

FormID: 01182A8A 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 You know I told you the story about Runar and how he treated me. Can I ask you - what do you think of him?
FormID: 01182A8B 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 You know I told you the story about Runar and how he treated me. Can I ask you - what do you think of him?
FormID: 0119A365 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 So, what's new? How are things over at The Counts Arms? And how is Wilbur doing?
__何か新しいニュースはあったかしらね? The Count Arms はどうなってるかな? Wilbur も元気にしているかしら?
FormID: 0119A367 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 It's so good to be back in Anvil. In many ways, I enjoyed working as a barmaid. How are things over at The Counts Arms? And how is Wilbur?
__Anvil に戻って来られてとても嬉しいわ。ウェイトレスとして働いて過ごした日々は色々と楽しかったの。 The Count Arms はどうなってるかな? Wilbur も元気かしら?
FormID: 0119A36C 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 I should head over to Norbert's store while I'm here. I haven't seen him for ages.
__ここにいる間に Norbert のお店に寄らなくっちゃ。もうずっと会ってないの。
FormID: 0119A366 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 So, what's new? Have you been at the Fighter's Guild lately? What is Azzan up to nowadays?
__何か新しいニュースはあったかしらね?最近 Fighter's Guild には顔を出した? Azzan はどうしているかしら?
FormID: 0119A368 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 I hope to head over to Olav's Tap and Tack while I'm here. I've always enjoyed Olav's company.
__ここにいる間に Olav's Tap and Tack に寄っておきたいわ。 Olav とはいつも楽しくやっているの。
FormID: 0119A369 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 I miss the long conversations I used to have with Cirroc. I hope he is doing fine?
__Cirroc と長話した日々が懐かしいわ。彼、元気にしてるかしら?
FormID: 0119AA41 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 I was thinking of heading over to the bookshop while I'm here, but Mach-Na always seems to irritated, especially when I ask for books with pictures.
__ここにいる間に本屋さんに寄っていこうと思ってたけれど、 Mach-Na はいつもイライラしてるからなぁ…。私が絵入りの本を探している時は特に。
FormID: 0119AA42 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 I've heard that Newlands Lodge is even better now than when I worked there. Dervera must be so proud!
__Newlands Lodge は前に私が働いてた頃よりずっと評判がいいらしいわ。 Dervera もきっと鼻が高いわね!
FormID: 0119AA44 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 I used to work for the Bruiants, looking after their dogs. You should have seen the dogfood! Steak with sauce Bernaise! Yummie...
__前に Bruiant 夫妻の所で犬の世話をしていた事があるけれど、彼らの作るドッグフードは必見よ!ベアネーズソースをかけたステーキとか。とっても美味しいの!
FormID: 0119AA48 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 I would like to read one of Casta Scribonia's books. But I have looked at them, and they have got way too many words and not enough pictures.
__Casta Scribonia の小説を読んでみたいとは思ってるけれど、絵が少なくて字が多過ぎなのがね…。
FormID: 0119AA45 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 I've always liked The Grey Mare.One can dance on the tables, just like in Solstheim, without feeling embarrassed. Well, at least not very embarrassed
__The Grey Mare は好きよ。 Solstheim と同じようにテーブルの上でダンスしても全然恥ずかしくないもの。…まぁ、「全然」というのは言い過ぎかもしれないけれどね。
FormID: 0119AA47 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 I used to stay in Chorrol, I was working for the Bruiants. It's such a lovely city, isn't it?
__私、前に Chorrol に住んでた事があるのよ。 Bruiant 夫妻の所で働いてたの。素敵な街よね。
FormID: 0119AA49 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 I'm pretty sure Gunder will never forget me. I slapped him in the face once - for very good reasons. Hmph!
__Gunder はきっと私の事を忘れないわね。だって、彼の顔面にパンチを喰らわせた事があるんだもの。まぁ当然の報いだけどね。ふんっ!
FormID: 0119AA4A 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 Colovian Traders is a good place to do some serious shopping, don't you think so too?
__Colovian Traders は真面目に買い物するのに適したお店ね。あなたもそう思わない?
FormID: 0119AA4C 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 How are things at All Things Alchemical nowadays? I used to work there, but... Well, Falanu has quite a temper, don't you think so?
__最近 All Things Alchemical はどうしてるのかしらね?以前あそこで働いてた事があるけれど… Falanu ってちょっと怖い人よね。あなたもそう思わない?
FormID: 0119AA4D 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 I'm almost afraid to run into Falanu when I'm in Skingrad. That woman has such a temper! And she definitely doesn't like green hair.
__Skingrad にいる間に Falanu と出くわさない事を祈るわ。彼女ってすごく怖いのよ!それに、緑髪が大嫌いだし。
FormID: 0119AA4E 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 I have met Falanu's mother in Cheydinhal, and I must say she is a lot nicer than her daughter.
__Cheydinhal で Falanu のお母さんと会ったけれど、正直言って、娘よりも母の方がよほど素敵だと思うわ。
FormID: 0119AA4F 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 I miss Bernadette. We used to have such fun when we were working together in the vineyards.
__Bernadette に会いたいわ。私達、ぶどう畑で一緒に働いていた頃、いっぱい楽しい時間を過ごしたのよ。
FormID: 0119AA50 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 I hope to have a long good chat with Bernadette while I'm here. She looks so serious, but she's really great fun and one of my best friends.
__Bernadette といっぱいお喋りしたいわ。彼女、一見すごく真面目そうに見えるけれど、とても楽しい人なのよ。大親友なの。
FormID: 011E3314 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 I don't know... Magic might be good, but I don't quite understand what a spell can do better than a mace.
