

FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 10 0 I should look for K'Shmir at Border Watch, who hopefully has the gauntlets I'm looking for. Border Watch lies to the north of Leyawiin.
__Border WatchでK'Shmirを探さなければならない。そしてその人が探しているgauntletを持っていると期待しよう。Border WatchはLeyawiinの北方にある。
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 15 0 I should find the argonian bandits who stole K'shmir's collection of gauntlets in the Onyx Caverns. The Onyx Caverns lie to the east of Leyawiin.
__Onyx CavernsでK'shmirのgauntletのコレクションを盗んだArgonianのBanditsを見つけなければならない。Onyx CavernsはLeyawiinの東方にある。
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 20 0 There is no attached list. Looks as if Lies-in-his-teeth must have taken it and the gauntlets. I'll have to start with Dar Jee in Leyawiin. At least it's not too far away.
__添付リストが全くない。Lies-in-his-teethがそれとgauntletを取ったに違いないように思える。LeyawiinでDar Jeeから始めなければならない。少なくともそれはそれほど遠くはない。
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 25 0 Dar Jee will help me if I can make him dead fly buns. He suggested I'd talk to a baker in Skingrad.
__Dar JeeはDead fly Bunsを作ってくれたら助けてくれるという。彼はSkingradのパン屋と話すよう提案してきた。
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 26 0 I need to talk to the local shepherd about how I could catch flies.
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 30 0 I will have to collect 20 pieces of dead fly slime in pitcher plants. There are supposed to be a lot of them in the Bogwater area, which is an area in the far south east corner of Cyrodiil. When I have at least 20 pieces I should bring them to Salmo the baker in Skingrad. The pitcher plants tend to grow near sources of water.
__食虫植物から20個のDead fly Slimeを集めなければならない。食虫植物の多くがBogwater周辺にあることになっており、そこはCyrodiilのはるか南東部の州境の地域である。少なくとも20個手に入れたらSkingradのSalmo the bakerへ持っていかなければならない。食虫植物は水辺に生育する傾向がある。
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 35 0 I should mention the fly buns idea to Hal-Liurz at the castle of Skingrad.
__Skingradの城で、Fly BunsのアイデアをHal-Liurzに伝えなければならない。
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 37 0 I need to ask Salmo if he could produce some advertisements.
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 40 0 I should find out what the other Argonians in Skingrad think of this. There's Ah Malz in the Fighters Guild, and Druja in the Mages Guild.
__SkingradにいるほかのArgonianがこの事をどう思うか調べなければならない。Fighters GuildにAh Malzが、Mages GuildにDrujaがいる。
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 42 0 Druja thought it was a good idea. After having talked to Ah-Malz at the Skingrad Fighters Guild as well I should return to Salmo.
__Drujaは、良い考えであると思った。Skingrad Fighters GuildでAh-Malzに話した後に、Salmoに戻らなければならない。
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 44 0 Ah-Malz thought it was a good idea. After having talked to Druja at the Skingrad Mages Guild as well I should return to Salmo.
__Ah-Malzは、良い考えであると思った。Skingrad Mages GuildでDrujaに話した後に、Salmoに戻らなければならない。
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 45 0 Now I have the fly buns, I can either go to Dar Jee right away or give some of the fly buns to the Argonians in Skingrad.
__Fly Bunsを得たのですぐにDar Jeeの元へ向かってもいいし、SkingradでArgonianたちにいくつかFly Bunsを与えてもいい。
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 50 0 Dar Jee sold a pair of gauntlets to an adventurer who was going to explore Fort Doublecross. Fort Doublecross lies to the north east of Leyawiin.
__Dar Jeeは、Fort Doublecrossを探検しようとした冒険家に一対のgauntletを売ったという。Fort Doublecrossは、Leyawiinの北東にある。
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 52 0 At Fort Doublecross I ran into Robin Little again. If I ever find out where his relative Hansel Little is, I'm supposed to tell him. I should continue looking for the gauntlets in Fort Doublecross.
__Fort DoublecrossでRobin Littleと再会した。彼の縁者、Hansel Littleがどこにいるか知っていれば彼に言うと思う。ともかく、Fort Doublecrossでgauntletを探し続けなければならない。
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 55 0 These must be the gauntlets Dar Jee had.They are not the right ones. I'd better go and hear his other 'tip'.
__これらはDar Jeeが持っていたgauntletで間違いないが、求めているものではなかった。彼の他の『助言』を聞きに行くほうがいいだろう。
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 57 0 I should look for an Argonian at Sheogorath's shrine, which lies to the south of Bravil.
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 60 0 Bul-Leemya told me that the gauntlets were stolen and that the thieves are in Bawn. Bawn lies to the south east of Bravil.
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 65 0 Three sets of magical gauntlets and none of them the right ones. I suppose I'd better go to Hircine's shrine and see if that Argonian bandit was Lies-in-his-teeth. Hircine's shrine lies to the north of Bravil.
