

FormID: 010020F7 LingBCAdvancement LingBCAdvancementTopic 0 You will need to complete contracts for the guild in order to advance. While we may suggest certain ways to complete the contract that...benefit the company more, you are free to complete the contract in either way specified.
FormID: 010020F7 LingBCAdvancement LingBCAdvancementTopic 1 Ja Fazir currently handles advancement. You should speak with him when you wish to advance in rank.
__Ja Fazirが現在の昇格担当者だ。上のランクへ昇格したいなら、あいつに話しかけてくれ。
FormID: 01002164 LingBCAdvancement LingBCAdvancementTopic 0 May I extend my congratulations to you. For successfully recruiting such a large number of new recruits you have earned yourself a rank of command. You are now the Blackwood Company's Captain of Warriors.
__謹んでお祝い申し上げる。今回、かくも多人数の新兵を徴集した成果に基づき、君に指揮権を持つ階級を与えよう。これより君は、Blackwood CompanyのCaptain of Warriorsだ。
FormID: 0100AAF0 LingBCAdvancement LingBCAdvancementTopic 0 You have satisfied both the required skill levels and completed enough contracts. You're probationary period is over. I am happy to formally promote you to the rank of Company Member.
__必要スキル値を満たした上で、十分な数の依頼をこなしてきたようだな。よし、仮入団期間は終了だ。喜んで君を正式にCompany Memberの階級に昇格させてあげよう。
FormID: 010179A8 LingBCAdvancement LingBCAdvancementTopic 0 At the request of our Pakseech Ri'zakar I am hereby promoting you to the rank of Lieutenant. You have my congratulations. Ri'zakar also asked for you to attend him personally.
__Pakseech Ri'zakarからの要請を受け、これにより君をLieutenantの階級に昇格させるものとする。讃辞の言葉を受けとってくれたまえ。それから、Ri'zakarから後ほど顔を見せるようにと頼まれているぞ。
FormID: 010179A9 LingBCAdvancement LingBCAdvancementTopic 0 You do not yet qualify for advancement.
FormID: 01025AA6 LingBCAdvancement LingBCAdvancementTopic 0 I'm afraid that I cannot advance you any further in rank. The next rank above Captain of Warriors is Commander, and that is my own rank.
__すまないが、これ以上階級を上げる事はできないぞ。 Captain of Warriorsより上の階級は Commanderだ。これは俺の階級だからな。
FormID: 01025AA7 LingBCAdvancement LingBCAdvancementTopic 0 You are already the Pakseech sir. It is not possible for you to advance any further.
FormID: 01025AA8 LingBCAdvancement LingBCAdvancementTopic 0 I cannot advance you to the rank of Pakseech. While Ri'zakar is the leader of the Blackwood Company no one will be able to replace him.
__君をPakseechの階級へ昇格させる訳にはいかんな。Ri'zakarがBlackwood Companyの指導者である以上、誰一人彼の代わりを務める事などできん。

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Last-modified: 2009-10-15 (木) 21:44:07