

FormID: 0100235A cobMortTestQS Message 23 0 cobMortTestQ: Stopping
FormID: 0100235A cobMortTestQS Message 33 0 cobMortTestQ: Registered
FormID: 0100235A cobMortTestQS Message 52 0 cobMortTestQ: Moving player
FormID: 0100235A cobMortTestQS Message 57 0 cobMortTestQ: Player arrived
FormID: 010023AA cobRUEDefAlchInitFAS Messagebox 14 0 (COBL) RUE Fehler - kann nicht fortfahren. Bitte deaktiviere Alchemie-Formulare, machen einen Clean-Save, reaktiviere sie und versuche es noch einmal.
FormID: 010023AA cobRUEDefAlchInitFAS Messagebox 16 0 (COBL) RUE Error - Unable to continue. Please disable Alchemical Formulas, make a clean save, re-activate and try again.
FormID: 010023AC cobRUEDefAlchReqFAS Messagebox 25 0 Ihr habt keinen M?ser und St?el.
FormID: 010023AC cobRUEDefAlchReqFAS Messagebox 27 0 You don't have a Mortar and Pestle.
FormID: 010023AC cobRUEDefAlchReqFAS Messagebox 90 0 Wie Ihr es auch dreht und wendet, Ihr versteht die Anweisungen nicht. Vielleicht k?nt Ihr dieses Rezept verstehen, wenn Ihr mehr ?Eer Alchemie lernt.
FormID: 010023AC cobRUEDefAlchReqFAS Messagebox 92 0 As much as you try, you can't quite understand the instructions. Perhaps you will be able to use this recipe as you learn more Alchemy.
FormID: 010023AF cobRUEInitFAS Messagebox 11 0 Alchemie-Rezepte ben?igen OBSE v14a (http://obse.silverlock.org/)
FormID: 010023AF cobRUEInitFAS Messagebox 13 0 Alchemical Formulas requires OBSE version 0014a. Please goto http://obse.silverlock.org/ for the latest version.
FormID: 010023AF cobRUEInitFAS Messagebox 21 0 Alchemie-Rezepte ben?igen Pluggy 56 (http://karamail.nerim.net/elys/Pluggy/)
FormID: 010023AF cobRUEInitFAS Messagebox 23 0 Alchemical Formulas requires Pluggy version 56. Please goto http://karamail.nerim.net/elys/Pluggy/ for the latest version.
FormID: 010023B1 cobRUEOpenRecipeFAS Message 323 0
FormID: 010023B1 cobRUEOpenRecipeFAS Message 324 0
FormID: 010023B1 cobRUEOpenRecipeFAS Message 482 0
FormID: 010023B1 cobRUEOpenRecipeFAS Message 483 0
FormID: 010023B1 cobRUEOpenRecipeFAS Messagebox 100 0 Missing material info - recipe will be destroyed. (Presumably the mod with the material info was removed, if not mention it on the Bethesda forums and I'll try to fix it).
FormID: 010023B1 cobRUEOpenRecipeFAS Messagebox 136 0 Euch fehlt(en) folgende Zutat(en):%{ %n%}%{ %n%}%{ %n%}%{ %n%}
FormID: 010023B1 cobRUEOpenRecipeFAS Messagebox 138 0 You're missing the required material(s): %{ %n%}%{ %n%}%{ %n%}%{ %n%}
FormID: 010023B1 cobRUEOpenRecipeFAS Messagebox 261 0 Ihr habt %n. Setzt, wieviel Ihr herstellen wollt und dr?Ekt '... Trank/Tr?ke brauen'.|Abbrechen|%g|%g|%g|%g|Braue %g %n Trank/Tr?ke%{|%g%}%{|%g%}%{|%g%}%{|%g%}
FormID: 010023B1 cobRUEOpenRecipeFAS Messagebox 263 0 You have %n. Set how many you would like to make and press 'Brew ... Potion(s)'.|Cancel|%g|%g|%g|%g|Brew %g %n Potion(s)%{|%g%}%{|%g%}%{|%g%}%{|%g%}
FormID: 010023B1 cobRUEOpenRecipeFAS Messagebox 420 0 Ihr habt %n. Setzt, wieviel Ihr herstellen wollt und dr?Ekt '... Trank/Tr?ke brauen'.|Abbrechen|%g|%g|%g|%g|Braue %g %n Trank/Tr?ke%{|%g%}%{|%g%}%{|%g%}%{|%g%}
FormID: 010023B1 cobRUEOpenRecipeFAS Messagebox 422 0 You have %n. Set how many you would like to make and press 'Brew ... Potion(s)'.|Cancel|%g|%g|%g|%g|Brew %g %n Potion(s)%{|%g%}%{|%g%}%{|%g%}%{|%g%}
FormID: 010023B1 cobRUEOpenRecipeFAS Messagebox 98 0 Fehlende Zutaten-Information - Rezept wird zerst?t (vermutlich wurde die Mod mit der Zutat entfernt, wenn nicht im Bethesda-Forum erw?nt und ich versuche, das zu fixen).
