

FormID: 000000D7 INFOGENERAL DIAL Rumors
FormID: 010022F1 ventus1yes DIAL Yes I am a hero.
FormID: 010022F2 ventus1no DIAL No I am not a hero.
FormID: 010022F5 ventus2yes DIAL I've done it all my life.
FormID: 010022F6 ventus2no DIAL I prefer to run away.
FormID: 010022F9 ventus3yes DIAL Patience is my middle name.
FormID: 010022FA ventus3no DIAL No. I Kill first and talk later.
FormID: 010022FD ventus4yes DIAL Indeed I can, I went to school.
FormID: 010022FE ventus4no DIAL I might need to take a comfort break.
FormID: 01002301 ventus5yes DIAL Yes.
FormID: 01002302 ventus5no DIAL If you ask me again I'll brain you!
FormID: 01002305 ventus6yes DIAL YES!
FormID: 010027F4 sneeze1yes DIAL You found a scroll in Fingerbowl cave
__Fingerbowl caveでスクロールを見つけた
FormID: 010027F6 sneeze2yes DIAL Atishoo?
FormID: 010027F7 sneeze2no DIAL I don't know.
FormID: 010027FA sneeze3yes DIAL What if I help you finding a cure?
FormID: 010027FF dopey1yes DIAL Could you open the cellar door please
FormID: 01002802 dopey2yes DIAL I have this ring for you.
FormID: 01003BFA sneezecure DIAL Cure
FormID: 01003BFD dopeyring DIAL Ring
FormID: 01003C01 grumpy1yes DIAL I need to see the mistress.
FormID: 01003C03 grumpy2yes DIAL All I want...
__All I want...
FormID: 01003C05 grumpy3yes DIAL What is bad for your health?
FormID: 01003C07 Grumpy4yes DIAL Skooma
FormID: 01003C0B happy1yes DIAL Sorry?
FormID: 01003C0D happy2yes DIAL I'd like to go on, what do you want?
FormID: 01003C0F happy3yes DIAL Unless?
FormID: 01003C11 happy4yes DIAL Key
FormID: 01003C1D bash1 DIAL I don't know! Give me a quest.
FormID: 01003C1F bash2 DIAL You said something about an amulet?
FormID: 01003C22 bash3 DIAL Neverard Smallparts
__Neverard Smallparts
FormID: 01004118 bash4 DIAL Amulet of Infectious Charm
__Amulet of Infectious Charm
FormID: 010086E5 doc1 DIAL I would like to see the mistress.
FormID: 010086E7 doc2 DIAL Assassination attempts?
FormID: 010086E9 doc3 DIAL Poisoned apples?
FormID: 010086EB povssapple DIAL Poisoned apples
FormID: 010086ED povssfakedeliveries DIAL Fake Deliveries
FormID: 010086F1 povsskhajiit DIAL Khajiit
FormID: 010086F6 witch1yes DIAL Really, so what's in those barrels?
FormID: 010086F8 witch2yes DIAL You must stop sending them!
FormID: 010086FA witch3yes DIAL If you do not I will have to kill you
FormID: 010086FD povsscontract DIAL A Dark Brotherhood contract?
__A Dark Brotherhoodの契約?
FormID: 010086FF witch4yes DIAL You are an actress?
FormID: 01008701 witch5yes DIAL But you have to stop.
FormID: 01008BE9 witch6yes DIAL 1000 gold.
FormID: 01008BEA witch6yesDUPLICATE000 DIAL witch6yes
FormID: 01008BEC pov DIAL pov
FormID: 01008BED povssbreach DIAL Deal
FormID: 01009152 snoww1yes DIAL I believe you have something I want.
FormID: 01009155 pcentreprises DIAL PC Enterprises
__PC Enterprises
FormID: 0100963E povssentre DIAL PC Enterprises
__PC Enterprises
FormID: 01009642 Cindy1yes DIAL Selling the house
FormID: 01009644 Cindy2yes DIAL The pumpkin is easy but the rats...
FormID: 0100B502 snoww2yes DIAL I hear what you say.
FormID: 0100B504 snoww3yes DIAL Must make you quite rich.
FormID: 0100B506 snoww4yes DIAL Have you left him anything?
FormID: 0100BED5 Cindy3yes DIAL Pumpkin and Rats
FormID: 0100EAFC povsssnowstory DIAL Story
FormID: 0100EFED Sleepybeans DIAL Excuse me?
FormID: 010103A4 Sleepy1yes DIAL Sure, why not.
FormID: 010103A5 Sleepy1no DIAL Eh... No.
FormID: 01010894 docnuts DIAL Nuts
FormID: 01011767 povQM DIAL Querulus Mona
__Querulus Mona
FormID: 01011C65 ilp1yes DIAL Unfortunately?
FormID: 01011C67 ilp2yes DIAL Dead?
FormID: 01011C69 ilp3yes DIAL Where is he? I need to find him.