__3セットの魔法のgauntletがあったがどれも求めるものではなかった。Hircineの聖地に行き、そのArgonian banditがLies-in-his-teethであったか確かめる方がいいだろう。Hircineの聖地はBravilの北にある。
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 70 0 The orc adventurers who bought the gauntlets could be in Wenyandawik to the south (of Hircine's shrine), Sardavar Leed to the north or Culotte east across the Niben. The locations have been marked on my map.
__gauntletをかったOrcの冒険者がHircineの聖地から南のWenyandawik、同じく北のSardavar Leed、または東のNibenを越えた先にあるCulotteのいずれかにいるようだ。それぞれの位置は地図に印をつけてもらった。
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 75 0 One right glove of the Honey Snatcher a left one of the Flycatcher. This gets more confusing than ever. Shoots-to-Kill mentioned a woman at the Gottshaw Inn near Kvatch, maybe she can help. She may be more logical than the daedra worshippers.
__右のgauntletのHoney Snatcher、左のgauntletのFlycatcher。これは今まで以上に混乱してくる。Shoots-to-KillはKvatchに近いGottshaw Innにいる女性について話し、彼女はたぶん助けになってくれるだろう。彼女はDaedra崇拝者よりは論理的であろう。
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 80 0 I will have to find a bottle of Kvatch wine. I could try the proprietors of the Wawnet Inn in Weye or the Count's Arms in Anvil.
__Kvatch wineを見つけなければならない。WeyeのWawnet InnかAnvilのCount's Armsの所有者に聞いてみよう。
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 82 0 I was told to ask Areldil. He lives in the Talos Plaza district but he likes The Bloated Float and the Waterfront district too.
__Areldilを訪ねるように言われた。彼は帝都のTalos Plaza地区に住んでいるがWaterfront地区やBloated Floatも好きだという。
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 83 0 I am now in possession of rare Kvatch wine. I should bring it to Utadee at Gottshaw Inn near Kvatch in exchange for the gauntlets she has.
__稀少なKvatch wineを所有している。Kvatchの近くにあるGottshaw InnにいるUtadeeに持っていって彼女の持つgauntletと交換してもらおう。
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 85 0 What has happened here? I cannot believe this is accidental. Lies-in-his-teeth is deliberately muddling the gauntlets. Why? At least I have one Gauntlet of Gluttony but what is the Gauntlet of the Bacon Slicer? Hmm. The only clue left is Peryite's shrine. Does Utadee have information on that I wonder.
__ここで何があったのか?これが偶然であるとは思えない。Lies-in-his-teethは、gauntletを故意に混乱させている。なぜ?少なくともGauntlet of Gluttonyの片方を持っているが、Gauntlet of the Bacon Slicerとは何だ?うーん。残った唯一の手掛かりは、Peryiteの聖地だ。Utadeeにはこちらが不思議に思える情報がある。
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 90 0 Nobody here can help me. This is going to be a lottery. There are two more Argonian Daedra worshippers but I don't know where. Maybe I should take it logically. Someone at the nearby Imperial Bridge Inn west of the Peryite shrine may know the nearest shrines.
__ここの人は誰も助けにならない。これは運頼みになるだろう。まだ二人以上のDaedra崇拝者のArgonianがいるというがどこにいるのかわからない。論理的に行こう。Peryiteの聖地の西にあるImperial Bridge Innの側にいる誰かが最も近い聖地を知っているかもしれない。
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 95 0 The adventurer who has the gauntlets was interested in mines. I should look for her at the Deserted mine to the south, the Squandered mine to the west or the Doomed mine to the north. According to Pops-his-clogs the adventurer isn't much of a fighter, so I'll probably find her outside one of the mines rather than inside.
__gauntletを持っている冒険家は鉱山に興味を持っていた。南にあるDeserted mine、西にあるSquandered mineまたは北にあるDoomed mineで彼女を探すべきだ。Pops-his-clogsによると、冒険家がたいした戦士ではないのでたぶん内部よりむしろどれかの鉱山の外で彼女が見つかるかもしれない。
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 100 0 Gault-Millau wants me to clear three mines for her: The Squandered, Doomed and Deserted mine. We can do them in any order.
__Gault-MillauはDeserted mine、Squandered mineそしてDeserted mineの3つの鉱山を掃討して欲しいという。掃討する順番は問わない。
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 105 0 We're done with exploring the Squandered mine.
__Squandered mineを探索し、掃討した。
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 110 0 We're done with exploring the Deserted mine.
__Deserted mineを探索し、掃討した。
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 115 0 We're done with exploring the Doomed mine. That was quick!
__Doomed mineを探索し、掃討した。結構手早かった!
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 120 0 Aha one gauntlet of Suppress Appetite. They were the ones Doc mentioned. And the other Gauntlet of the Honey Snatcher. I'll put that pair together and add the other spare to the mixed up gauntlets. There is one more Daedra worshipper to find. I wonder if this epicure has come across any shrines?
