

FormID: 0101FCB5 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRMordraTopicB 3 Damned little enough, for somebody who knows the job like I do.
FormID: 0101FCBB 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRHireAgainTopicB 0 Have the gold yet, filth?
FormID: 0101FCBB 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRHireAgainTopicB 1 1000, up front.
FormID: 0101FCBE 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRCargomasterWhere 0 His name is Hadriid.
FormID: 0101FCBE 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRCargomasterWhere 1 Spends all his time at the Lonely Suitor Lodge, in Bravil.
__BravilのLonely Suitor Lodgeでほとんどの時間を過ごしている。
__BravilのLonely Suitor Lodgeでほとんどの時間を過ごしています。
FormID: 0101FCBE 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRCargomasterWhere 2 See what you can do.
FormID: 0101FCC1 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRCargoMTopic 0 Who sent you?
FormID: 0101FCC2 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRCargoMTopicB 0 I see where this is leading.
FormID: 0101FCC2 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRCargoMTopicB 1 You can remind Mr. Eastwind that I'm retired.
__俺が引退した事をMr. Eastwindに思い出させてやりな。
FormID: 0101FCC2 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRCargoMTopicB 2 There's very little, anymore, that will tempt me out to sea.
FormID: 0101FCC4 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRCargoMTopicC 0 Nothing you could do for me, I'm sure.
FormID: 0101FCC4 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRCargoMTopicC 1 Say hello to my old friend, for me.
FormID: 0101FCC4 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRCargoMTopicC 2 But I cannot help you.
FormID: 0101FCC7 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRCargomasterWhereB 0 I see. Huh.
FormID: 0101FCC7 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRCargomasterWhereB 1 Did he say why?
FormID: 0101FCC7 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRCargomasterWhereB 2 Wait, no. I think I can guess.
FormID: 0101FCC7 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRCargomasterWhereB 3 My old friend Hadriid is a romantic, see.
FormID: 0101FCC7 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRCargomasterWhereB 4 Last time he came on shore, he found that his woman had grown tired of waiting.
FormID: 0101FCC7 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRCargomasterWhereB 5 Left him an empty bed, and never came back.
FormID: 0101FCC7 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRCargomasterWhereB 6 S'Jirra. A comely Khajiit wench. Works at the Faregyl Inn, now.
__S'Jirra。美しいKhajiitの娘さ。今はFaregyl Innで働いている。
__S'Jirra。美しいKhajiitの娘です。今はFaregyl Innで働いています。
FormID: 0101FCC7 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRCargomasterWhereB 7 She used to send him away on voyages, with some special dessert she made.
FormID: 0101FCC7 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRCargomasterWhereB 8 I bet if you convinced her to make it for him, he'd be in a better mood.
FormID: 0101FCC7 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRCargomasterWhereB 9 Aye, you'd better go visit her, the more I think of it.
FormID: 0101FCC7 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRCargomasterWhereB 10 S'jirra. At the Faregyl Inn, Northwest of Bravil as I recall.
__確か、S'jirraはBravilの北西のFaregyl Innに居る。
__確か、S'jirraはBravilの北西のFaregyl Innに居ます。
FormID: 0101FCC9 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRSjirraTopic 0 Like I said, at the Faregyll Inn, Northwest of Bravil.
__言った通り、Bravilの北西のFaregyl Innに居る。
__言った通り、Bravilの北西のFaregyl Innに居ます。
FormID: 0101FCCA 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRSjirraTopic 0 That's me. If you want a room, talk to Abhuki.
FormID: 0101FCCC 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRSjirraTopicB 0 Hadriid!
FormID: 0101FCCC 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRSjirraTopicB 1 Oh my. Hadriid... it's been years, now.
__あぁ、Hadriid... 何年ぶりかしら。
FormID: 0101FCCC 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRSjirraTopicB 2 I used to make him sugar dumplings, whenever he set sail...
FormID: 0101FCCC 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRSjirraTopicB 3 Well, nevermind that now.
FormID: 0101FCCE 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRSjirraTopicC 0 Oh. Well. Yes, actually, as it happens I still make them almost every day.
FormID: 0101FCCE 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRSjirraTopicC 1 I guess I couldn't quite let go.
FormID: 0101FCCE 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRSjirraTopicC 2 Here, you may have some if you like.
FormID: 0101FCCE 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRSjirraTopicC 3 And if you should happen to see Hadriid, please give him this note.
FormID: 010204D6 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRDeckhandWhere 0 Try the Sailor's Guild.
__Sailor's Guildに試しなよ。
__Sailor's Guildを試しなよ。
__Sailor's Guildに行って見てください。
FormID: 010204D8 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRDeckhandTopic 0 Are you offering me a job?
FormID: 010204D8 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRDeckhandTopic 1 I'll take it, sir!
FormID: 010204D8 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRDeckhandTopic 2 I swear I'll prove my worth.
FormID: 010204D8 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRDeckhandTopic 3 Thank you, Captain. I'll get right to work.
FormID: 0102166F 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRDeckhandTopic 0 I work for Captain Alastair.
__Captain Alastairのために働いています。
FormID: 010204E0 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRBoatSwainB 0 He's holed up at the Fo'c's'le. So to speak. Spends most of his time wandering the docks, though.
FormID: 010204E2 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRBosnTopic 0 Hnnh. Who's asking?
FormID: 010204E4 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRBosnTopicB 0 Aye. Back in the water now, I hear.
FormID: 010204E4 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRBosnTopicB 1 Who's your cook, then?
FormID: 010204E7 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRBosnTopicC 0 No cook!
FormID: 010204E7 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRBosnTopicC 1 A sailor can't work, 'till he's fed.