__分からないわ…。魔法は良いものなのかも知れないけれど、 Mace よりも役立つものだとはとても思えないの。
FormID: 011E3318 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 I know some people badmouth Norbert Lelle and say he isn't the smartest fellow around. But at least he isn't as snotty as some other merchants.
__Norbert Lelleの悪口をいう人がいるのは知ってるわ。彼は仲間内で一番頭のいい人間ではないって。でも、少なくとも彼は他の商人みたいに横柄じゃないわね。
FormID: 011E331A 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 I really like Wilbur at the Counts Arms. But some of his jokes are just horrible! Of course, I try to laugh anyway, to cheer him up.
__Counts ArmsのWilburは本当に素敵な人だと思うけれど、時々ひどく寒いジョークを言うから困るわ!元気付けるために笑ってあげようと努力してはいるけれど。
FormID: 011E331B 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 I've always liked The Grey Mare.One can dance on the tables, just like in Solstheim, without feeling embarrassed. Well, at least not very embarrassed
__The Grey Mare は好きよ。 Solstheim と同じようにテーブルの上でダンスしても全然恥ずかしくないもの。…まぁ、「全然」というのは言い過ぎかもしれないけれどね。
FormID: 011E331C 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 Chorrol really is a lovely town, with nice people and a pleasant weather.
__Chorrol は本当に素敵な街ね。人は優しいし気候もいいわ。
FormID: 011E331D 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 Olav's Tap and Tack is one of my favorite places. It's almost like in Solstheim - one can sing and dance on the tables and no-one gets upset.
__Olav's Tap and Tack はお気に入りの場所よ。まるで Solstheim にいるような気分を味わえるの。テーブルの上で歌って踊っても、誰も気にしないから。
FormID: 011E331E 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 Novaroma has quite a few things to offer. It's almost like shopping in the Imperial City. Almost. Or.. at least almost almost.
__Novaroma の品揃えは大したものよね。Imperial City の店にも引けはとらないと思うわ。まぁ…その…少なくとも近いレベルではあると思うの。
FormID: 011E331F 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 When I was staying in Bruma, Olfand at North Winds taught me a few things about how to use light armor. He is quite nice, actually, and very helpful.
__私がBrumaに住んでいたときね、North WindsのOlfandっていう人から軽鎧の着こなしを教えてもらったわ。彼にはとてもお世話になったわね。
FormID: 011E3320 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 I like the Two Sisters Lodge, and Mog does a good job running the place. She and her sister are both fine people.
__Two Sisters Lodgeは好きよ。Mogの経営手腕はなかなかのものだし、彼女たち姉妹の人柄もいいしね。
FormID: 011E3321 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 When I was staying in Skingrad I asked Sinderion in the West Weald Inn if he could train me in alchemy.He told me to go and find some odd root first
__Skingradにいた頃、West Weald InnのSinderionに錬金術を教えてもらおうと頼んだ事があったけれど、妙な植物の根っこを探すよう言われたわ。
FormID: 011E3322 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 I used to work at Newlands Lodge. It's a good place, and Dervera is a good person.
__私、前に Newlands Lodge で働いていた事があるの。いい宿だし、 Dervera も良い人よ。
FormID: 011E3323 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 Borba is a sweetheart! Not only has she got a wide range of wares to sell - she also has a wide range of stories to tell.
__Borba は優しい人よ!彼女のお店の品揃えもすごいし、話題もすごく幅広いの。
FormID: 011E3324 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 I think this might be the most beautiful city in Cyrodiil. I like these houses.
__ここは Cyrodiil で一番美しい街だと思うわ。建物が綺麗なのよね。
FormID: 011E3325 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 I wouldn't want to swim in the canals - the water doesn't look that nice to me.
FormID: 011E3326 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 I think this city could get really pretty if they painted the houses. And planted some flowers here and there.
FormID: 011E3327 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 This is a nice inn... And not too crowded, either.
FormID: 011E3328 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 It would have been nice if there had been a bard here, playing music.
__ここで Bard に歌を歌ってもらえれば素敵なのにね。
FormID: 010388CE 1emmQuest1 INFOGENERAL 0 Make sure not to eat Nightshade. It's very poisonous.
FormID: 0112FDC9 1emmQuest1 Attack 0 I'm gonna cut your whiskers off, bastard!
FormID: 0112FDCA 1emmQuest1 Attack 0 I'm gonna chase you all over Cyrodiil!
FormID: 0112FDC8 1emmQuest1 Attack 0 Now you're gonna get what you deserve, furry scum-bag!
FormID: 0112FDC7 1emmQuest1 Attack 0 Ha! This time I'll get you, filthy cat!
__ハァッ! 次は逃さないわ!薄汚れた猫ちゃん!
FormID: 0112FDC6 1emmQuest1 Attack 0 I'm gonna beat you up so badly that you won't purr for a year!
FormID: 0112FDC5 1emmQuest1 Attack 0 You're gonna hang by your tail!
FormID: 0112FDC4 1emmQuest1 Attack 0 I'm gonna kill you, you filthy cat!
FormID: 011C3DA5 1emmQuest1 Attack 0 I'm gonna cut your whiskers off, bastard!
FormID: 011C3DA6 1emmQuest1 Attack 0 Now you're gonna get what you deserve, furry scum-bag!
FormID: 011C3DA7 1emmQuest1 Attack 0 I'm gonna beat you up so badly that you won't purr for a year!
FormID: 011C3DA8 1emmQuest1 Attack 0 You're gonna hang by your tail!

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Last-modified: 2012-02-25 (土) 12:26:40