

FormID: 010275B1 LingBC18Necromancer 10 0 The town of Blankenmarch has given us a contract to go an eliminate the Necromancer Adept in Fort Doublecross. The fort can be found a short way north west of the town.
__Blankenmarchの街からの依頼で、Fort Doublecrossに住み着いているNecromancer Adeptの討伐を請け負った。目的の砦は街から程近く、北西の方角に位置している。
FormID: 010275B1 LingBC18Necromancer 100 0 I received my payment for completing the contract.
FormID: 010275B1 LingBC18Necromancer 20 0
FormID: 010275B1 LingBC18Necromancer 25 0 I met the Necromance Adept in Fort Doublecross. Apparently the necromancers had lost control of their undead and the undead slaughtered them leaving him as the only one left. He asked me to allow him to go free and offered me one of his amulets as thanks for saving him however I declined and killed him. I can go and claim my reward.
__Fort DoublecorssにてNecromancer Adeptと会った。どうやらnecromancerたちは不死者どもの制御に失敗し次々と命を落としていったようで、彼が最後の生き残りらしい。『見逃してくれたらamuletを渡す』と言って彼は命乞いしたが、結局私はそれを受け入れず、殺す事にした。もうこの場所には用は無い。戻って報酬を受け取ろう。
FormID: 010275B1 LingBC18Necromancer 30 0 I met the Necromance Adept in Fort Doublecross. Apparently the necromancers had lost control of their undead and the undead slaughtered them leaving him as the only one left. He asked me to allow him to go free and offered me one of his amulets as thanks for saving him and I accepted. I can still go and claim my reward since as far as the villagers know he is dead.
__Fort DoublecorssにてNecromancer Adeptと会った。どうやらnecromancerたちは不死者どもの制御に失敗し次々と命を落としていったようで、彼が最後の生き残りらしい。『見逃してくれたらamuletを渡す』と言って彼は命乞いしたので、私はそれを受け入れた。村民には彼が死んだと報せよう。それで報酬も得られる。

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Last-modified: 2009-09-07 (月) 23:06:26