FormID: 010204E7 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRBosnTopicC 2 Find your ship an able cook, and I'll consider joining up.
FormID: 010204E9 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRBoatSwainC 0 Ah. Orcs are always thinking of their bellies.
FormID: 010204E9 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRBoatSwainC 1 But I suppose that's a reasonable demand.
FormID: 010204E9 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRBoatSwainC 2 Hmm, a cook...
FormID: 010204E9 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRBoatSwainC 3 You might ask the Whitehands.
FormID: 010204EB 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRWhitehands 0 Pell and Malia. They run the Galehaven Bakery.
__PellとMaliaです。彼らはGalehaven Bakeryを営んでいます。
FormID: 010204ED 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRWhitehandsTopic 0 Hmm. Talk to my wife, Malia.
FormID: 010204EE 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRWhitehandsTopic 0 Oh. To work on a ship?
FormID: 010204EE 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRWhitehandsTopic 1 Well, my husband and I are too well settled here.
FormID: 010204EE 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRWhitehandsTopic 2 But our son, Finn... well.
FormID: 010204EE 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRWhitehandsTopic 3 He always wanted to go out to sea.
FormID: 010204EE 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRWhitehandsTopic 4 I think I can tell by his letters, he's not happy where he is now.
FormID: 010204F0 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRWhitehandsTopicB 0 He's apprenticed to the famous baker, Salmo. In Skingrad.
FormID: 010204F0 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRWhitehandsTopicB 1 It's a great honour. But I know he'd be happier at sea.
FormID: 010204F2 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRWhitehandSon 0 Skingrad never suited him. Salmo is a friend of ours, he'll understand.
FormID: 010204F3 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRWhitehandSon 0 That's me.
FormID: 010204F3 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRWhitehandSon 1 How can I help you?
FormID: 01020502 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRWhitehandSon 0 Finn is my best apprentice.
FormID: 01020502 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRWhitehandSon 1 Why do you ask?
FormID: 010204F5 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRWhitehandSonB 0 A ship's... really? And you'll take me?
FormID: 010204F5 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRWhitehandSonB 1 Oh, but Salmo.
FormID: 010204F5 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRWhitehandSonB 2 I couldn't just leave my position, here. Not all-of-a-sudden, like this.
FormID: 010204F5 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRWhitehandSonB 3 Maybe if you ask Salmo, yourself.
FormID: 010204F5 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRWhitehandSonB 4 Otherwise I'm honour-bound to stay.
FormID: 01020507 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRSalmoAsk 0 Are you serious?
FormID: 01020507 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRSalmoAsk 1 I'm afraid I couldn't part with him.
FormID: 01020507 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRSalmoAsk 2 He's too relied on, here, by all of us.
FormID: 01020509 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRSalmoAskB 0 It would have to be somebody really exceptional.
FormID: 01020509 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRSalmoAskB 1 I doubt you'll have much luck, there.
FormID: 01020509 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRSalmoAskB 2 I'm sorry I couldn't help you.
FormID: 0102050B 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRWhitehandSonC 0 A replacement? I see.
FormID: 0102050B 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRWhitehandSonC 1 I know somebody who might be interested.
FormID: 0102050B 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRWhitehandSonC 2 Nag gra-Mogakh is the illegitimate daughter of Mog gra-Mogakh, of the Two Sisters Lodge here in Skingrad.
__Nag gra-MogakhはMog gra-Mogakhの私生の娘でSkingradのTwo Sisters Lodgeに居ます。
FormID: 0102050B 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRWhitehandSonC 3 Mog doesn't like to talk about her, and keeps her working all day in the basement, but she is my friend.
FormID: 0102050B 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRWhitehandSonC 4 I know she'd love to have this job, out in the open, where she belongs.
FormID: 01020534 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRNaggraMogakh 0 She lives in the basement of the Two Sisters Lodge.
__彼女はTwo Sisters Lodgeの地下で暮らしています。
FormID: 01020534 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRNaggraMogakh 1 You may have to sneak down there.
FormID: 01020536 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRNaggraMogakh 0 Yes, how can I help you?
FormID: 01020536 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRNaggraMogakh 1 Finn wants what? Really, are you certain?
FormID: 01020536 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRNaggraMogakh 2 But my mother...
FormID: 01020536 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRNaggraMogakh 3 Oh, curse my mother! I'd love to be apprenticed under Salmo.
FormID: 01020536 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRNaggraMogakh 4 Please go tell Finn, for me! I'll follow as soon as I've packed my things.
FormID: 01020537 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRNaggraMogakh 0 She'll replace me?
FormID: 01020537 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRNaggraMogakh 1 I knew she would!
FormID: 01020537 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRNaggraMogakh 2 Leave Salmo to me. I know I can convince him.
FormID: 01020537 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRNaggraMogakh 3 I'll travel to the ship as soon as I can, Captain.
FormID: 01020537 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRNaggraMogakh 4 And thank you.
FormID: 0102053F 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRHireAgainTopicC 0 2000 Gold, friend.
__2000 Goldだ、友よ。
FormID: 01020541 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRAllCrew 0 We seem to have everyone we need.
FormID: 01020541 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRAllCrew 1 The River Rat will once again sail the seas.
__River Ratは再び海原へ航海するでしょう。
FormID: 01020541 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRAllCrew 2 Adventures await, Captain.
FormID: 01020EC5 01NRiverRatQuest 01NRRWhereBuy 0 Emil Farland, at Farland's Trade Goods, has her up for sale.
__Farland's Trade GoodsでEmil Farlandが船を売り出し中だ。

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Last-modified: 2011-04-20 (水) 22:48:33