

FormID: 01001BC4 LingBC01Veyond LingBCContracts 0 I have a contract from the village of Blankenmarch asking us to deal with the trolls in the nearby Ayleid ruins of Veyond.
FormID: 01001BC4 LingBC01Veyond LingBCContracts 1 Apparently these are no ordinary trolls. They are more powerful Azhklan trolls. They are led by one known as the Azhklan of Veyond. This is the troll that you must kill.
__どうもそこにいるのは普通のtrollではないらしい。もっと強い、Azhklan trollどもだ。奴らはAzhklan of Veyondとして知られる個体に率いられている。このtrollを殺す必要がある。
FormID: 01001BC4 LingBC01Veyond LingBCContracts 2 Without it's leadership the other trolls will not bother the village. I want you to take this contract.
FormID: 01001BC4 LingBC01Veyond LingBCContracts 3 However there is one thing I would like to suggest. Suppose that the trolls were to kill the villagers of Blankenmarch. If that were to happen then the Count of Leyawiin would have to hire us to clear out the ruins completely.
FormID: 01001BC4 LingBC01Veyond LingBCContracts 4 The price of such a contract would be worth much more than what the villagers are paying us. If you could find a way to lure the Azhklan back to the village and then ensure that both it and the villagers are killed...
FormID: 01001BC4 LingBC01Veyond LingBCContracts 5 Be sure that the troll is killed near the village, otherwise we will have difficulty explaining how it was the troll that killed the villagers.
FormID: 01001BC5 LingBC01Veyond LingBCContracts 0 You could allow the villagers to fight the Azhklan troll and then kill the survivors. Or you could simply choose to kill all of them yourself.
__村人達をAzhklan trollと戦わせて、その後生き残った奴らを殺せばいい。それか単純に全部自分で殺すって手もあるな。
FormID: 010020E1 LingBC01Veyond LingBC01Directions 0 You can find Veyond by taking the eastern road out of town. You should be able to see the town of Blankenmarch on your right just a little way from Leyawiin. You can see Veyond from Blankenmarch.
FormID: 010020F1 LingBC01Veyond LingBCContracts 0 You've come here to deal with the trolls? Good, good. We were a bit concerned about hiring the Blackwood Company, but the prices are so much lower than what the Fighters Guild would have charged.
__君はtrollに対処しに来てくれたのか?よかった、よかった。Blackwood Companyを雇うのは少し不安もあったんだが、料金がFighters Guildの依頼料よりもずっと安かったんだ。
FormID: 010020F2 LingBC01Veyond LingBCContracts 0 I'm glad that you came to help us get rid of those trolls. It was a bit silly of us to build our village right next to an Azhklan troll den, but we didn't know about it at the time. Now we want to get rid of them.
__あのtrollどもと縁を切る手伝いに来てくれたんだな、嬉しいよ。Azhklan trollの巣のすぐそばに村を建てたのはちょっと馬鹿だったな、でもあの時はそんな事知らなかったんだよ。今度こそあいつらを追い払いたいところだ。
FormID: 010020F3 LingBC01Veyond LingBCContracts 0 Look, just go and kill the Azhklan troll please. We didn't hire you to make conversation.
__おい、さっさと行ってAzhklan trollをぶっ殺して来てくれよ。話し相手が欲しくて雇ったんじゃねぇんだ。
FormID: 010020F4 LingBC01Veyond LingBCContracts 0 You say that you killed the troll but not in the town. That is too bad, your reward would have been much more if you had done so. Still a contract is a contract and you have completed this one.
FormID: 010020F4 LingBC01Veyond LingBCContracts 1 Here is your payment. Who knows, perhaps you might find some use out of that village later on. You will still need to complete another contract before you are able to advance in rank.
FormID: 010025E6 LingBC01Veyond LingBCContracts 0 You succeeded in killing the troll in the village of Blankenmarch and killed all of the villagers as well? This is good. You have earned a larger reward for yourself, extra gold and some company greaves.
FormID: 010025E6 LingBC01Veyond LingBCContracts 1 We will wait a while until we go to the count with the offer to remove the trolls from nearby the village. When the time comes to complete that contract perhaps you will want to take it on yes?
FormID: 010025E6 LingBC01Veyond LingBCContracts 2 Now you should rest, then once you are ready again you will need to complete another contract so that you can advance to a full company member.
FormID: 01007956 LingBC01Veyond GREETING 0 Are you ready to begin your first contract, Probationary Member?
FormID: 01007959 LingBC01Veyond GREETING 0 Has the troll been killed yet? Are the villagers dead as well?

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Last-modified: 2009-09-04 (金) 13:46:09