

FormID: 02040DF7 OMGRecoverRobesofVanus 10 0 Archmagister Yel Alota tells me the Robes of Vanus Galerion are being stored at Fort Linchal by members of Order of the Black Worm. First the Ring, now the Robes. The only way they could have gotten these is by looting the body of Vanus as he lay dead or dying on the battlefield. I will make them pay for that sacrilege and deny them their War Trophy.
__Archmagister Yel AlotaはRobes of Vanus GalerionがOrder of the Black Wormの構成員によってFort Linchalで保管されていると言った。最初はRingで次はRobesだ。彼らがRobesを手に入れるには、戦死したVanusから奪い取るしかなかったはずだ。彼らにその冒涜の報いを受けさせ、その戦勝の証を取り返すべきだ。
FormID: 02040DF7 OMGRecoverRobesofVanus 20 0 I have arrived at Fort Linchal. In the name of Vanus, I shall cleanse this place of all Necromancers and recover the Robes they looted.
__Fort Linchalに到着した。Vanusの名にかけて、この地の浄化のため全てNecromancerを一掃し、奪われたRobesを取り戻す。
FormID: 02040DF7 OMGRecoverRobesofVanus 30 0 I have the Robes of Vanus, but once again the voice spoke to me, proclaiming it self a GOD. Can it be true, did the King of Worms really become a god. Certainly the Order of the Black Worm believed it to be so. The Jill's of Akatosh were said to have split the God in to two when the corrected the Warp in the west. One God of Worms, One King of Worms. But I killed the King of Worms so the voice really must have been the God of Worms.
__Robes of Vanusを取り戻したが、再び声が聞こえ、それ自身が神であると宣言した。Order of the Black Wormは信じているようだが、King of Wormsが神になるなどあり得るだろうか。Jill's of Akatoshは西方の歪みが正された際に神を二つに別ったと言われている。一方はGod of Worms、King of Wormsである。しかしKing of Wormsは殺したはずだが、声は確かにGod of Wormsであるようだ。

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Last-modified: 2009-03-18 (水) 09:31:45