

povssratcatchernote Edit

原文 Edit

<font face=5>
Rats are generally easy to dispose of.  An exception is the notorious Giant Rat of Sumatra.  This rat is almost invulnerable as witnessed by the famous detective Shirl Lock-Homes, a story that she never allowed to be published.  The rat is in fact invulnerable to every method of getting rid of it except the Rat Catcher. Not even the similar and otherwise very effective Rat Clubber will work. </font>
(The note goes on to describe the unspeakable ends met by anyone trying to dispose of it by other means.)

訳文 Edit

<font face=5>
Rats are generally easy to dispose of.  An exception is the notorious Giant Rat of Sumatra.  This rat is almost invulnerable as witnessed by the famous detective Shirl Lock-Homes, a story that she never allowed to be published.  The rat is in fact invulnerable to every method of getting rid of it except the Rat Catcher. Not even the similar and otherwise very effective Rat Clubber will work. </font>
(The note goes on to describe the unspeakable ends met by anyone trying to dispose of it by other means.)

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Last-modified: 2011-03-16 (水) 22:58:33