

FormID: 0102F328 povsspridequest abhuki3no 0 Let me know if you change your mind.
__Let me know if you change your mind.
FormID: 0102F813 povsspridequest abhuki4yes 0 Very well. She is a vampire, a conjurer and a witch, part Imperial and it is rumoured part goblin.
__Very well. She is a vampire, a conjurer and a witch, part Imperial and it is rumoured part goblin.
FormID: 0102F813 povsspridequest abhuki4yes 1 When travelling, except when ordering her meals she wears a ring of 100% chameleon at all times.
__When travelling, except when ordering her meals she wears a ring of 100% chameleon at all times.
FormID: 0102F813 povsspridequest abhuki4yes 2 The ring's magic, like all of her spells and charms is sustained by her life force. Should anyone attack her the magic will defend her.
__The ring's magic, like all of her spells and charms is sustained by her life force. Should anyone attack her the magic will defend her.
FormID: 0102F813 povsspridequest abhuki4yes 3 There will be no end to the vampires she can conjure. So don't even think about it.
__There will be no end to the vampires she can conjure. So don't even think about it.
FormID: 0102F813 povsspridequest abhuki4yes 4 If she is 'at home' and in a good mood she might talk to you but one wrong word and you're a vampire too. Now you see why you must keep away.
__If she is 'at home' and in a good mood she might talk to you but one wrong word and you're a vampire too. Now you see why you must keep away.
FormID: 0102F815 povsspridequest abhuki5yes 0 It's your funeral. She lives in the Ayleid ruin of Beldaburo a long way to the west, near the coast. I really don't advise you to go there.
__It's your funeral. She lives in the Ayleid ruin of Beldaburo a long way to the west, near the coast. I really don't advise you to go there.
FormID: 0102FD94 povsspridequest camilla1yes 0 Look your fill. Does it not make you feel new inspired to gaze upon the epitome of beauty.
__Look your fill. Does it not make you feel new inspired to gaze upon the epitome of beauty.
FormID: 0102FD93 povsspridequest camilla1no 0 You may return when you can afford me.
__You may return when you can afford me.
FormID: 0102FD96 povsspridequest camilla2yes 0 You doubt my word. That is presumptuous but understandable. No matter I can prove it to you. You see, I have a magic mirror.
__You doubt my word. That is presumptuous but understandable. No matter I can prove it to you. You see, I have a magic mirror.
FormID: 0102FD96 povsspridequest camilla2yes 1 It has been enchanted to show the face of the fairest in the world when called upon to do so. The face it shows is mine. Sit down in that chair.
__It has been enchanted to show the face of the fairest in the world when called upon to do so. The face it shows is mine. Sit down in that chair.
FormID: 0102FD9B povsspridequest camilla3yes 0 There, you see. Proof positive.
__There, you see. Proof positive.
FormID: 0102FD9D povsspridequest camilla4yes 0 It was once a shield. Now it is my magic mirror and I will never part from it.
__It was once a shield. Now it is my magic mirror and I will never part from it.
FormID: 0102FD9F povsspridequest camilla5yes 0 Was I not clear? And don't think to steal it. You could I suppose dispel the ward that prevents you reaching it but...
__Was I not clear? And don't think to steal it. You could I suppose dispel the ward that prevents you reaching it but...
FormID: 0102FD9F povsspridequest camilla5yes 1 You'd have to do so without me seeing you and I can see through most spells, and even then you could not take it from the wall.
__You'd have to do so without me seeing you and I can see through most spells, and even then you could not take it from the wall.
FormID: 0102FD9F povsspridequest camilla5yes 2 The magic that holds it there is part of me.
__The magic that holds it there is part of me.
FormID: 0102FDA1 povsspridequest povcamilla 0 If there is any ring of chameleon she could not detect it is stronger than anything we could enchant.
__If there is any ring of chameleon she could not detect it is stronger than anything we could enchant.
FormID: 0102FDA1 povsspridequest povcamilla 1 But the sailors here often have tales of unusual and powerful items, ask them. And for that or the dispel scroll you want try Norbert Lelles.
__But the sailors here often have tales of unusual and powerful items, ask them. And for that or the scroll you want try Norbert Lelles.
FormID: 0102FDA1 povsspridequest povcamilla 2 He has a shop at the docks. He too is sometimes given rare and unique artefacts by those on the ships that dock here.
__He has a shop at the docks. He too is sometimes given rare and unique artefacts by those on the ships that dock here.
FormID: 0102FDA2 povsspridequest povcamilla 0 I did have a very powerful dispel scroll. Jesan Sextius bought it only yesterday. I don't know what he wanted it for but he can't need it here.
__I did have a very powerful dispel scroll. Jesan Sextius bought it only yesterday. I don't know what he wanted it for but he can't need it here.
FormID: 0102FDA2 povsspridequest povcamilla 1 He hasn't left Anvil either so I should imagine it's lying around in his house. Ask him, why don't you? As for the ring of chameleon, no.
__He hasn't left Anvil either so I should imagine it's lying around in his house. Ask him, why don't you? As for the ring of chameleon, no.
FormID: 0102FDA2 povsspridequest povcamilla 2 But Timothee LaRouche was talking about a strange ring the other day. I don't know what kind of ring it was though.
__But Timothee LaRouche was talking about a strange ring the other day. I don't know what kind of ring it was though.
FormID: 0102FDA4 povsspridequest povdispelscroll 0 I don't know what you are talking about. Leave me alone.
