

FormID: 0202920D kvanecromundquests1 kvaWhoareyou 0 I am Kalidic, Master of this tower. I and my followers are trapped inside the tower by the Magic seal you see on the door.
FormID: 02029211 kvanecromundquests1 kvamagicseal 0 It was placed there centuries ago by one of my enemies to keep me trapped inside my own tower.
FormID: 02029213 kvanecromundquests1 kvanecroCenturies 0 Yes, Centuries ago. I slowed down time inside the Tower to help us survive, we use illusions like this to seek aid from outside.
FormID: 02029215 kvanecromundquests1 kvanecrorescue 0 I need you to break the seal on the door and free us from our prison. If you do that for me, I will grant you that which you came here to get.
FormID: 0202922B kvanecromundquests1 kvaKalidicthanksplayer 0 I thank you for freeing us from our Prison, as a reward I will bring your guild under my protective wing.
FormID: 0202922D kvanecromundquests1 ProtectiveWing 0 We may have been imprisoned but we have eyes, we see what the Mages Guild have been doing and will ensure you are protected from them.
FormID: 0202922F kvanecromundquests1 kvaNecromancerGuild 0 Nobody alive today has my experience, I will take charge of the Guild and lead it. Your branches will send their recruits to me for training.
FormID: 02029231 kvanecromundquests1 kvaNecroversity 0 I will establish a Necroversity here at Necromunda for the Guild and teach its recruits in the old ways of Necromancy.
FormID: 02029233 kvanecromundquests1 kvanecrofuture 0 Together we will be build new branches around Cyrodil. But now, I must rest, you have my thanks are welcome here any time.

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Last-modified: 2009-03-04 (水) 23:49:26