

FormID: 0100745E LingBC02Rockmilk LingBCContracts 0 The Count of Leyawiin has placed a bounty on the heads of two nearby troublemakers. There is one bounty on the local Head Ringleader of the Black Bow Bandits, and another on the Chief Warlord of the Marauders.
__Leyawiinの伯爵がこの辺りの2つのトラブルメーカー集団の首領達に賞金を懸けている。賞金首の1人はBlack Bow Banditsの現地Head Ringleader、もう1人はMaraudersのChief Warlordだ。
FormID: 0100745E LingBC02Rockmilk LingBCContracts 1 If you are able to complete this contract then you will be promoted to a full Company Member. In order to prove to the Count that we have claimed the bounties you will need to bring back some proof.
FormID: 0100745E LingBC02Rockmilk LingBCContracts 2 The Head Ringleader carries a signet ring marking his rank. The Head Warlord also carries an amulet to signify his rank. Bring back these items to show that you have killed them.
__Head Ringleaderは自分の地位を表す印章指輪を持っている。Head Warlordも自分の身分を表すアミュレットを持っている。彼らを殺した事を示すため、これらの品物を持ち帰ってくれ。
FormID: 0100745E LingBC02Rockmilk LingBCContracts 3 You can find both of these people at Rockmilk Cave, it is very close to here.
__どっちの奴もRockmilk Caveに行けば見つけられる、ここのすぐ近くだ。
FormID: 01007460 LingBC02Rockmilk LingBC02Extension 0 Now that you mention it...perhaps a good idea would be to try and ally with the Black Bow Bandits.
__そうだな…もしかすると、Black Bow Banditsと結託してみるのもいい考えかもな。
FormID: 01007460 LingBC02Rockmilk LingBC02Extension 1 Doing this will allow you to kill the Chief Warlord much more easily, and we will also gain a powerful ally. You will simply need to convince the Head Ringleader to hand over his ring in order to claim the bounty.
__そうすればChief Warlordを殺すのがより簡単になるだろうし、その上俺達にも心強い味方ができるわけだ。お前は賞金を要求するためにHead Ringleaderを説得して指輪をもらうだけでいい。
FormID: 01007460 LingBC02Rockmilk LingBC02Extension 2 I have heard the bandits have a recruiter nearby Rockmilk Cave. You should go and speak to him if you wish to join these bandits.
__あのbanditsはRockmilk Caveの近くに新人募集係を置いていると聞いた。もしbanditsの仲間になりたければそいつの所に行って話してみるといい。
FormID: 01007462 LingBC02Rockmilk LingBC02Directions 0 Take the road west out of Leyawiin. Then follow it north until you reach a town called Water's Edge. Rockmilk Cave is a short way north west of Water's Edge.
__まずLeyawiinの西の道に出るんだ。そしてWater's Edgeという町に着くまでそのまま道なりに北に進め。Rockmilk CaveはWater's Edgeの少し北西にある。
FormID: 01007462 LingBC02Rockmilk LingBC02Directions 1 The Black Bow Bandit Outpost is then a short way south of Rockmilk Cave. This is where you will find the recruiter. You had best be off then, Probationary Member.
__Black Bow Banditsの前哨地はそのRockmilk Caveから少し南に行った所にある。新人募集係はそこで見つかるだろう。さあ、もう出発したらどうだ、仮メンバー。
FormID: 01007463 LingBC02Rockmilk LingBCContracts 0 You only need to bring back the ring of the bandits and the amulet of the marauders to complete this contract. Whether you ally with the Black Bow Bandits, is up to you.
__お前がしなくてはならないのはただbanditsの指輪とmaraudersのアミュレットを持ち帰る事だけだ。Black Bow Banditsと手を結ぶかどうかは、お前次第だ。
FormID: 01007465 LingBC02Rockmilk LingBC02Recruit 0 Well...we are always looking for new recruits, lots of adventurers wandering about the place mindlessly slaughtering us. But if you are going to be a member of the Black Bow Bandits you'll need to be an outlaw first.
__ああ…新入りなら常に探してるよ、山ほどの冒険者どもが俺達の仲間を情け容赦なく殺しながらこの辺をうろつきまわってるもんでね。だがBlack Bow Banditsのメンバーになりたいのならまずお前が無法者でないとな。
FormID: 01007465 LingBC02Rockmilk LingBC02Recruit 1 The minimum bounty required is at least 40 gold. Once you've had a bounty of 40 gold or higher placed on your head then you are free to join.
