

AAS1Q1News Edit

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Is there a new thieves guild in Cyrodiil?<br>
Experts say "yes"<br>
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Within the last few weeks, crime rates have skyrocketed in almost every city in Cyrodiil, especially the Imperial City's Waterfront District. There have been twelve very diverse cases of burglary and four cases of murder, in which a calling card of sorts was left behind; a simple piece of parchment with a symbol on it, depicting an outline of a dagger, followed by the words "You have been burglarized by the Black Dagger Society. Have a nice day."
Experts believe the culprit is a new gang, making a bold, arrogant attempt to build a reputation with both the general public, and the rest of the criminal underworld. The consensus is that they want it to be clear that they are responsible for the crimes, in order to inspire fear.
Due to the seemingly unrelated nature of the crimes, authorities suspect they are working as a mercenary group; being hired by individuals to commit each of these heinous acts. The Imperial Legion is asking anyone with information on this new threat to come forward.

訳文 Edit

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ここ数週間以内に、Cyrodiilのほぼ全都市、特にImperial City's Waterfront Districtにて犯罪発生率が急増している。内訳としては12件の非常に多種多様な強盗、そして4件の殺人が含まれている。その現場には総じてとあるカードが残されていた。短剣のシルエットのシンボルが描かれたシンプルなカード、そこにはこう書かれているようだ。"お前らの物はBlack Dagger Societyが頂いた。それじゃあな。"
それぞれの事件に直接の関係性が見受けられないことから、当局は彼らが個人に雇われてこれらの凶悪な行為に共同で取り掛かる傭兵団として動いていると考えている。Imperial Legionはこの新たな脅威に関する情報を持つ者は誰であれ、申し出て欲しいと要求している。

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Last-modified: 2011-05-27 (金) 14:36:34