__ああ、Gauntlet of Suppress Appetiteがひとつ。それらはDocが言及したものだった。もう片方のGauntlet of the Honey Snatcher。ひと組のgauntletをまとめ、混ざったgauntletにもう片方の予備を加えるつもりだ。見つけるべきもうひとりのDaedra崇拝者がいる。この美食家がどの聖域と出くわしたのかわからない。
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 125 0 Torbern at Aerin's camp probably knows where I can find the gauntlets. Aerin's camp lies far to the north of Cheydinhal.
__Aerin's campのTorbernは、多分どこでgauntletを見つけることができるかについて知っている。Aerin's campはCheydinhalから遙か北にある。
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 130 0 The gauntlets were probably stolen by a very dangerous Ogre King who is staying in Kingscrest Cave. I shouldn't touch anything but the gauntlets or it might wake up. Kingscrest Cave lies a little to the south of Aerin's Camp.
__gauntletは、たぶんKingscrest Caveに棲む非常に危険なOgre Kingによって盗まれた。こて以外の何にも触れるべきではない、またはそいつが目覚めるかもしれない。Aerin's campの少し南にKingscrest Caveがある。
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 135 0 Well now I have a pair of Gauntlets of the Flycatcher and a pair of Gauntlets of the Bacon Slicer. With luck there will only be one more pair to find. The list I found next to the gauntlets is damaged. I wonder if Dar Jee can remember the last name.
__さて現在、Gauntlets of the Flycatcherの1組とGauntlets of the Bacon Slicerの1組を持っている。幸運にも、残りはもうひと組だけだ。私がgauntletの横で見つけたリストは破損している。Dar Jeeが最後の名前を思い出すことができるだろうか。
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 140 0 The last Argonian on the list was Tooth-in-the-Sea, who I can find around, or in, the Niben Bay a little north of Bravil.
__リストの最後に載っていたArgonianはBravilから少し北に行ったところのNiben Bayの中か周辺にいるTooth-in-the-Seaだ。
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 145 0 A blond girl who is in possession of a gauntlet of Suppress Appetite and one of Gluttony ran off to a house near Nonungalo. Nonungalo lies to the north west of Skingrad.
__Gauntlet of Suppress AppetiteとGauntlet of Gluttonyのうちの1つを所有しているブロンド髪の少女は、Nonungaloの近くの家に逃げた。Skingradの北西にNonungaloがある。
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 147 0 This is made of sweets. How odd. The door is boarded up. It makes me uncomfortable. I'll see if there is anywhere else.
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 149 0 This can't be where the girl is staying, surely. I'll see if there is anywhere else.
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 150 0 I should go to the House of the Three Bears and find the gauntlets Gretelilocks lost there. It's to the south of Nonungalo.
__私はHouse of the Three Bearsに行き、そこでGretelilocksがなくしたgauntletを見つけなければならない。そこはNonungaloの南方にある。
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 153 0 Baloo allowed me to enter the house.
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 155 0 So at last I have the Gauntlets of Gluttony. Also I still have Gauntlets of the Chocoholic and the Bacon Slicer as well as Suppress Appetite. Hmm. I rather think I'd better see about freeing Hansel Little. I don't like the idea of his relatives chasing me. I should return to Gretelilocks.
__ついに、Gauntlets of Gluttonyを手に入れた。また、Gauntlets of Suppress Appetiteと同様にGauntlets of ChocoholicとGauntlets of Bacon Slicerをまだ持っている。ふむ。Hansel Littleを解放することに考慮した方がいいかもしれない。彼の親類が追いかけてくるという考えが好きではない。Gretelilocksに戻るべきだ。
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 160 0 There's a secret entrance to the witch's house somewhere between Nonungalo and the witch's house itself. To enter it I will need a key guarded by a creature in Nonungalo. The house is right next to Brotch Camp, though the hidden entrance is probably not.
__魔女の家への秘密の入り口がNonungaloと魔女の家自体の間のどこかにある。それに入るために、Nonungaloの怪物が護る鍵が必要だ。隠された入り口はたぶんないが、家がまさしくBrotch Campの横にある。
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 165 0 Now that that problem is out of the way, I can start looking for Hansel.
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 170 0 I will have to find a way to steal the witch's key so I can free Hansel.
__Hanselを解放するためにはwitch's keyを盗む方法を見つけなければならない。
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 172 0 The witch is gone. I should take the key from the table and leave as well.
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 175 0 I freed Hansel and should leave. I don't want to run the risk of being seen by Gropius so I should find an other way out.
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 177 0 When Hansel and I escaped from the house, we found Robin Little and Gretelilocks waiting for us.
__Hanselと家から逃げ出すとRobin LittleとGretelilocksが待っているのを見つけた。
FormID: 0102F2DB povssgluttonyquest 180 0 I now have the Gauntlets of Gluttony and I helped the Little family once again. I can find Hansel and Gretelilocks at a warehouse in the Imperial City Waterfront District, and Robin Little at Fort Scinia or Clavicus Vile's shrine.
__いまGauntlets of Gluttonyを手に入れ、Little一家を再び助けた。HanselとGretelilocksは帝都Waterfront地区の倉庫で、Robin LittleはFort SciniaかClavicus Vileの聖地で会うことができる。

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Last-modified: 2011-04-06 (水) 15:04:06