FormID: 01007466 LingBC02Rockmilk LingBC02Recruit 0 As I've told you, come back once you have a bounty of at least 40 gold. A standard assault will usually give you a high enough bounty.
FormID: 01007467 LingBC02Rockmilk LingBC02Recruit 0 I can see that your bounty is at least 40 gold now. Good, welcome to our group. You'll find that the life of a bandit isn't so bad. Lots of people to rob and kill, plenty of booty.
FormID: 01007467 LingBC02Rockmilk LingBC02Recruit 1 Here is your Black Bow. You'll need to carry it at all times if you wish to remain a member of the Black Bow Bandits. Furthermore you have to keep your bounty at the appropriate level as well.
__これがお前のBlack Bowだ。Black Bow Banditsの団員であり続けたければ常にそれを持っておくように。それから自分の懸賞金もしかるべきレベルに保っておけ。
FormID: 01007467 LingBC02Rockmilk LingBC02Recruit 2 If your bounty falls below 40 gold then you'll be ejected from the group and your fellow bandits will attack you. Similarly if you do not carry your Black Bow then they will no way to tell if you are a bandit or not.
__もし懸賞金が40goldを下回れば、お前は団から追放され、bandit仲間もお前を攻撃するぞ。Black Bowを持っていない場合も同じだ、お前がbanditかどうか判断できないからな。
FormID: 01007467 LingBC02Rockmilk LingBC02Recruit 3 You'll find that the Black Bow Bandits primarily operate in the area around Leyawiin. We use Telepe and Rockmilk Cave as our primary bases of operation.
__気付くだろうが、Black Bow Banditsは主にこのLeyawiin近辺で活動している。俺達はTelepeとRockmilk Caveを主要拠点として使っている。
FormID: 01007467 LingBC02Rockmilk LingBC02Recruit 4 Although at the moment we are fighting over Rockmilk cave with a local marauder gang. You could head over there and help out if you want. Speak with some of the members there for more orders.
__とはいえ今の所はRockmilk caveでこの土地のmarauder軍団と交戦中でな。その気があるならそっちに向かって手助けしてくれないか。詳しい話は現地にいるメンバー達に聞いてくれ。
FormID: 01007469 LingBC02Rockmilk LingBC02BanditJobs 0 There are no official jobs for any bandits. Kill who you want and take their stuff. Then head back to one of our hideouts to hang around and talk with your fellow bandits.
FormID: 01007469 LingBC02Rockmilk LingBC02BanditJobs 1 However the bandits in Rockmilk Cave may have some orders to give to you. One of our Head Ringleaders is currently residing in Rockmilk Cave. You should ask to find out where he is.
__しかしRockmilk Caveのbandit達ならお前にやって欲しい仕事を持ってるかもな。Head Ringleader達の一人が今Rockmilk Caveに住んでるはずだ。どこにいるか知りたければ適当に尋ねてみろ。
FormID: 01007955 LingBC02Rockmilk LingBC02Ringleader 0 You can find him in the Rockmilk Hideout. There is a barricade near the end of Rockmilk Cave. Head into the barricade and turn left. You can then find him at the very end of the cavern in Rockmilk Hideout.
__彼ならRockmilk Hideoutにいる。Rockmilk Caveの奥の辺りにバリケードがある。バリケードに入って左に曲がれ。そうすればRockmilk Hideoutの洞窟の最深部で彼に会えるはずだ。
FormID: 0100795B LingBC02Rockmilk GREETING 0 Are you ready for another contract yet? I wouldn't want to rush you, heh heh heh.
FormID: 0100795C LingBC02Rockmilk GREETING 0 You need to see me again once you have both the ring and the amulet. You have the information you need to succeed.
FormID: 0100795D LingBC02Rockmilk GREETING 0 Hmm, you come to speak to me about joining the Black Bow Bandits? You sure you're up to the task?
__ふーむ、Black Bow Bandit加入について話しに来たのか?マトモに働けるんだろうな?
FormID: 0100795E LingBC02Rockmilk GREETING 0 Hey there, waylaid any rich people recently?
FormID: 0100795F LingBC02Rockmilk GREETING 0 Huh? Who are you? A new one eh. Well that's good, we can always use new grunts. We're fighting over Rockmilk Cave with these damn marauders, and they're making us pay for it.