__I don't know what you are talking about. Leave me alone.
FormID: 0102FDA6 povsspridequest povchamring 0 Aye, I know of such a ring. But as I have told the others I won't part with the information for nothing. If you want it you must do me a service.
__Aye, I know of such a ring. But as I have told the others I won't part with the information for nothing. If you want it you must do me a service.
FormID: 0102FDA8 povsspridequest timo1yes 0 A little while back there was a pirate captain, one Iacus Passerides by name. He discovered a horde of treasure. A big horde.
__A little while back there was a pirate captain, one Iacus Passerides by name. He discovered a horde of treasure. A big horde.
FormID: 0102FDA8 povsspridequest timo1yes 1 It was so massive, he could not make off with it. He drew a map and then for his own safety he tore the map into four.
__It was so massive, he could not make off with it. He drew a map and then for his own safety he tore the map into four.
FormID: 0102FDA8 povsspridequest timo1yes 2 One part he kept and the other three he gave to his most trusted confederates in Anvil.
__One part he kept and the other three he gave to his most trusted confederates in Anvil.
FormID: 0102FDA8 povsspridequest timo1yes 3 Iacus lost his life not long ago and by chance I came across his piece of the map. Now I know where the other three are.
__Iacus lost his life not long ago and by chance I came across his piece of the map. Now I know where the other three are.
FormID: 0102FDA8 povsspridequest timo1yes 4 But I haven't the skill or power to get them. If you get them for me I'll tell you where to find the ring. Is it a deal?
__But I haven't the skill or power to get them. If you get them for me I'll tell you where to find the ring. Is it a deal?
FormID: 0102FDAC povsspridequest timo2yes 0 Good. Now don't think to try to find the treasure yourself for you don't know Iacus's secret code. And that you'll never learn from me.
__Good. Now don't think to try to find the treasure yourself for you don't know Iacus's secret code. And that you'll never learn from me.
FormID: 0102FDAC povsspridequest timo2yes 1 So first fetch me the first piece now. I heard Heinrich Oakenhall brag about how he found a piece of the map. Steal it from his house.
__So first fetch me the first piece now. I heard Heinrich Oakenhall brag about how he found a piece of the map. Steal it from his house.
FormID: 0102FDAB povsspridequest timo2no 0 Well I will be in Anvil for some time if you change your mind.
__Well I will be in Anvil for some time if you change your mind.
FormID: 010307BD povsspridequest camilla6yes 0 Another more beautiful than I? Do not mock me wretch, or I shall feast upon your entrails, suck the very marrow from your bones <blah blah>
__Another more beautiful than I? Do not mock me wretch, or I shall feast upon your entrails, suck the very marrow from your bones <blah blah>
FormID: 010307BD povsspridequest camilla6yes 1 ... Consume your still beating heart and smack your bottom until you can't sit down! Let me prove you wrong. Watch!
__... Consume your still beating heart and smack your bottom until you can't sit down! Let me prove you wrong. Watch!
FormID: 010307C2 povsspridequest camilla7yes 0 Huh! Eeeeek! Aaargh! Noooooo! It cannot be. Take it away, take it away I never want to see it again but...
__Huh! Eeeeek! Aaargh! Noooooo! It cannot be. Take it away, take it away I never want to see it again but...
FormID: 010307C4 povsspridequest camilla8yes 0 Not yet. You know where that creature is?
__Not yet. You know where that creature is?
FormID: 010307C6 povsspridequest camilla9yes 0 Ha ha! Ha ha ha! Muahahahahaha! Take these apples as a gift from me. Quickly.
__Ha ha! Ha ha ha! Muahahahahaha! Take these apples as a gift from me. Quickly.
FormID: 010307C8 povsspridequest camilla10yes 0 I never wear anything old and hate hats. No more words. Here are three apples. Makes sure she eats at least one.
__I never wear anything old and hate hats. No more words. Here are three apples. Makes sure she eats at least one.
FormID: 010307CD povsspridequest snowsnow1yes 0 How unoriginal. Listen you numbskull. Doc has filled me with so many antidotes if I bite a cobra it falls dead. Pass one over and I'll show you.
__How unoriginal. Listen you numbskull. Doc has filled me with so many antidote if I bite a cobra it falls dead. Pass one over and I'll show you.
FormID: 010307CD povsspridequest snowsnow1yes 1 [Snowwhite eats the apple with relish and no ill effect.]
__[Snowwhite eats the apple with relish and no ill effect.]
FormID: 010307CF povsspridequest snowsnow2yes 0 Satisfied? Then bog off!
__Satisfied? Then bog off!
FormID: 010307D2 povsspridequest camilla11yes 0 Goodie, goodie, goodie. Now let's just prove that. Please, have a seat.
__Goodie, goodie, goodie. Now let's just prove that. Please, have a seat.
FormID: 010307D4 povsspridequest camilla12yes 0 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!!!! It is not possible. She ate an apple?
__No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!!!! It is not possible. She ate an apple?
FormID: 010307D6 povsspridequest camilla13yes 0 Then I have been tricked. That scoundrel LaChance! I'll skin him alive! I paid good money for those apples. Let me see what you have left.
__Then I have been tricked. That scoundrel LaChance! I'll skin him alive! I paid good money for those apples. Let me see what you have left.
FormID: 010307D8 povsspridequest camilla14yes 0 No smell. They don't feel strange. If I touch my tongue to one I get..... Ngak!
__No smell. They don't feel strange. If I touch my tongue to one I get..... Ngak!

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Last-modified: 2011-03-16 (水) 22:58:33