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Ivan's Diary.
Hands OFF!

Day 1

We arrived at Gottlesfont Priory early in the afternoon. The supplies are expected to arrive just before supper time. We will make this our base as we investigate the near by shrine to Molag Bal.

Day 2

We visited the shrine today and asked the people there various questions. Some of them seemed uneasy and walked away. We followed them to Ceyatatar, which is south east of Gottlesfont Priory on the Gold Road and found what we thought were Mages from the Guild. They attacked us as we approached so we retreated back to the priory.

The mages were dressed in standard Mages Guild Uniforms as worn at Arcane University. It is almost certain that they came from the University at some point in time, possibly banned for unsafe practices by the looks of it. Summoning Daedra in public is considered irresponsible by the guild, members get booted out for less than that.

Tomorrow I will return to  Ceyatatar with Bruce and deal with those Rogue Conjurers outside of the ruin. Being so close to the road as they are, it is far too dangerous to leave them be.

訳文 Edit



午後早くにGottlesfont Prioryに到着した。必要な物は夕食直前には届くだろう。ここを拠点としてMolag Balの神殿を調査しよう。


今日、神殿を訪れてそこの人々に様々な質問をした。何人かは我々を警戒してか、去っていった。Gottlesfont Priory南西のGold Road沿いにあるCeyatatarまで追いかけると、Guild出のMageと思われる者達がいた。我々が近づくと、奴らは攻撃を仕掛けてきたため、prioryに退却した。

あのMageどもはArcane Universityの制服を着ていた。奴らがUniversityにいたのは確実だろう。状況からして、危険な練習を行って除名されたのかも知れない。Guildは人前でDaedraを召喚するのは無責任であるとしており、そこまでせずとも追放される。


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Last-modified: 2009-04-01 (水) 18:20:37