__ん?誰だあんた?新入りか。良い事だ、新しい人員が増えるならいつでも歓迎さ。Rockmilk Caveでは忌々しいmarauderどもと交戦中でね、おかげで損害が出てる。
FormID: 01007960 LingBC02Rockmilk GREETING 0 Grab your weapon and go kill some marauders. I've heard that one of their Chief Warlords is somewhere in here.
__武器を取ってmarauderどもを殺しに行きな。あいつらのChief Warlordの一人がこの洞窟のどこかにいるって話だ。
FormID: 01007961 LingBC02Rockmilk LingBC02Ringleader 0 Yeah, what's it to you? I haven't seen you around before. Must have just joined up have you?
FormID: 01007962 LingBC02Rockmilk GREETING 0 Have you gotten your bounty high enough yet to join the Black Bow Bandits?
__Black Bow Banditsに参加できるだけ懸賞金を上げてきたか?
FormID: 01007963 LingBC02Rockmilk LingBC02Ringleader 0 He's in here, fight your way to the end of the cave, he is right at the back.
FormID: 01007965 LingBC02Rockmilk LingBC02JustJoined 0 Then welcome to the Black Bow Bandits. I hope you enjoy your new life as a dangerous outlaw. You might as well make yourself useful and help me kill some of these damn marauders.
__そうか、Black Bow Banditにようこそ。危険な無法者としての人生を楽しんでくれよ。俺を手伝ってクソmarauderどもを殺すのに一役買ってくれると嬉しいんだが。
FormID: 01007965 LingBC02Rockmilk LingBC02JustJoined 1 Some of my men are fighting the marauder's Chief Warlord in Rockmilk Haven. Follow me and we'll go kill him.
__俺の部下達がRockmilk HavenでmaraudersのChief Warlordと戦ってる。付いて来い、殺しに行くぞ。
FormID: 0100796B LingBC02Rockmilk GREETING 0 Who are you? Someone send you to see me?
FormID: 0100796C LingBC02Rockmilk GREETING 0 Shut up and follow me. We'll talk more once we've killed the Chief Warlord.
__黙って付いて来い。話はChief Warlordを殺ってからだ。
FormID: 0100796D LingBC02Rockmilk GREETING 0 Ha, ha, ha. We showed 'em didn't we, eh Grunt? Good job. There should be an amulet of some sort on his body. Get it for me.
FormID: 01007970 LingBC02Rockmilk GREETING 0 Great job, and you've gotten his amulet for me as well. I'll be rewarded well by Gafgarion the Black for getting this amulet for him.
__よくやってくれた、奴のアミュレットも取って来てくれたんだな。Gafgarion the Blackもこのアミュレットを手に入れた事に報いてくれるだろう。
FormID: 01007972 LingBC02Rockmilk LingBC02NeedAmulet 0 What? Why in Oblivion would you think that I would give you the amulet? That Chief Warlord has had a large price on his head set by the Black Bow Bandits.
__なんだって?俺がアミュレットをお前に渡すわけがあると思うか?あのChief Warlordの首にはBlack Bow Bandits内においても高い賞金が懸かってるんだぞ。
FormID: 01007974 LingBC02Rockmilk LingBC02Explain 0 You mean that new organisation that has started up in Leyawiin? Come to claim the bounty on his head yourself have you? Heh, well it was quite brave of you to join up with us I'll give you that.
FormID: 01007974 LingBC02Rockmilk LingBC02Explain 1 But now here you stand surrounded by bandits trying to claim my prize. I've also heard that I have a bounty on my own head. You didn't actually think that you would be able to claim that as well did you?
FormID: 01007976 LingBC02Rockmilk LingBC02AllyWithBandit 0 Hoh, isn't that interesting. A proper law-abidin' organisation wanting to form an alliance with the Black Bow Bandits. I'm not totally adverse to that idea.
__ほぉ、面白いじゃねぇか。清く正しい組織がBlack Bow Banditsと手を結ぼうってのか。あながち悪くもない考えだと思うぜ。
FormID: 01007976 LingBC02Rockmilk LingBC02AllyWithBandit 1 I guess you actually came here with some sort of plan to take the amulet from the Chief Warlord and then convince me to hand over my ring. You then take both items back to the Count of Leyawiin and claim my bounty. Is this correct?
