.
FormID: 010BF3FC 1emmQuest1 9997Worry41 1 I'm sure he loves you, too. If he doesn't, he's an idiot!
FormID: 010BF3FD 1emmQuest1 9997Worry42 0 Good. I'm glad to hear that. Then you won't get upset if he is flirting a little with me?
FormID: 010BF3FD 1emmQuest1 9997Worry42 1 Not that I am interested, of course! At least Runar taught me one thing - never to fall in love with a man that flirts with you!
FormID: 010BF3FE 1emmQuest1 9997Worry43 0 Hmm... maybe you'd better not tell me. At least not until we have known each other a bit longer.
FormID: 010BF3FF 1emmQuest1 9997Worry44 0 Alright! Pardon me for asking then!
FormID: 010BF40A 1emmQuest1 4emmC4CompAccGood 0 Thank you! That's really sweet of you. I like accents, too. Saerileth sounds so sweet, although sometimes she uses words I don't understand.
FormID: 01193CA3 1emmQuest1 4emmC4CompAccGood 0 Thank you! That's really sweet of you. I like accents, too. Especially Fergus' accent - I think it is charming.
__ありがとう!あなたって本当に優しいのね。私も自分の訛りは気に入ってるのよ。 Fergus の訛りも大好き。魅力的だと思うわ。
FormID: 010BF409 1emmQuest1 4emmC4CompAccGood 0 Thank you! That's really sweet of you.
FormID: 011200A3 1emmQuest1 4emmC4CompAccGood 0 That's good to know, but you better listen carefully now:
FormID: 011200A3 1emmQuest1 4emmC4CompAccGood 1 I like you very much, but if you snigger one more time when I pronounce the name of that poor dead sailor in Bravil...
FormID: 011200A3 1emmQuest1 4emmC4CompAccGood 2 ...if you do that, I shall make you order a meal from a Morrowind menu and see if you are such a linguistic genius, my friend.
FormID: 010BF408 1emmQuest1 4emmC4CompAccBad 0 Oh dear... I thought it might be. I sometimes have difficulties understanding Saerileth, so I can understand if you have similar problems with me.
FormID: 010BF407 1emmQuest1 4emmC4CompAccBad 0 Oh dear... I thought it might be. I'm afraid you'll have to bear with me until I have practised a bit more.
FormID: 010D90E2 1emmQuest1 88routine 0 This is at least better than scrubbing castle floors.
FormID: 010C01B9 1emmQuest1 88routine 0 Work, work, work. All the time work.
FormID: 010D4A90 1emmQuest1 88routine 0 Am I the only one interested in keeping this place nice and tidy?
FormID: 010D4A8F 1emmQuest1 88routine 0 This place is such a mess! You know what we need? We need a Summon Cleaning Lady ring!
FormID: 010C01BA 1emmQuest1 88routine 0 This place is a mess! We really ought to clean it up, instead of running around playing heroes!
FormID: 010C01B8 1emmQuest1 88routine 0 Dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt. Everywhere dirt.
FormID: 010C0F69 1emmQuest1 88hungry 0 I really need something to eat!
FormID: 010C01BC 1emmQuest1 88hungry 0 I'm hungry!
FormID: 01183836 1emmQuest1 88hungry 0 Aren't you hungry? I certainly am.
FormID: 01183837 1emmQuest1 88hungry 0 I was thinking of herring and strawberries. And then I got so hungry.
FormID: 01183838 1emmQuest1 88hungry 0 Let's get something to eat, shall we?
FormID: 01183839 1emmQuest1 88hungry 0 I guess I should stick with my diet, but... I am so hungry.
FormID: 010C01BE 1emmQuest1 88inventorytalk 0 I can't carry this much!
FormID: 010C53D1 1emmQuest1 3emm1Ammo 0 Sure... just don't leave without me, will you.
FormID: 010C53D1 1emmQuest1 3emm1Ammo 1 If you don't want to tag along, you can just use the Vilja Summon spell that I gave you when you want me to return to you.
__私と同行せず、後で落ち合いたい場合は前に教えたVijla Summonの魔法を使ってね。
FormID: 010C53D9 1emmQuest1 3emm1Ammo 0 Alright.
FormID: 010C53D4 1emmQuest1 3emm1Weap 0 Sure... just don't leave without me, will you.
FormID: 010C53D4 1emmQuest1 3emm1Weap 1 If you don't want to tag along, you can just use the Vilja Summon spell that I gave you when you want me to return to you.
__私と同行せず、後で落ち合いたい場合は前に教えたVijla Summonの魔法を使ってね。
FormID: 010C53DB 1emmQuest1 3emm1Weap 0 Alright.
FormID: 010CACA5 1emmQuest1 0emmSleepShowBedroll 0 While you sleep in a bed? That's just so.... typical! At least make sure I have enough space to crawl into it.
FormID: 010CD5CE 1emmQuest1 4emmC4CompNeeshFine 0 You mean that? I'm so glad... I hope Neeshka doesn't mind either. I like her - she has so many stories to tell!
FormID: 010CD5CF 1emmQuest1 4emmC4CompNeeshOK 0 Yes... You and Neeshka are the base team, I guess. Well, as long as none of you consider me as an intruder...
FormID: 010CD5D0 1emmQuest1 4emmC4CompNeeshBad 0 I see. Yeah, I guess you and Neeshka are the base team. And I'm the intruder.
FormID: 010CD5D5 1emmQuest1 4emmC4CompRhiFine 0 You mean that? I'm so glad... I hope Rhianna doesn't mind either. I like her - she knows so much about spellcasting!
FormID: 010CD5D6 1emmQuest1 4emmC4CompRhiOK 0 Yes... You and Rhianna are the base team, I guess. Well, as long as none of you consider me as an intruder...
FormID: 010CD5D7 1emmQuest1 4emmC4CompRhiBad 0 I see. Yeah, I guess you and Rhianna are the base team. And I'm the intruder.

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Last-modified: 2012-03-08 (木) 18:52:36