FormID: 010023B3 cobRUERecipeEnchScrollOS Message 108 0
FormID: 010023B3 cobRUERecipeEnchScrollOS Message 109 0
FormID: 010023B3 cobRUERecipeEnchScrollOS Message 56 0
FormID: 010023B3 cobRUERecipeEnchScrollOS Message 57 0
FormID: 010023B4 cobRUESEFFInfoFAS Messagebox 64 0 Tibixes String Function Collection wurde nicht gefunden - alle Skripteffekte, die ohne TSFC erstellt werden, haben einen generischen Namen, ohne visuelle Effekte und der Ver?derungs-Schule (http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/17031)
FormID: 010023B4 cobRUESEFFInfoFAS Messagebox 66 0 Tibixes String Function Collection not detected - all scripted effects created without TSFC will have a generic name, no visual effects, and of the Alteration school. Please goto http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/17031 for the latest version.
FormID: 01002575 cobTestMenuItemsOptOS Message 39 0 Enabling misc. menus...
FormID: 01002575 cobTestMenuItemsOptOS Message 53 0 Disabling misc. menus...
FormID: 01002575 cobTestMenuItemsOptOS Messagebox 76 0 Temporarily enable misc. menus (Spell Making, Cooking, etc.)?
FormID: 01002575 cobTestMenuItemsOptOS Messagebox 76 1 Enable
FormID: 01002575 cobTestMenuItemsOptOS Messagebox 76 2 Disable
FormID: 01002575 cobTestMenuItemsOptOS Messagebox 76 3 Done
FormID: 01002577 cobOptTestWryeOS Messagebox 19 0 Monkey says...
FormID: 01002577 cobOptTestWryeOS Messagebox 19 1 Add 10 plates
FormID: 01002577 cobOptTestWryeOS Messagebox 19 2 Remove 10 plates
FormID: 01002577 cobOptTestWryeOS Messagebox 19 3 Done
FormID: 010026ED cobOptFameTrackerQS Message 56 0 Gates Closed: %g
FormID: 010026ED cobOptFameTrackerQS Message 61 0 Fame: %g
FormID: 010026ED cobOptFameTrackerQS Message 67 0 Infamy: %g
FormID: 010026ED cobOptFameTrackerQS Message 74 0 Murders: %g
FormID: 010026ED cobOptFameTrackerQS Message 76 0 Murders: None
FormID: 010026ED cobOptFameTrackerQS Message 84 0 Bounty: %g/%g
FormID: 010026ED cobOptFameTrackerQS Message 86 0 Bounty: None
FormID: 010026F0 cobOptFameTrackerOS Messagebox 47 0 Fame Tracker Options:
FormID: 010026F0 cobOptFameTrackerOS Messagebox 47 1 Disable
FormID: 010026F0 cobOptFameTrackerOS Messagebox 47 2 Done
FormID: 010026F0 cobOptFameTrackerOS Messagebox 49 0 Fame Tracker Options:
FormID: 010026F0 cobOptFameTrackerOS Messagebox 49 1 Enable
FormID: 010026F0 cobOptFameTrackerOS Messagebox 49 2 Done
FormID: 01002CD4 cobLugFirstOS Messagebox 26 0 The Luggage looks oddly forlorn and a bit drunk. As if it had lost the love of its little, wooden, and rather battered life.
FormID: 01002CD4 cobLugFirstOS Messagebox 26 1 Comfort it.
FormID: 01002CD4 cobLugFirstOS Messagebox 26 2 Ignore it.
FormID: 01002CD4 cobLugFirstOS Messagebox 39 0 You utter few banal generalities about the vicissitudes of life and the impermanence of relationships. The Luggage says nothing, but looks somewhat mollified.
FormID: 01002CD4 cobLugFirstOS Messagebox 39 1 Continue
FormID: 01002CD4 cobLugFirstOS Messagebox 39 2 Leave
FormID: 01002CD4 cobLugFirstOS Messagebox 42 0 You reminisce about your many travels, and then drift onto the subject of a lovely old bureau that you used to have. How great it looked, how well it carried your clothes...
