

FormID: 0102230D povsslastingredients 10 0 One of the ingredients I need for the violet component is a Sunbird Feather. The countess of Chorrol should have one.
__すみれ色のコンポーネントに必要な品物の1つはSunbird Featherである。Chorrolの伯爵夫人がひとつ持っているようだ。
FormID: 0102230D povsslastingredients 11 0 I bought the Sunbird feather, but it'll take a while before it arrives.
__Sunbird featherを買ったが届くまでに時間が掛かるだろう。
FormID: 0102230D povsslastingredients 12 0 Great, I just wasted 30,000 gold... I'll have to find one somewhere else.
FormID: 0102230D povsslastingredients 15 0 I think Countess Umbranox of Anvil is my best chance.
__AnvilのCountess Umbranoxが絶好のチャンスだろう。
FormID: 0102230D povsslastingredients 17 0 I should ask the commoners of Kvatch who are staying at the Gottshaw Inn about their count, who is also in possession of a Sunbird Feather.
__Gottshaw Innに滞在しているKvatch市民に彼らの伯爵について尋ねなければならない。そして、その人はSunbird Featherも所持している。
FormID: 0102230D povsslastingredients 18 0 The count of Kvatch had a lover. This 'A. Blakely' should live in the Imperial City Talos Plaza District somewhere.
__Kvatch伯には愛人がいた。この『A. Blakely』は、帝都のTalos Plaza Districtのどこかに住んでいる。
FormID: 0102230D povsslastingredients 19 0 Angelie will give me the Sunbird Feather if I do her a favour. I will have to set up a soup kitchen for the pour. I should ask Vinicia at the Office of Imperial Commerce in the Market District for permission.
__Angelieの頼みを聞き届ければ彼女はSunbird Featherをくれるという。殺到するもののために食糧供給所を建てなければならない。許可を得るためにMarket DistrictのOffice of Imperial CommerceにいるViniciaを尋ねなければならない。
FormID: 0102230D povsslastingredients 20 0 Vinicia gave me permission, now I'll have to find someone to staff the kitchen, and a supplier. She recommended Marana Rian, who lives in the Temple District, as the staff, and has given me a list of possible suppliers.
__Viniciaから許可を得たが、キッチンスタッフや供給者を見つけなければならない。ViniciaからスタッフとしてMarana Rianを推薦され、考えられる供給者のリストをもらった。
FormID: 0102230D povsslastingredients 21 0 I found someone who wanted to staff the kitchen. After finding an eating house that is willing to supply food for the kitchen I should return to Angelie.
FormID: 0102230D povsslastingredients 22 0 I found someone who was willing to supply food for the kitchen. After convincing Marana Rian to staff the kitchen I should return to Angelie.
FormID: 0102230D povsslastingredients 25 0 I have the feather but I think I had better show it at once to Marana. Otherwise I have the feeling I might not have it for long.
__Sunbird Featherを入手したが、なんとなくすぐにMaranaにそれを見せた方がいいかもしれない。さもなければすぐに手許から失われそうな感覚がある。
FormID: 0102230D povsslastingredients 27 0 I have showed the sunbird feather to Marana as she requested. (luck+1)
__MaranaにSunbird Featherを見せた。(Luckに+1)
FormID: 0102230D povsslastingredients 28 0 The feather has disappeared! I bet this was Marana's doing. I should visit her at once.
__Sunbird Featherが消えた!Maranaの仕業に違いない。すぐに彼女を訪ねよう。
FormID: 0102230D povsslastingredients 29 0 I visited Marana, who was disappointed because I didn't hold my promise. Well, at least she gave me the feather back. (luck -1)
__Maranaの元を訪れた。約束を守らなかったのでMaranaは失望していた。少なくとも彼女はSunbird Featherを返してはくれた。(Luckに-1)

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Last-modified: 2011-03-16 (水) 22:58:34