

FormID: 01029530 povssqmquest 10 0 Querulus Mona was separated from his belongings when he was teleported here. I should look for them inside the ayleid ruin. There should be shoes, a shirt, breeches, a dagger, his staff, his diary and his bottle of ale.
__Querulus Monaがここへ瞬間移動したとき、彼と彼の所有物は別々の場所に散らばってしまった。Ayleid遺跡の中でそれらを探そう。靴、シャツ、半ズボン、短剣、杖、日誌、およびエールのボトルがあるはずだ。
FormID: 01029530 povssqmquest 15 0 I have given Querulus his belongings back.
FormID: 01029530 povssqmquest 17 0 There don't appear to be any pages in the diary, aside from one. And that one is blank. Hmm...
FormID: 01029530 povssqmquest 20 0 Querulus lost the pages from the diary. We will start our search at the Wawnet Inn outside the Imperial City.
__Querulusは日誌のページをなくした。帝都の西にあるWawnet Innから探し始めよう。
FormID: 01029530 povssqmquest 22 0 We arrived at the Wawnet Inn at last, and should now start searching for those notes. Apparently they are enchanted so I should be able to see them easily. Querulus gave me a description of the route he took on paper.
__我々はついにWawnet Innに到着し、それらのメモを捜し始めなければならない。それらには魔法がかかっていて、簡単にそれらを見つけられる。Querulusは彼が通ったルートを紙にしたため、渡してきた。
FormID: 01029530 povssqmquest 24 0 I found the notes and gave them to Querulus Mona.
__見つけたノートをQuerulus Monaに渡した。
FormID: 01029530 povssqmquest 25 0 Querulus wants me to do him one more favour before he gives me the key. I have to find the Gauntlets of Perfect Casuistry, which I can find somewhere off the coast west of Anvil. He will be waiting for me at Blankenmarch.
__Querulusはキーを与える前にもう一つ願いを聞いて欲しいという。Gauntlets of Perfect Casuistryを見つけなければならない。それはAnvilの海岸北の沖で見つけることができる。彼はBlankenmarchで待っているそうだ。
FormID: 01029530 povssqmquest 27 0 I found the Gauntlets of Perfect Casuistry. I should meet Querulus at Blankenmarch, which lies to the north east of Leyawiin.
__Gauntlets of Perfect Casuistryを見つけた。Leyawiin北東にあるBlankenmarchにいるQuerulusに会う必要がある。
FormID: 01029530 povssqmquest 30 0 I gave Querulus Mona the Gauntlets of Perfect Casuistry, and he told the I can get the second seal key from Lemmy Attem at Brindle Home, a settlement to the south of Chorrol, by telling him the password: 'Open sesame seeds'.
__Gauntlets of Perfect CasuistryををQuerulus monaに与えると、彼はChorrolから南に行ったところにあるBrindle HomeにいるLemmy Attemからパスワードを彼に言うことによって2番目の封印の鍵を手に入れることができると言った。そのパスワードは『Open sesame seeds』だ。

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Last-modified: 2011-03-19 (土) 20:55:02