

FormID: 0108FCBC 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I think I have found more than half of the ingredients I need now. That's great, isn't it?
FormID: 010D8A0A 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Heneri's husband... a skull! I wonder what happened to him. Do you think she... killed him? She seems a bit dangerous, doesn't she?
FormID: 011D04B5 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Heneri may be insane, but at least she's insane in a sensible way.
__確かに Heneri は正気じゃないかもしれないけれど、彼女は最低限の分別は身につけているわ。
FormID: 0118E35C 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Heneri may have changed her husband into a skull, but she doesn't do that sort of thing every day. I mean, it's not as if she makes a habit of it.
__旦那さんを白骨死体に変えたのは Heneri のしわざかも知れないけれど、だからといって彼女が日常的にそういう事をしているわけではないわ。彼女にそんな習慣があるとは思えないの。
FormID: 0118E35D 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I think we should be kind to Heneri. She has always helped my career, and there is always a sparkle in her eye when she sees you.
__Heneri には親切に接するべきだわ。いつだって彼女は私を助けてくれたし、彼女、毎回目を輝かせてあなたを見つめるんだもの。
FormID: 01065EA3 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I'm so happy that Melinda got out of prison. If it hadn't been for you, I probably wouldn't have been able to get the ingredients.
FormID: 01041F6E 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Next thing on my list of ingredients is a Spotted Lavender Sprig. I would be so grateful if you asked Falanu's mother about this.
__リストに載ってる次の素材はSpotted Lavender Sprigね。あなたからFalanuのお母さんに聞いてみてくれると嬉しいかな。
FormID: 01041F6D 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 While we are here, couldn't we please talk to Falanu's mother about the Hypochondriac Purple Taproot?
__ついでにFalanuのお母さんにHypochondriac Purple Taprootのことを聞きに行かない?
FormID: 01041F6C 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 What I would really, really like to do is to go to Cheydinhal and have a talk with Falanu's mother about the Hypochondriac Purple Taproot.
__いま私が本当にしたい事は、CheydinhalでFalanuのお母さんと会ってHypochondriac Purple Taprootについて話をする事よ。
__私ね…いま切実に Cheydinhal に行きたい気分よ。 Falanu のお母さんと会って Hypochondriac Purple Taproot について話を聞くの!
FormID: 01041F6B 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I think you should have another chat with Falanu about the Hypochondriac Purple Taproot. Pretty please!
__もう一度Falanuと会って、Hypochondriac Purple Taprootについて相談すべきよ。お願い!
FormID: 01041F6A 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 To be honest... I would like you to go and see Falanu for me as soon as possible. I'm eager to find a Hypochondriac Purple Taproot.
__本音を言えば、あなたには出来るだけ早くFalanuと会って欲しいわ…。私はHypochondriac Purple Taprootを見つけ出したいの。
FormID: 01079232 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I'm sure it would be very helpful to read about Kynareth in the book [QUOTE]Ten Commands: Nine Divines[QUOTE]. Now, if I only had that book...
__Kynarethのことについての記述がある[QUOTE]Ten Commands: Nine Divines[QUOTE]が欲しいの。あなたにしかお願いできないの…。
FormID: 01079233 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Sigh... I really need to see a picture of the Shy Root of Hunger, else I won't be able to find this ingredient.
__はぁ…Shy Root of Hungerの資料が必要なの…それがないと素材を見つけられないのに…
FormID: 01113312 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 What a lovely home you have chosen for us.
FormID: 0104D87F 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 It's good to be home, don't you think so?
FormID: 0104D880 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 It's good to be home. Let's just relax the rest of the day.
FormID: 01065EA2 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Don't you think it would be nice with some new paintings on the wall? That would make this place feel more like a home.
FormID: 0118E355 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 You always slob around in your armor! You know, our cozy evenings don't work very well if you clang and creak every two minutes.
FormID: 0118E356 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 When I relax I try to put on something reasonably attractive or at least sensibly utilitarian. But you - you always slob around in your armor!
FormID: 010AA45F 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 It would be nice to have somewhere outdoors to go to. Maybe we could look around for a place where I could wander when I am staying at home?
FormID: 0104D883 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Home sweet home! It's so good to be here.
FormID: 0104D881 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Home sweet home! It's so good to be here. But I'm awfully tired. What will you make for supper?
FormID: 0104D882 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 This place is a mess! We really ought to clean it up, instead of running around playing heroes!
