

FormID: 010086C9 LingBC11Leyawiin 10 0 I agreed to help one of Medleen's friends fight his way through a cave in order to break into the adventuring business. I can meet Swims-on-Land outside Undertow Cavern, which is located just a short walk to the north of Leyawiin through the west door.
__Medleenの友人が冒険稼業を始めると言うので、洞窟探索の露払いを手伝う事にした。Undertow Cavernの外でSwims-on-Landに会おう。洞窟はLeyawiin西門から北に少し行った所にある。
FormID: 010086C9 LingBC11Leyawiin 100 0 Medleen thanked me for helping Swims-on-Land.
FormID: 010086C9 LingBC11Leyawiin 20 0 I need to follow Swims-on-Land and make sure that he doesn't die.
FormID: 010086C9 LingBC11Leyawiin 30 0 I opted to keep the sword that Swims-on-Land found in Undertow Cavern. I can now see Medleen again and get her to join the Blackwood Company.
__Swims-on-LandがUndertow Cavernで見つけた剣を、自分のものにした。さあ、Medleenの所へ戻り、彼女をBlackwood Companyに加入させよう。
FormID: 010086C9 LingBC11Leyawiin 40 0 I opted to let Swims-on-Land keep the sword that he found in Undertow Cavern. I can now see Medleen again and get her to join the Blackwood Company.
__Swims-on-LandがUndertow Cavernで見つけた剣は、彼に譲ってやった。さあ、Medleenの所へ戻り、彼女をBlackwood Companyに加入させよう。

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Last-modified: 2009-09-10 (木) 20:46:20