

FormID: 0104E6C0 AAS1Q11 GREETING 0 There's another message for you.
FormID: 0104E6C4 AAS1Q11 GREETING 0 You must be the contact. I have some information that might interest you.
FormID: 0104F4CA AAS1Q11 GREETING 0 Can you spare a coin?
FormID: 0104E6C2 AAS1Q11 AAS1Q11BT1 0 This came from Armand.
FormID: 0104F4CB AAS1Q11 AAS1Q11BT1 0 That's not good. Let me speak with the rest of the guild about this.
FormID: 0104E6C5 AAS1Q11 AAS1Q11In1 0 I used to be a member of the Black Dagger Society but, when I saw some of the things they were doing, I got out of there. I want no part in it.
__俺は以前Black Dagger Societyのメンバーだったんだが、その時連中がやっていたことを目にして抜けることにしたんだ。関わり合いになりたくなかったんでな。
FormID: 0104E6C5 AAS1Q11 AAS1Q11In1 1 I'm sure you're looking for their headquarters, but you won't find it. They relocate frequently to make sure nobody can estimate a radius.
FormID: 0104E6C5 AAS1Q11 AAS1Q11In1 2 They often set up shop in old ruins, in the middle of nowhere. However, I do know of one of their smaller outposts.
FormID: 0104E6C5 AAS1Q11 AAS1Q11In1 3 In Leyawiin, there's a little place called the Five Claws Lodge. They have an outpost in the basement there.
__それはLeyawiinにある。Five Claws Lodgeと呼ばれている小さな場所さ。あいつらはそこの地下に基地を持ってるんだ。
FormID: 0104E6C7 AAS1Q11 AAS1Q11In1c 0 The Black Dagger Society isn't just some gang, they're far more dangerous. They'll murder you just because somebody paid them to.
__Black Dagger Societyはただの盗賊団なんかじゃない、それより遥かに危険な連中だ。誰かが報酬さえ払えば、あいつらはあんたを殺すだろう。
FormID: 0104E6C7 AAS1Q11 AAS1Q11In1c 1 Because they want me dead! They don't let their members just leave. I won't be safe until somebody takes them out.
FormID: 0104F4C5 AAS1Q11 AAS1Q11Beg1 0 Yeah, I think I might know him...
FormID: 0104F4C7 AAS1Q11 AAS1Q11BegNo 0 Suit yourself
FormID: 0104F4C9 AAS1Q11 AAS1Q11BegYes 0 Thank you. He just showed up recently. He was staying at the Three Sisters Lodge, but you won't find him there now.
__ありがとうよ。彼は最近やってきたんだ。Three Sisters Lodgeに滞在していたんだが、今はそこで見つけることはできないだろう。
FormID: 0104F4C9 AAS1Q11 AAS1Q11BegYes 1 The guards connected him to a burglary in Leyawiin a while back. He's in prison now.

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Last-modified: 2011-05-27 (金) 14:36:34