

FormID: 01000F6E TecTempleofone 10 0 The rebuilding of the Temple of the One has started. Rumour has it that the Temple is to be dedicated to Akatosh and the last Septim who completed the divine plan Akatosh set in motion so long ago.
__Temple of the Oneの再建が始まりました。噂によると、この神殿はAkatosh神およびその旧き盟約を果たしたSeptim朝最後の皇帝を祀る場所とされるようです。
FormID: 01000F6E TecTempleofone 20 0 The new Temple of the One has been completed and externally looks very similar to the original but inside the Avatar of Akatosh dominates the whole temple area. Some say it is spectacular to walk in and see the Dragon looming over you. One thing of interest was mentioned recently and that was the fact that more stone was taken in to the new temple than was actually needed to build it. Perhaps the Black Horse Courier people can shed some light on that.
__新たなTemple of the Oneは元の姿そっくりに再建されました。以前と違って内部にはAkatosh神の化身が鎮座しており、参拝客を見下ろすその威容が人々の語り草となっています。最近では興味深い事に、この神殿の復旧工事に用いられた石は本来必要な量よりもずっと多いらしいとの噂が流れています。きっとBlack Horse Courierの取材班が真相究明に乗り出す事でしょう。

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Last-modified: 2009-03-15 (日) 13:31:44