FormID: 0118E35F 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Do you think we could tame some will o' the wisps? We could do with a bit more lighting around here?
__Will o' wisp を手懐ける事が出来たらいいと思わない?この辺り、もう少し照明があったらなぁ。
FormID: 010D4A8E 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 This place is such a mess! You know what we need? We need a Summon Cleaning Lady ring!
FormID: 01057CE6 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 While we are at home, maybe you should look over our equipment and see if you need to repair something.
FormID: 010DE312 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I'm so happy for Wolfgang. He is such good company.
FormID: 010E8E0E 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Sometimes,Wolfgang reminds me of you. I think it's the wild look in his eyes.
FormID: 011B9258 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I do hope you like the Wolfcry outfit that I made for you. You should wear it more often, that's what I think.
__Wolfcry Outfit を気に入ってくれると嬉しいわ。あなたの為に仕立てたのよ。だからもっといっぱい着てもらわないと!
FormID: 011A33F5 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I really do love you... do you know that?
FormID: 011A33F6 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Did I ever tell you just how happy I am to be here, with you?
FormID: 011A4F48 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Are you happy? I am.
FormID: 011A4F49 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I never thought that I would be this happy again.
FormID: 010B344F 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I find the Imperial City a bit noisy. I'm not sure I would like to live here for a longer time.
__Imperial Cityはちょっと騒がしいわよね。あまり長い間住みたいとは思えないかも。
FormID: 010B0B47 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 It's so good to be here in Anvil. I so enjoy looking at all those beautiful ships.
FormID: 011A263F 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 While we are here,maybe we should head over to Seed-Neus and do some shopping. I'm sure she'll be happy to see us, considering that we helped Dar-Ma.
__せっかくこのお店に来たんだから、 Seed-Neeus と会って買い物をしましょうよ。会えば彼女もきっと歓迎してくれるわ。Dar-Ma を助け出したのも私たちだしね。
FormID: 010CB380 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 While we are here, maybe you should look for a new outfit. I'm not too sure about the way you usually dress.
FormID: 010E8E0D 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Wolfgang is such a sweetheart. Don't you think he is just adorable?
FormID: 010B3447 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Wilbur at the Count's Arms knows a lot about fine wines. When I was working there, he tried to teach me a little, but, honestly, I still prefer mead!
__Count's ArmsのWilburはワインの銘酒にすごく詳しいわ。あそこで働いていた頃、少しだけ私に教えてくれようとしたけれど、それでもやっぱり私はMeadの方が好き!
FormID: 01132717 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I really like Wilbur. But some of his jokes are just horrible! Of course, I try to laugh anyway, to cheer him up.
FormID: 01132718 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I really like Wilbur at the Counts Arms. But some of his jokes are just horrible! Of course, I try to laugh anyway, to cheer him up.
__Counts ArmsのWilburは本当に素敵な人だと思うけれど、時々ひどく寒いジョークを言うから困るわ!元気付けるために笑ってあげようと努力してはいるけれど。
FormID: 010B0B4C 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I really enjoy the snow here in Bruma. Don't you?
FormID: 010B0B4B 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 This is such a beautiful city. Don't you think so, too?
FormID: 010C23ED 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I bet one must be really rich to afford a house in Talos Plaza.
__相当お金持ちにならないと、Talos Plazaに家は持てないでしょうね。
FormID: 010B3451 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I think Rena Bruiant may actually love dogs more than her husband. Strange couple, those two.
__じっさい、Rena Bruiantは旦那さん以上にワンちゃんを愛してるわよね。…変な夫婦。
FormID: 01160D17 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I read one of Casta Scribonia's books not long ago. I think it would have been a lot better if there had been more pictures.
__それほど遠くない昔にCasta Scriboniaの本を一冊読んだ事があるけれど、挿絵が多ければもっとマシだったのにと思うわ。
FormID: 0117F3B6 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Do you know there is a vampire cave practically under Skingrad Castle? I suppose the bloodsuckers want to be somewhere that is handy for the shops.
FormID: 0112CD6B 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 There is a cave near Chorrol where a bunch of poor ogres are guarding an oar. Maybe they think they have a mine?
FormID: 0112CD6A 1emVCGeneral 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Chorrol has a bandit lair a few metres from the main gate! I think someone is taking bribes, don't you?

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Last-modified: 2012-02-06 (月) 21:20:23