FormID: 01011C6B ilp4yes DIAL It's urgent.
FormID: 01011C6D ilp5yes DIAL Exhausted?
FormID: 01011C6F ilp6yes DIAL Are there replacement components?
FormID: 01011C71 ilp7yes DIAL Then can I fetch them for you?
FormID: 01011C73 ilp8yes DIAL Can I help you make them?
FormID: 01011C75 ilp9yes DIAL It seems I don't have a choice.
FormID: 01011C77 ilp10yes DIAL Somehow I'd guessed.
FormID: 01011C7A ilpcolour DIAL Component
FormID: 01011C7B ilp11yes DIAL Manufactured
FormID: 01011C7E ilp12yes DIAL Book of Riddles
__Book of Riddles
FormID: 0101264E redlittle1yes DIAL Blocking the door
FormID: 01012650 redlittle2yes DIAL I am already busy.
FormID: 01012652 redlittle3yes DIAL Help
FormID: 01012654 redlittle4yes DIAL How many must I kill?
FormID: 01012656 redlittle5yes DIAL They have eaten her?
FormID: 01012658 redlittle6yes DIAL Is it attracted by rat meat?
FormID: 0101265A redlit DIAL redlit
FormID: 010143F2 ilpitems DIAL The Items
FormID: 010143F9 ilp13yes DIAL That's it?
FormID: 010143FB ilporanges DIAL Orange
FormID: 01014DD7 cantus1yes DIAL Sure, why not.
FormID: 01014DD8 cantus1no DIAL Forget it, I'm busy.
FormID: 010152D5 cantusreward DIAL Reward
FormID: 01015CB3 tin1yes DIAL I beg your pardon.
FormID: 01017534 tin2yes DIAL What lion?
FormID: 01017536 tin3yes DIAL Please continue.
FormID: 01017537 tin3no DIAL Good.I have no time for your whining.
FormID: 0101753A tin4yes DIAL What happened?
FormID: 0101753D tin5yes DIAL How did you know?
FormID: 01017540 tin6yes DIAL Your armour protected you?
FormID: 01017542 tin7yes DIAL What's in it for me?
FormID: 01017544 tin8yes DIAL Sure.
FormID: 01017545 tin8no DIAL I don't like warm fuzzy feelings.
FormID: 01017548 tin9yes DIAL Heart location
FormID: 01017549 tinheart DIAL Heart
FormID: 0101754C tin10yes DIAL This is the last help I'm giving.
FormID: 0101754D tin10no DIAL For a warm fuzzy feeling? No way.
FormID: 01017A3A tin11yes DIAL He's dead.
FormID: 0101A17B redlittle DIAL Red Little
__Red Little
FormID: 0101A17D povssDB DIAL Dark Brotherhood
__Dark Brotherhood
FormID: 0101A17F robin1yes DIAL What do I have to do?
FormID: 0101A181 robin2yes DIAL Cut to the chase, please.
FormID: 0101A183 robin3yes DIAL Who is the problem?
FormID: 0101A185 robin4yes DIAL I can't help with that.
FormID: 0101A187 povgreeneye DIAL Green Eye
__the Green Eye
FormID: 0101BB3D povsswomen DIAL Women
FormID: 0101BB40 povssmarriage DIAL Marriage
FormID: 0101BB42 povsssecretsuccess DIAL Secret of Success
__Secret of Success
FormID: 0101BB44 povssanewmarriage DIAL A new marriage
__A new marriage
FormID: 0101BB46 povssgentania DIAL Gentiana
FormID: 0101C030 povssink DIAL Blue Ink
FormID: 0101C03B ilp14yes DIAL What!
FormID: 0101C03D ilp15yes DIAL What about the teleporter?
FormID: 0101C03F ilp16yes DIAL There'll be a woman for you.
FormID: 0101C041 ilp17yes DIAL Er...
FormID: 0101C045 povchana1yes DIAL Who is he?
__Who is he?
FormID: 0101C048 gentiana1yes DIAL Secret of Success
FormID: 0101C04A gentiana2yes DIAL Unless?
FormID: 0101C04C gentiana3yes DIAL Doors
FormID: 0101C04E gentiana4yes DIAL What did he say?
FormID: 0101C050 gentiana5yes DIAL Go on, please.
FormID: 0101C052 gentiana6yes DIAL Seventh door
FormID: 0101C054 gentiana7yes DIAL Pick his pocket
FormID: 0101C056 gentiana8yes DIAL Sleeping potion
__Sleeping potion
FormID: 0101D3F7 tinmanarrive DIAL Captain
FormID: 0101D3FA heinzcaught DIAL Caught
FormID: 0101E796 heinzdrink DIAL Beer
FormID: 0101E798 heinz1yes DIAL Let me buy one for you, friend.
FormID: 0101E79B heinzdrink2 DIAL Here you go.
FormID: 0101F17D heinz2yes DIAL Mystery
FormID: 0101F181 ilp18yes DIAL Yes. Mystery.
