

FormID: 011B8AAE 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Why are the Guild Porters always following people around? Don't they even trust the guild members?
__Guild Porter の人達って、どうしていつも来る人みんな追い掛け回してくるの?同じギルドのメンバーでさえも信用していないのかしらね?
FormID: 011B8AAF 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I don't know... Magic might be good, but I don't quite understand what a spell can do better than a mace.
FormID: 011B8AB0 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I don't know... Magic might be good, but I don't quite understand what a spell can do better than a mace.
FormID: 011B8AB1 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Some of the things here are so shiny it makes my eyes hurt. But they are beautiful. I could just stand here, looking, for hours.
FormID: 011B8AB2 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 We don't have much jewelry in Solstheim. Only amulets made of wolf teeth and such. Oh, I could look at all these beautiful things for hours!
__Solstheim にはあまり宝飾品がないのよ。あるとすれば狼の牙でつくったアミュレットくらい。ここにあるのは綺麗ね。何時間でも眺めていたいわ。
FormID: 011B8AB4 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 While we are here, maybe you should have a look around? I mean, your clothing style could be improved quite a lot, don't you think so, too?
FormID: 011B8AB5 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 You've gotta love a store named Slash 'N Smash!
__あなたって、この Slash'N Smash って店が好きよね!
FormID: 011B8AB6 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I have heard that the shields they have here are the best in all Cyrodiil.
__この店の盾の品揃えは Cyrodiil で一番らしいわよ。
FormID: 011B8AB7 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 While we are here, maybe we should repair our armor? I know Rohssan is very good at repairing. She even teaches others how to do it.
__ここにいる間に防具の修理をした方がいいんじゃないかしら? Rohssan なら他人にやり方を教えられるほど修理が大得意よ。
FormID: 011B8AB8 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wonder why they use black horses? Yes, I do know they are faster, but white horses are stronger and have a higher endurance.
__Black Horse に乗りたがる人の気持ちが分からないわ。確かに Black Horse は足が速いけれど、 White Horse の方が力が強くてタフなのにね。
FormID: 011B8AB9 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Poor Edgar always looks so nervous.I wonder if he is still thinking about a little mistake I did once,with a scroll.Lightningbolts can be devastating
__可哀相な Edgar 。彼はいつも心配そうな顔をしているわよね。ひょっとして、私が以前 Scroll を触ってやらかした些細なミスを今でも気にかけているのかしら?「また稲妻が炸裂して店がぐちゃぐちゃになるんじゃないか」って。
FormID: 011B8ABA 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 There should be some kind of security block on scrolls.Lightning bolts can be really devastating inside a shop. Trust me,I do know.And so does Edgar.
__Scroll には何かしらの安全装置が付いてるべきだわ。仮に店の中で稲妻が炸裂したら大変な事になっちゃうものね。もちろん私も Edgar もそんなヘマはやらかさないけれど。
FormID: 011B8ABB 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wonder if they have a copy of ABC for Barbarians here? I seem to have mislaid mine...
__この店に ABC for Barbarioans は置いてるかしら?どこかに置き忘れてしまったみたいなのよね。
FormID: 011B8ABD 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 My mom always says I should study more, but my father says too much reading is bad for the eye-sight.
FormID: 011B8ABC 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 You know, the best defence isn't a good armor - it's a good, strong weapon!
__良い防具は決して The Best Defence (最大の防御)を意味しないわ。むしろ強力な武器こそが最大の防御なのよ!
FormID: 011B8ABF 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Last time I visited Jensine's shop, I found a potion of almost new hairdye. I'm thinking of trying it out one of these days.
__前に Jensine の店に行った時、ほぼ新品状態の毛染め薬を見つけたの。そのうち試してみたいなって思ってるのよ。
FormID: 011B8AC0 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Last time I visited Jensine's shop, I found a potion of almost new skintonic. But I only used it once - it seemed to annoy every dog in the city!
__前に Jensine の店に行った時、とあるスキントニックを見つけて一回試してみたの。でも二度と使う気はしないわ。だって、街中の犬という犬が私を避けるようになったんだもの!
FormID: 011B8AC1 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 There's something unpleasant with the smell in here. It smells of... death I think.
FormID: 011B8AC2 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Well, I have seen better places than this... but I guess it's alright for a quick meal or a bottle of beer.
FormID: 011B8AC3 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Claudette Perrick seems quite a bit snotty, doesn't she? I very much prefer the atmosphere at The Main Ingredient.
__Claudette Perrick って少し高慢ちきな感じがしない?私はここより The Main Ingredient の方が断然好きだわ。
FormID: 011B8AC4 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 While we are here, maybe we could buy some strawberries?
FormID: 011B8AC5 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Now that we are here, how about buying me a staff that can throw fire balls? I'm sure it would be very useful.
