

FormID: 011BC250 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 There's something I'd like to talk to you about. Have you got a minute?
FormID: 0112FD83 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Now that we are here... how about a drink?
FormID: 010CB37F 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 While we are here, maybe you should look for a new outfit. I'm not too sure about the way you usually dress.
FormID: 0107923D 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I'm thinking of buying a new dress... They have so many beautiful things here.
FormID: 0107A003 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Are you sure this place isn't haunted anymore?
FormID: 0107A010 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I think we should buy some wine while we are here!
FormID: 0107CFE3 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Aleswell has such a lovely view over the Imperial City!
__Aleswellから眺めるImperial Cityの景色って、本当に素晴らしいわ!
FormID: 0107A00D 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I used to work here as a castle-maid. Scrubbing the floors was horrible.
FormID: 0107A00A 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I like this place. Not too hot, and the people are all so friendly. Nords, you know...
FormID: 0107A008 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I think this might be the most beautiful city in Cyrodiil. I like these houses.
FormID: 0107A009 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Do you think everyone here are poor?
FormID: 0107A00C 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I think the Countess of Anvil misses her husband quite a lot. She always looks so sad, poor woman.
FormID: 010B3449 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Wilbur knows a lot about fine wines. When I was working here he tried to teach me a little, but, honestly, I still prefer mead.
FormID: 0107923B 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Did you know that I used to work here as a barmaid? It was quite nice, Although Wilbur's bad jokes can be a bit hard to cope with!
FormID: 0107A00F 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Did I tell you that it was here in Anvil that I bought Bruse?
FormID: 011E39FF 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 It's so good to be here in Anvil. I so enjoy looking at all those beautiful ships.
__Anvil に来られてとても嬉しいわ。綺麗な船を眺めるのがすごく楽しいから。
FormID: 0107A006 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Poor Countess Valga of Castle Chorrol! She is still mourning her dead husband.
FormID: 0107A00E 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I wonder if we will meet Rena Bruiant and her dogs?
__Rena Bruiantと彼女のワンちゃんには会えるかしらね?
FormID: 011E3A00 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Chorrol really is a lovely town, with nice people and a pleasant weather.
__Chorrol は本当に素敵な街ね。人は優しいし気候もいいわ。
FormID: 0107A00B 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 How can people live here? Rain and storms all the time!
FormID: 011E3A02 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I must say that I definitely prefer snow to rain, and Bruma to Leyawiin.
__正直な話、私は雨よりも雪の方が断然好きよ。だから、 Leyawiin よりも Bruma の方がずっと好き。
FormID: 01076249 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Oh, so many beautiful things they have here. One day, I'm gonna get rich, and then I will wear diamonds every day!
FormID: 011E3A01 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I find the Imperial City a bit noisy. I'm not sure I would like to live here for a longer time.
__Imperial City は少し騒がしいわ。あまり長い間住みたいとは思えないかな。
FormID: 0111F9C2 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I know you think I'm a bit too choosy, but some of the beds in these hotels have mattresses that can nearly walk away all by themselves.
FormID: 0111F9C3 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Are we going to sleep here tonight? If so, I'd rather use a bedroll. The beds here have mattresses that can nearly walk away all by themselves.
FormID: 010AA45E 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 It would be nice to have somewhere outdoors to go to. Maybe we could look around for a place where I could wander when I am staying at home?
FormID: 0101D2D6 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Yeah?
FormID: 011A1F6B 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Weren't you looking for a Clannfear Claw? I actually have found one. Here you are!
__Clannfear Claw を探しているの?私、持ってるわよ。どうぞ。
FormID: 01057CE9 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Guess what! I have made my special Blueberry Pie for you. Hope you will like it!
FormID: 01057CE3 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Guess what! I have made my special Strawberry Pie for you. Hope you will like it!
FormID: 01057CE4 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 While we are at home, maybe you should look over our equipment and see if you need to repair something.
FormID: 01035FA3 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 It's good to be home. Let's just relax the rest of the day.
FormID: 01035FA2 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 It's good to be home, don't you think so?
FormID: 01113313 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 What a lovely home you have chosen for us.
FormID: 01035FA1 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 This place is a mess! We really ought to clean it up, instead of running around playing heroes!
FormID: 0118EA3B 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 You always slob around in your armor! You know, our cozy evenings don't work very well if you clang and creak every two minutes.
FormID: 0105BAB5 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Hi - Guess what! I made a potion for you! I hope you like it!
FormID: 0105BAB8 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Hi - Guess what! I made a potion for you! I hope you like it!
FormID: 01035FA0 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Home sweet home! It's so good to be here.
FormID: 010358CC 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Home sweet home! It's so good to be here. But I'm awfully tired. What will you make for supper?
FormID: 010CC12B 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 You know what? I would like to have a chat with Dervera Romalen over at Newlands Lodge. You can tag along if you wish!
__これからNewlands Lodgeに行ってDervera Romalenとおしゃべりしたいなって思ってるんだけど、良かったらあなたも付いて来ていいわよ!
FormID: 010CACA6 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 You know what? I would like to have a chat with my old friend Bernadette, who works at the vineyards. You can tag along if you wish.
FormID: 010C0F6B 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 You know what! I would like to have a chat with Ernest at the Horse Whisperer's stables. You can tag along if you wish.
__アレよ、アレ!これからHorse Whisper's stablesに行ってErnestとおしゃべりしたいなって思ってるんだけど、良かったらあなたも付いて来ていいわよ。
FormID: 0107692D 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I need to do some shopping. I'll head over to the Borba's Goods and Stores. You can tag along if you like
__お買い物に行かなくっちゃ。Borba's Goods and Storesに行くつもりだけど、良かったらあなたも付いて来ていいわよ。
FormID: 0107A019 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I need to do some shopping. I'll head over to Best Goods - you can tag along if you like.
__お買い物に行かなくっちゃ。Best Goodsに行くつもりだけど、良かったらあなたも付いて来ていいわよ。
FormID: 01076926 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I need to do some shopping. I'll head over to the Colovian Traders. You can tag along if you like
__お買い物に行かなくっちゃ。Colovian Tradersに行くつもりだけど、良かったらあなたも付いて来ていいわよ。
FormID: 01076930 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I really need a drink, and I need it now! I'm heading over to Olav's Tap and Tack. Come with me if you wish!
__今の私、切実に飲みたい気分だわ。これからOlav's Tap and Tackに行くつもりよ。良かったらあなたも来てね!
FormID: 01076929 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I really need a drink, and I need it now! I'm heading over to The West Weald Inn. Come with me if you wish!
__今の私、切実に飲みたい気分だわ。これからWest Weald Innに行くつもりよ。良かったらあなたも来てね!
FormID: 01076250 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I really need a drink, and I need it now! I'm heading over to The Grey Mare. Come with me if you wish!
__今の私、切実に飲みたい気分だわ。これからThe Grey Mareに行くつもりよ。良かったらあなたも来てね!
FormID: 0107624B 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I really need a drink, and I need it now! I'm heading over to The Counts Arms. Come with me if you wish!
__今の私、切実に飲みたい気分だわ。これからThe Counts Armsに行くつもりよ。良かったらあなたも来てね!

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Last-modified: 2012-02-19 (日) 07:36:45