FormID: 0101F183 ilp19yes DIAL What must I do?
FormID: 0101F185 ilp20yes DIAL Ingredients
FormID: 0101F187 ilp21yes DIAL Spectral Slaughterfish
__Spectral Slaughterfish
FormID: 0101F189 ilp22yes DIAL Bramblepoint Cave
__Bramblepoint Cave
FormID: 0101F18B povssfish DIAL Spectral Slaughterfish
__Spectral Slaughterfish
FormID: 01020A30 povjack DIAL Jack
FormID: 01020A31 povship DIAL Shipwrecks
FormID: 01020A3B jones1yes DIAL I Jones's
__I Jones's
FormID: 01020A3D jones2yes DIAL Ah.
FormID: 01020A3F jones3yes DIAL Oh.
FormID: 01020A41 jones4yes DIAL Er...
FormID: 01020A43 jones5yes DIAL Yes.
FormID: 01020A45 Jones6yes DIAL Go on.
__Go on
FormID: 01020A47 Jones7yes DIAL Missing?
FormID: 01020A49 jones8yes DIAL Will Scarlet
__Will Scarlet
FormID: 01020A4B jones9yes DIAL Oh, anything for a quiet life.
__Oh, anything for a quiet life.
FormID: 01020A4C jones9no DIAL Not now, I am too busy.
__Not now I am too busy
FormID: 01020A4E jones10no DIAL No.
FormID: 01020A51 povwilljones DIAL Will Scarlet
__Will Scarlet
FormID: 01020A53 hafid1yes DIAL Hurt
FormID: 01020A66 povjohnbrown DIAL John Brown
__John Brown
FormID: 01020A6E povjones10yes DIAL Indigo Locket
__Indigo Locket
FormID: 01020A70 jones11yes DIAL You misunderstood the locket.
__You misunderstood the locket.
FormID: 01020A72 jones12yes DIAL Okay, here it is. Hehe..
__Okay, here it is. Hehe..
FormID: 01021E13 jones12no DIAL I will not give it to you!
__I will not give it to you!
FormID: 01022302 ilp23easyingred DIAL Easy Ingredients
__Easy Ingredients
FormID: 01022304 ilp24yes DIAL Third ingredient
__Third ingredient
FormID: 01022306 ilp25yes DIAL Exceptionally wealthy?
__Exceptionally wealthy?
FormID: 01022308 ilp26yes DIAL Final Ingredient
__Final Ingredient
FormID: 0102230B ilp27yes DIAL Location
FormID: 0102230F ilpcolour2 DIAL Violet Component
__Violet Component
FormID: 01022310 povfeather DIAL Sunbird Feather
__Sunbird Feather
FormID: 01022311 povcuredrunk DIAL Cure Drunkenness
__Cure Drunkenness
FormID: 01022314 sdrassa1yes DIAL Abergarlas
FormID: 01022319 julliete1yes DIAL Hear what?
__Hear what?
FormID: 0102231B julliete2yes DIAL Cure for...
__Cure for...
FormID: 0102231D julliete3yes DIAL ...Drunkenness
FormID: 0102231F julliete4yes DIAL Potion
FormID: 01022321 julliete5yes DIAL Need one
__Need one
FormID: 01022323 julliete6yes DIAL Tuck Little
__Tuck Little
FormID: 01022325 julliete7yes DIAL Drink
FormID: 01022328 engorm1yes DIAL Which way did he go?
__Which way did he go?
FormID: 0102232B tuck1yes DIAL Yes.
FormID: 0102232C tuck1no DIAL No.
FormID: 01022330 tuck2yes DIAL Cure Drunkenness
__Cure Drunkenness
FormID: 01022332 tuck3yes DIAL Potion
FormID: 01022334 tuck4yes DIAL More potions
__More potions
FormID: 01022822 robinn1yes DIAL Tuck Little
__Tuck Little
FormID: 01022824 robinn2yes DIAL Potion
FormID: 01022826 robinn3yes DIAL What is it this time?
__What is it this time?
FormID: 01022828 robinn4yes DIAL I'll do it.
__I'll do it.
FormID: 01022829 robinn4no DIAL No.
FormID: 0102282C robinn5yes DIAL Violetta Phillida
__Violetta Phillida
FormID: 01022831 valga1yes DIAL Other Feathers
__Other Feathers
FormID: 01022834 valga2yes DIAL Yes.
FormID: 01022835 valga2no DIAL I'll think about it.
__I'll think about it.
FormID: 01022836 valga2oth DIAL Did you sell them to anyone else?
__Did you sell them to anyone else?
FormID: 0102283C millona1yes DIAL Count Goldwine
__Count Goldwine
FormID: 0102283E povbequest DIAL Bequest
FormID: 01022842 ohtesse1yes DIAL Her name
__Her name

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Last-modified: 2011-03-16 (水) 22:58:34