__この店で Fire Ball を放てる Staff を買ってみるのはどうかしら?絶対に重宝すると思うわ。
FormID: 011B8AC6 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 This is a good and respectable inn, I quite like it here.
FormID: 011B8AC7 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 This place really needs a female touch! One can see that it is ran by three brothers and not three sisters.
FormID: 011B8AC8 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 This is an impressive place, don't you think so, too?
FormID: 011B8AC9 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wonder what my mother and Melinda would think of a place like this. It is impressive, isn't it?
__ママや Melinda がここにに来たらどんな感想を抱くかしら?荘重な場所ね。
FormID: 011B8ACA 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Well, it certainly would look better with a more... female touch. Now that it's all yours, I can help you improve it if you like.
FormID: 011B8ACB 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Seems like a suitable abode for an arch-mage.You know, I would really love to try out that spellmaking station. Although I have no idea how to use it
__Arch-Mage らしい部屋だと思うわ。あそこにある 構呪の祭壇を使ってみたいな。使い方は知らないけれど。
FormID: 011B8ACC 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 The ships look so lovely! I would love to be a sailor... or a pirate, even!
FormID: 011B8ACD 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I bet one must be really rich to afford a house in Talos Plaza.
__Talos Plaza に自宅を構える事が出来るなんて、この辺りに住んでる人達はきっと大金持ちなんでしょうね。
FormID: 011B8ACE 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Elven Gardens... So, tell me, where is the garden?
__ここは Elven Gardens ( Elf の庭)っていうけれど、庭なんて一体どこにあるのかしらね?
FormID: 011B8ACF 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 If this place is supposed to be a garden, I'm glad that I'm a countrygirl.
__私、田舎出身で良かったわ。こんな場所を Garden (庭)と呼ぶくらいならね。
FormID: 011B8AD0 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Why would anyone want to fight at the Arena? You'll get insulted by a grumpy Redguard and then you'll get killed. What's the fun with that?
__どうして Arena で戦おうなんて思う人がいるのかしらね? 気難しい Redguard に罵られた末に、試合で殺される事になるのよ。何が楽しいって言うの?
FormID: 011B8AD1 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 While we are here, maybe we could pop by at the Divine Elegance? Last time I was there, I saw such a pretty dress!
__ここにいる間に Divine Elegance に寄ってみない?前に行った時、可愛いドレスがあったのよ!
FormID: 011B8AD2 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Well, I do have one complaint regarding the merchants here. They want my money! Preferably all of it!
FormID: 011B8AD3 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Varnado at The Best Defense shop knows a lot about heavy armor. Maybe he could teach you a few things?
__The Best Defense の Varnado は Heavy Armor に詳しいわ。あなたにも手ほどきをしてくれるんじゃないかしら?
FormID: 011B8AD4 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I believe that Rohssan at A Fighting Chance in the Market Ditrict can teach you how to repair your armor.
__Market District にある A Fighting Chance の店主の Rohssan なら、あなたに防具の修理の仕方を教えてくれると思うわ。
FormID: 011B8AD5 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 While we are here, let's go to the Market District and do some shopping.
__ここにいる間に Market District に買い物に行ってみない?
FormID: 011B8AD6 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I'd like to go to Waterfront and look at the ships.
__Waterfront に行って船を眺めたいな。
FormID: 011B8AD7 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I find the Imperial City a bit noisy. I'm not sure I would like to live here for a longer time.
__Imperial City は少し騒がしいわね。あまり長居したいとは思えないかな。
FormID: 011D20BE 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 When I was staying in Anvil, I used to go for walks here. I enjoy the fresh breeze, although the lighthouse itself is a tad bit creepy.
__Anvil に住んでいた頃、よくここまで散歩に来たわ。新鮮な空気を吸い込んで気分転換したものよ。あの灯台は少し気味悪かったけれどね。
FormID: 011B8AD8 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I think the Countess of Anvil misses her husband quite a lot. She always looks so sad, poor woman.
__Anvil 伯爵夫人は旦那さんを亡くしてとても寂しい思いをしていると思うわ。いつもとても悲しそうな顔をしているもの。可哀相ね。
FormID: 011B8AD9 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Please don't ask Jesan to sing! He will never stop!
__頼むから Jesan には歌わせないで!彼、一度歌い出したら止まらないの!
FormID: 011B8ADA 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I know some people badmouth Norbert Lelle and say he isn't the smartest fellow around. But at least he isn't as snotty as some other merchants.
__Norbert Lelle はこの辺りの商人の中ではやり手の方じゃないって悪口を言う人がいるのは知ってるけれど、少なくとも彼は他の人達ほど高慢ちきじゃないわ。
FormID: 011B8ADB 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Admittedly, this store isn't what one would call posh. But it still has quite a lot to offer.

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Last-modified: 2012-02-14 (火) 05:55:12