__思うに、本当はこういう計画で来たんだろ、Chief Warlordのアミュレットを手に入れた後、俺を説得して指輪を渡させる。そして両方をLeyawiinの伯爵の元に持ち帰り、俺に懸かってる賞金を手に入れる。違うか?
FormID: 01007978 LingBC02Rockmilk LingBC02Correct 0 Well then, I guess we might be able to come to some sort of arrangement after all. Heh, heh, yes I think an arragement between us might work out very well.
FormID: 01007978 LingBC02Rockmilk LingBC02Correct 1 What could be more funny than claiming the bounty on my own head. Aha, ha, ha. Tell you what Grunt. You can take my ring back to Leyawiin and claim the bounty on me.
FormID: 01007978 LingBC02Rockmilk LingBC02Correct 2 But once you do that you had better get the money earned from the bounty on my head back to me quick smart. You have one day to get the money back to me.
FormID: 01007978 LingBC02Rockmilk LingBC02Correct 3 If it isn't back here by this time tomorrow then I'll eject you from the Black Bow Bandits permanently, and I'll personally make sure that travelling along the road to Leyawiin becomes hell for you.
__明日のこの時間までに戻って来なかった場合はお前をBlack Bow Banditsから永久追放とし、俺の手でもってお前のLeyawiin近辺の旅路を地獄にしてやるよ。
FormID: 01007979 LingBC02Rockmilk GREETING 0 You have the items you need. Good.
FormID: 0100797A LingBC02Rockmilk LingBCContracts 0 You were able to come to an arrangement with the Black Bow Bandits. That is good. But it is not so good that we will have to give them half of the money. Still, I suppose that we had better not make enemies of them.
__Black Bow Banditsと協定を結べたか。いい事だ。しかし彼らに金の半分を渡さなければならないのは痛いな。とはいえ、彼らは敵に回さない方がいいだろう。
FormID: 0100797A LingBC02Rockmilk LingBCContracts 1 Here is the amount of money for the bounty. I will take the items to the Count of Leyawiin so we can receive both amounts from him. You had better hurry back, you don't want to miss your deadline.
FormID: 0100797B LingBC02Rockmilk LingBCContracts 0 I can see that you have both the ring and the amulet. This is very good. You have done well, here is your reward. Speak with Ja'Fazir about your advancement if you wish.
FormID: 0100797B LingBC02Rockmilk LingBCContracts 1 If there is anything else regarding the bandits and marauders of Rockmilk cave then I will let you know later on.
__Rockmilk caveのbanditとmarauder達について何かあったらまた知らせるよ。
FormID: 0100797D LingBC02Rockmilk LingBC02Money 0 You'd better get back here with the bounty money quick smart.
FormID: 0100797E LingBC02Rockmilk LingBC02Money 0 Nice to see that you return, and lucky for you as well. I'll let you remain as a member of the Black Bow Bandits. As long as you carry your Black Bow and have a bounty on your head your fellow bandits will not attack you.
__よく帰って来た、お前も運がいいな。Black Bow Banditsのメンバーとして残る事を許そう。Black Bowを持ち賞金を懸けられている限り、他のbanditもお前に危害は加えない。
FormID: 0100797E LingBC02Rockmilk LingBC02Money 1 That's all for now, so you can head back to your Blackwood Company now.
__今の所はこのくらいか、もうBlackwood Companyに戻ってもいいぞ。
FormID: 01007E65 LingBC02Rockmilk LingBCContracts 0 You've delivered the money? Very good. That concludes your contract then. Here is your reward, you are also now eligible for advancement. Speak with Ja'Fazir if you want to advance.
FormID: 01007E65 LingBC02Rockmilk LingBCContracts 1 Ja'Fazir will also now handle all of your contracts. Speak with him in the future if you want to take up a contract.
FormID: 01007E66 LingBC02Rockmilk LingBCContracts 0 You need to deliver the money to the Head Ringleader of the Black Bow Bandits. Once you have then head back here.
__まずは金をBlack Bow BanditsのHead Ringleaderの所へ持っていかないとな。その後でここに戻って来い。
FormID: 01007E67 LingBC02Rockmilk LingBCContracts 0 You failed to deliver the money to them? This is very bad. Now they will hate us. Hmm, well you may as well keep the money I gave you. It can be your reward for completing the contract.
FormID: 01007E67 LingBC02Rockmilk LingBCContracts 1 Ja'Fazir will also now handle all of your contracts. Speak with him in the future if you want to take up a contract.
FormID: 01007E68 LingBC02Rockmilk GREETING 0 Have you delivered the money to the bandits yet?

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Last-modified: 2009-09-06 (日) 19:06:28