

FormID: 01002163 LingBC12Glademist GREETING 0 It is nice to meet you, I have heard many good things about you. My name is Ajum Kajin, third in command and chief spellcaster of the Blackwood Company.
__お初にお目にかかります、あなたのことは色々と良い評判を耳にしておりますよ。私の名はAjum Kajin、Blackwood Companyの第三指揮官かつ、Chief Spellcasterでございます。
FormID: 01002163 LingBC12Glademist GREETING 1 I have been placed in charge of establishing and running this outpost by Ri'Zakar. I have identified six places throughout the cave that would be ideally suited for placing traps in order to improve the cave's defenses.
FormID: 01002163 LingBC12Glademist GREETING 2 I have secured some funding in order to subsidise the purchase of the traps, but it is not enough unfortunately. If you wish to purchase the traps you will need to pay the remainder of the cost.
FormID: 01002163 LingBC12Glademist GREETING 3 In some cases there will be different types of traps, or a different number of them. Whatever you wish to purchase will be up to you. Have a look around the cave to find all the locations. I've marked them with a small table with some paper on top.
FormID: 01002163 LingBC12Glademist GREETING 4 Simply write whatever type of trap you would like to purchase on the paper and leave an appropriate amount of money with it. Once you've purchased all the traps you want then come back and see me.
FormID: 01002163 LingBC12Glademist GREETING 5 A very important point about the traps, they have been magically designed to not be set off by you if you accidentally trigger them, so don't worry about that at all. They will only be set off by intruders and the other members of the Blackwood Company.
__罠に関して非常に重要なことを少し。罠は使用者に対しては作動しない様に魔法による加工が施されておりますので、自分で誤作動を引き起こす心配をなさる必要はありません。罠は侵入者および他のBlackwood Company団員にのみ作動します。
FormID: 01002163 LingBC12Glademist GREETING 6 You can still activate them though by shooting them with an arrow or pushing them if they are logs for example.
FormID: 01002168 LingBC12Glademist GREETING 0 Have you completed all of your purchases yet?
FormID: 01002169 LingBC12Glademist LingBCSpecialOrders 0 You need to go back to Glademist Cave and meet with an Argonian there named Ajum-Kajin. He will tell you what you need to do once you are there.
__Glademist Caveに戻ってAjum-Kajinという名のArgonianに会いに行け。現地で仕事の内容を教えてくれるはずだ。
FormID: 0100216B LingBC12Glademist LingBC12FinishedPurchase 0 I will go through them and order the parts. In the meantime I have received some more special order for you.
FormID: 0100216D LingBC12Glademist LingBC12StillPurchasing 0 Then please continue. Once you have purchased all that you want please let me know.
FormID: 0100BF0A LingBC12Glademist LingBCSpecialOrders 0 As you already know, we are planning on establishing an outpost in the northern part of Cyrodiil in order to begin acquiring contracts in that region.
FormID: 0100BF0A LingBC12Glademist LingBCSpecialOrders 1 We have been unable to purchase any leases on buildings in that area, apparently the real estate market is pretty tight. So instead we are going to use a cave.
FormID: 0100BF0A LingBC12Glademist LingBCSpecialOrders 2 Not the most luxurious of places I know, but it will do. We have selected a place called Glademist Cave to be our new northern outpost. The only problem is that it currently contains a number of wild creatures at the moment.
__決して一等地とは言えんのは承知だが、今後化けることもあろう。そこで我々の新しい北部拠点として、Glademist Caveと呼ばれる洞窟が候補にあげられた。唯一の問題は、現状大量の野生モンスター共の住処となっているという点だ。
FormID: 0100BF0A LingBC12Glademist LingBCSpecialOrders 3 I need you to go there and clean it out of all the nasty creatures. You will be well rewarded for doing so. Once you have then report back to me.
FormID: 0100BF0A LingBC12Glademist LingBCSpecialOrders 4 To find Glademist Cave you will need to travel along the Orange Road, heading from Chorrol to Bruma. Approximately halfway along the road lies the entrance to the cave. Be on the lookout for it.
__Glademist Caveを見つけるにはOrange Roadを沿って歩いていくのがいい。ChorrolとBruma間に延びる街道だ。道を半分ほど進んだあたりで洞窟の入り口が側にあるはずだ。見落とすなよ。
FormID: 0100C837 LingBC12Glademist LingBCSpecialOrders 0 Nice job in removing those monsters from our new expansion. I'll have some of our other company members head out there and begin to establish the base. For now you can rest, come back in two days, the camp will be ready by then.
FormID: 0100C837 LingBC12Glademist LingBCSpecialOrders 1 And as a reward for doing that for me I would like to give you this powerful enchanted mace. Report back here in two days.

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Last-modified: 2009-10-12 (月) 19:35:19