FormID: 01002CD4 cobLugFirstOS Messagebox 42 1 Continue
FormID: 01002CD4 cobLugFirstOS Messagebox 42 2 Leave Now
FormID: 01002CD4 cobLugFirstOS Messagebox 45 0 You relate how you came home one day to find the bureau gone. Nothing left but a note telling you that it had left you for high born Orc guar skin trader in the city. You break down weeping.
FormID: 01002CD4 cobLugFirstOS Messagebox 45 1 Continue
FormID: 01002CD4 cobLugFirstOS Messagebox 45 2 Walk Away
FormID: 01002CD4 cobLugFirstOS Messagebox 48 0 The Luggage tries to comfort you, opening up to reveal a set of high quality handkerchiefs. You blubber into them, then throw them away. After a while you feel better.
FormID: 01002CD4 cobLugFirstOS Messagebox 48 1 Continue
FormID: 01002CD4 cobLugFirstOS Messagebox 48 2 Run Away
FormID: 01002CD4 cobLugFirstOS Messagebox 51 0 You sit quietly with the Luggage for a bit, recovering your composure. After a while, you feel better and start talking about your travels again. All the wonderful places, the adventures, the high quality hotels, with nicely carpeted floors and complementary wood polishing services.
FormID: 01002CD4 cobLugFirstOS Messagebox 51 1 Continue
FormID: 01002CD4 cobLugFirstOS Messagebox 51 2 Run Away Screaming
FormID: 01002CD4 cobLugFirstOS Messagebox 54 0 You look off to the distance, and casually reflect how nice it would be to have a good, reliable bit of baggage. Something to carry the spoils of adventuring. A place to keep your favorite underwear - the white ones with the funny bunnies. You say all that, hesitate, and then turn and look meaningfully at the battered luggage.
FormID: 01002CD4 cobLugFirstOS Messagebox 54 1 Wait...
FormID: 01002CD4 cobLugFirstOS Messagebox 57 0 The Luggage looks at you for a full minute. Then finally blinks, smiles happily, nuzzles your leg slightly and unlocks itself. Congratulations, You're now the proud owner of The Luggage. You'll never see it move, but it WILL follow you.
FormID: 01002CD4 cobLugFirstOS Messagebox 57 1 Oh, great!
FormID: 01002E35 cobLugSummonMS Messagebox 19 0 You begin to chant the arcane words of the strange summoning, but a dire dread of such horrendous proportions engulfs you, that you find yourself unable to continue!
FormID: 01002E35 cobLugSummonMS Messagebox 19 1 Arrghh!
FormID: 01002E35 cobLugSummonMS Messagebox 23 0 Distantly, you hear a rather wooden 'hrumph'. Seems The Luggage still isn't speaking to you.
FormID: 01002E35 cobLugSummonMS Messagebox 23 1 Fine! Be that way!
FormID: 01002E35 cobLugSummonMS Messagebox 27 0 You start to summon The Luggage, but then think again. Are you SURE you want The Luggage to regard this EXACT spot as home - permanently?
FormID: 01002E35 cobLugSummonMS Messagebox 27 1 Yes! Come dear Luggage!
FormID: 01002E35 cobLugSummonMS Messagebox 27 2 Never mind.
FormID: 01002E41 cobEatListsQS Message 244 0
FormID: 01002E41 cobEatListsQS Message 245 0
FormID: 01002E41 cobEatListsQS Message 85 0
FormID: 01002E41 cobEatListsQS Message 86 0
FormID: 010033AE cobOptQuestMarkersOS Messagebox 46 0 Show quest markers how often? Currently: Always.
FormID: 010033AE cobOptQuestMarkersOS Messagebox 46 1 Always
FormID: 010033AE cobOptQuestMarkersOS Messagebox 46 2 Sometimes
FormID: 010033AE cobOptQuestMarkersOS Messagebox 46 3 Never
FormID: 010033AE cobOptQuestMarkersOS Messagebox 46 4 Done
FormID: 010033AE cobOptQuestMarkersOS Messagebox 48 0 Show quest markers how often? Currently: Sometimes.
FormID: 010033AE cobOptQuestMarkersOS Messagebox 48 1 Always
FormID: 010033AE cobOptQuestMarkersOS Messagebox 48 2 Sometimes
FormID: 010033AE cobOptQuestMarkersOS Messagebox 48 3 Never

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Last-modified: 2014-01-15 (水) 23:11:42