

FormID: 0102E02B AAS1TraitorQ 10 0 Big Tony gave me some unsettling news. I need to speak with Samantha as soon as possible.
__Big Tonyはいくつかの不穏な報告をしてきた。可能な限り早く、Samanthaと話をしなければならない。
FormID: 0102E02B AAS1TraitorQ 20 0 The traitor is Ramus. He's taken the Elder Scroll and fled. Sam is working on a plan but in the meantime, I need to find his whereabouts. I should probably see what the beggars know.
__Ramusが裏切り者だった。彼はElder Scrollを盗み逃亡したのだ。Samanthaは計画を練っているが、その間に彼の居場所を突き止めなければならない。おそらく物乞いであれば何かしらの情報を持っているだろう。
FormID: 0102E02B AAS1TraitorQ 30 0 I got some useful information out of that beggar. It seems Ramus is forming his own guild. I should check out his cabin. I doubt he's stupid enough to still be there, but I might find some clue as to his location.

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Last-modified: 2011-05-27 (金) 14:36:34